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skinnyspinach's College Council App

What is your Minecraft Username?: skinnyspinach [alt account of skinnylettuce]

Past warns/kicks/bans?: My last ban of any kind was all the way back in early 2018, though it was a false ban and the situation was resolved. To summarize, an ex-staff member had falsely accused me of stealing from police chests despite me having quit the KPD several months prior to the events. Despite me defending myself with evidence, he had banned me for two weeks, but the ban was lifted a few hours afterwards with the help of several other players defending my case.

What is your timezone?: EST [Eastern Standard Time]

Do you have Discord?: I do! It’s a tad on the inappropriate side but it is stupid bitchitis#3488

Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server? (Approved, Denied & Pending):
Application for School Festival’s Maid Cafe: Approved
Application for Karakura Police Department [KPD]: Approved
Application for Karakura Music Club: Approved
Application for Karakura Beautification Committee: Approved

Spanish Language Application [skinnylettuce] | Language Application | SchoolRP | Approved
Tagalog Language Application [skinnylettuce] | Language Application | SchoolRP | Denied [Due to Language not being Available]
EMS Application for Doctor [skinnyspinach] | skinnyspinach's Doctor Application | SchoolRP | Approved
Korean Language Application [skinnyspinach] | Language Application | SchoolRP | Approved
Hawaiian Language Application [skinnylettuce] | Language Application | SchoolRP | Approved
College Application [skinnylettuce] | skinnylettuce's College App! | SchoolRP | Approved
Spanish Language Application [skinnyspinach] | Spanish Language Application, Round Two | SchoolRP | Approved
JSL Language Application [skinnyspinach] | JSL Language Application, Round Two | SchoolRP | Approved

Describe your activity on the server: Admittedly, my activity has plummeted during a three month long hiatus I had taken from SchoolRP due to school dropping heavy amounts of work as well as personal issues involving the dreadful Covid. However, within that Hiatus I had helped plan and create events such as the PAC Talent Show in January, and the PAC-Council held event in February; the Victorian Ball. Now, starting roughly around two weeks ago, I have officially become much more active on SchoolRP again as things at home and school have finally been toning down, beginning to log onto the server for roughly around a couple of hours every other day or two. So, in summary, though my activity wasn’t too great in the past, as of recent and in the near future I will be capable of logging on just about daily… so pretty active!

Are you aware that inactivity for more than 15 days without an inactivity log will result in removal from the council?: Yes, I am fully aware of this, as well as experienced this unfortunate boot when I had forgotten to put in an inactivity log for some things during my hiatus… whoops.

What is the student council?:
The student council is a group of students inside a specific school who assist school faculty in making the school a better place; almost like a beautification committee, if you will. Student council members walk the school hallways in between periods and during breaks to ensure the positive attitudes and good behavior of students, while also dealing with troublemakers and delinquents whilst reporting suspicious activity to school staff. In classroom environments, if a student does not follow instructions or is disturbing class, if not listening to a teacher a council member will step in and assist in dealing with the troublemaker. The student council is also in charge of keeping students active in the school, assisting faculty in creating events that students of all ages would enjoy based on their knowledge of modern trends, and being young students themselves.

Who or what brought you to apply for the student council? (e.g. a friend, colleague, etc): I have personally always wanted to be in the student council! A few years ago on SchoolRP, I wasn’t able to join council, so I ran a little something called the Beautification Committee, which was an organization within the school to listen to all the complaints and recommendations students had and do their best to help them, from taking action themselves, to forwarding it to the student council and/or school faculty to take action into the situation in hand. It was also a committee that had fundraisers of all kinds to help with things such as general school funds. The reason why the committee had existed in the first place, however, was because the student council wasn’t necessarily active, nor did they help out in dealing with many in-school situations they could’ve easily stepped in for. It was really fun while it lasted, really. But, being finally given the opportunity to sign up to be part of the student council with amazing members such as Cencres on board, I’m finally taking a shot at it, and now I want to join because I want to pour my creativity onto the table for things such as the events hosted by the council, as well as things for council members to roleplay out in general- whether it be individually or as a group- to be much more out there within the SchoolRP community.

