What is your Minecraft username?: SleepyS3b
What is your time zone?: CST
What is your discord username? @SleepyS3b
Link all previous applications you made on