What does the school council of Karakura do?: On a typical school day, your average member of the Karakura student council would spend the time in between periods monitoring the hallways to ensure that there were no students up to no good, and that each student part of their particular grade level was getting to class- that is, of course, if a class was being held at the time. During classes, council members are present; Participating in class discussions, raising their hands to answer questions or volunteer for a presentation, etc. Council members are also there to help a teacher in need if a student is being troublesome and refusing to listen. Out of the average school day, in meetings with fellow council members and/or faculty, participation is absolutely vital. The input of every member on something- whether it be a major issue in the school, a complaint from the student, or planning a school event- is incredibly important. And with that input, you can also pitch in ideas and recommendations; Always have your mind open for discussion, and remember that with whatever task you are given, you must work harder than you are expected to, to show your true commitment towards the council and in making the school a better place.

How would you describe your work ethic?: I think I’m a decently hard worker; In the clubs that I have been in, I had always assisted in creating events, and sometimes even made and planned out actual events that happened despite not even being president. I have also assisted in creating some form of entertainment as well as activity within sports teams as well, whether it be a small performance or something to better people’s roleplay experiences. And if I planned something out, no matter how busy I may be in person and/or being on hiatus for whatever personal reasons that may have popped up, I always make sure I get my butt onto SRP and do my very best for the things I either helped in planning out, or fully made myself. So, with those things in mind as well as being a member of the lore team who’s currently in charge of working on something pretty important, spending hours upon hours on end working on things to add lots of flavor to the future of the SchoolRP, I think that’d equal out to my work ethic being pretty good.

What interests you the most about the student council?: Personally, the thing that interests me most out of the given opportunities of being part of the student council is simply the general roleplay experience. I always have enjoyed dabbling into different forms of RP, and with all that I have seen and witnessed, as well as even subtly partial-experienced with the student council, it is something that I have wanted to both experience and be fully committed to for a very long time. And something else that has tickled my fancy with the council was word of the events that the council is open to, and as someone who has created several event ideas that have actually been done later down the road such as the Victorian Ball, this is something that seriously caused my spark of interest to ablaze into a fire of full-blown encouragement to join.

Do you have past experience in roleplaying?: If I tried to explain my past experience with roleplaying, it’d be a several page essay if I’m going to be honest. So, to summarize in the simplest way possible; I have been roleplaying since the second grade, and am currently a junior in high school, indulging into hundreds of pages worth of lore and character creation with towers of paragraphs’ worth of Discord roleplay, Skype roleplay, and Minecraft roleplay over many years. So yes, I do have experience… maybe an awful lot of it

You are on the student council and a member submits an awful idea. What do you do?: I would just be honest and tell them that the idea isn’t really the best thing, because lying to them saying it’s good that will end up in falsely bringing their hopes up, or glossing over it and ignoring it, is not the way to go. But, even if the idea is bad, whatever the case may be I would try to take the idea and slowly build up onto it to make it something that can actually be pretty good or decent, because I think that if someone is confident in an idea they’ve made, where the idea is there but the execution in pitching was failed on, they should be given help in building on it.

In a situation where you propose an idea, and everyone else dislikes it. How would you go about this?: If they don’t like it, then it’s something they don’t like. However, if it’s something I am fully confident in, I would look into the idea and build into it more, elaborating upon the specifics of the idea and shedding more light into particular aspects that I am fond of, whilst also scratching out and/or fixing the parts in which the council members didn’t necessarily like themselves, and try to pitch it again; Basically learn what was wrong with my idea, fix it, and try to rebirth it into something better. But, if they don’t like it a second time, then, of course, it’s set in stone that it is something that cannot be done, and I will simply accept it.

There is a split decision on an idea. The councilors begin to debate if the idea should be accepted. As time goes on, the debate turns into an argument! How do you handle the situation?: If it turns into a heated situation, I would immediately try to take action to cool down the heat. Though, admittedly, it is a bit hypocritical of me as someone who does have some anger issues in my bowl of personality trait soup, I already know that- based on experience from different teams in the past- if you don’t resolve an argument in a team, whether you are part of that issue or not, there is a possibility that there will be a crack in the team that sections you off into groups, and/or end up in the team falling apart. As someone who has started arguments as well as gotten into several arguments typically over petty drama or the bare minimum of things, at the end of every one it always ended in me and someone else- or a few others- trying to collect everything that had happened, and fix the pieces of the broken puzzle little by little. So if people are going to start arguing, it’s either I’m going to pitch in and try to cool down the heat, having to DM people if I need to while also making sure both sides understand each other, and actually talk things out without getting petty. But,

A councilor is stirring up problems and bullying students on school grounds! What would you do?: If a councilor is doing the literal opposite of what someone in the student council is supposed to do, of course my first course of action is to immediately go up to them and confront them about it, explaining to them that what they’re doing would probably give them the boot from the council and why it would. Also, considering that they’re pretty much breaking council code- doing so by harassing students in the school and causing problems between students- I would also bring it up to the president and/or vice president of the council, whoever is available at the time, and allow the both of them to make the decision on what to do with the troublesome individual. However, if it’s either the vice president or president making trouble, I would go to a higher up on the issue and have them deal with the matter.

The council president says something you completely disagree with, how would you combat this?: Well, there’s no need to let it slide by and keep quiet, is there? Communication against people is something vital within teams. So, with that being said, I would simply be up front and tell them that I disagree with whatever it may be that the president had said, of course with an elaborate explanation as to why I may have disagreed with whatever statement or idea they put onto the table. If it’s a disagreement on something such as breaking a rule or doing something that could be found offensive, however, my first course of action would be to call them out on it and report it to staff because that’s just not swag!

There’s a staggering amount of tension/drama between two councilors. It’s beginning to affect their work ethic; how would you try to help?: If two councilors start stirring up drama between one another, I would be quick to call them out privately on the situation due to the fact that, well, any form of drama would butcher anyone’s work ethic into anything that they are in, and have them try to resolve the situation as fast as possible, because we don’t want their personal issues and attitude being rubbed against other people. If they refuse to talk things out and/or try to resolve the issue, I would most likely bring it to staff since, considering it’s their own personal drama, in bringing it to a staff member it doesn’t cause the risk of it to spread to the rest of the council and/or have the possibility of spreading to anyone else outside of the situation.

There’s a school faculty member abusing their power on school grounds! What do you do?: I would immediately confront them as soon as I can, calling them out on what they are doing wrong and, depending on the situation, tell them how they should’ve gone about doing things with the power they hold as a faculty member instead of abusing it. I’d also take screenshots of the conversation, because evidence and receipts are key for a lot of things nowadays. However, if they continue to use their power against me and/or completely ignore me, I would immediately bring it up to a higher up and have the situation be dealt with from there.

Your friend has been given detention and has asked you to get them out of trouble. What do you do?: Ignore it, simple as that. If a friend of yours tries to get you to abuse any kind of power you have, are they really a friend? Nope.

Character Name:
Santiago ‘Gardenia’ Gadea
Character Gender: Male [Pronouns: He/They]
Character Age: 20
Character phone-number: 619-697-998
Brief summary of how they act- your character’s personality: A very soft spoken individual who doesn’t necessarily talk often, Santiago comes off almost as a gentle giant, if you will. Relaxed in any given situation he is in, he never lashes out nor has a single instinct to act negatively towards something or someone, and if needed to speak, he is as polite and respectful as possible, and not just through words, but through mannerisms and actions in general. He has more patience than the average human would be packaged with upon being sent to earth. Though aware that time is very limited as years run by, Santiago sees no need in having to rush through things; There isn’t a single need for those to be angered and irritated with someone or something taking their time, being slow whether it be on accident or on purpose, etc. Patience, after all, is one of the keys to utmost calmness, something that Gadea in particular has been almost blessed with. Santiago is also always open to learn about new things, his mind being open to opinions of every single person around him. Even if one’s views may not be equivalent to his, he remains positive and accepts the beliefs of others, and is willing to learn more in depth about these beliefs, or just a random topic brought up to him. With the traits of peace and prosperity also includes his selfishness. If the word ‘selfless’ were to be a person, he might be considered a decent walking definition of the term. For instance, if Santiago were to be in a room of injured people, him being the most damaged, he would take his time to ensure the safety and health of all others before himself, not allowing a single individual to tend to him before everyone else is tended to. However, with such a trait, a downside comes with it; He never thinks for himself. Though one could consider this a good thing, it isn’t necessarily a positive trait. As someone who never worries for himself, he would guide and help several others through their own issues and never necessarily think about his own, and help himself get through his personal problems unless it involves someone else, or other people. So, in summary, he is a fairly decent individual, always respectable with his mind set on the safety and happiness of those around him; those who truly deserve it.

Character appearance/attire: Santiago was fairly tall, especially compared to the average height of your typical Japanese man, standing at 6’3, with an incredibly athletic body from previous years of playing Basketball in high school as well as being a bit of a gym head, his body having defined muscles and sharp features; broad shoulders, with prominent veins along his arms, hands, and neck. He has dark brown, thick, curly hair that drops down just barely brushing against his shoulders, though it is always tied up into either a ponytail or a small bun, the brown locks rarely being let down. He also had a set of deep brown eyes with crimson undertones to them. As for attire, based on what he would typically be find wearing, one would put him under the grunge aesthetic; always wearing dark clothes within the greyscale and neutral tones, with all kinds of rings and chains wrapped around his neck and hands alongside clothes that were almost the in between of comfort and fashion. Black ripped jeans, blouses with popular horror manga artists tucked into trousers, hoodies with small tears on them with several chains dangling around and about, you name it.

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?: “Ah- I think the best way I can answer this is that I want to ensure the safety of my classmates. I’m aware many people seek a spot in the council’s table for the privileges that come with it, whether it be helping the school in festivities or assisting their favorite teachers and professors. However, my main focus as a counselor would be to help the students in my school, whether it be to help tone down the drama in sports teams to better their teamwork and sportsmanship, breaking up fights, or even as simple as assisting a classmate in need, whether it be a medical or educational thing.”

Why do you want this position?: “I suppose it would be being given the privilege to help my classmates and other students in my school with genuine permission, and to assist council members in need of help with whatever situations that are in hand, especially considering that some of the students can cause quite some trouble for the councilmembers. I'd like to be there to help them out.”

What interests you the most about student council?: “Hmm.. Probably the fact that the counselors can have control over creating a beautification effect in the school; They are your fellow classmates who are around solely to help you and improve the educational environment that you’re in, and I like that.. A lot.”

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?: “I mean… I guess the best that I can contribute to the school to make it feel like a better place for my peers would be making sure that they’re all safe… happy, healthy. The whole gist- not in the way a parent would, no… that might rub off on some people a certain way. But as a friend, or a classmate. A counselor. However they want to look at me, that’s up to them. But- I want to be someone that people in the school can come to if they need a helping hand, you know? Whether it be something small, like studying for some kind of quiz, or some clashing drama that could be affecting them, or even a team. So, I guess you can say that… what I can contribute to my classmates, to make their environment feel more safe, is a fair share of kindness, and someone to go to when they’re in need, whether it be someone just talk to or if they’re in something deep… because I know many students who don’t have access to either.”


Level 143
Community Team
Content Team

- Congratulations you have been accepted. Your application was reviewed by myself and the Council Presidents and it was agreed upon to accept you. All you need to do join the Academics Discord and @ WiffyBanter inside of the #help channel. You'll recieve your Discord Role. Later you may either request your IN-GAME role through /help, Role Request or request it from me in the Council Chat when I am online.​

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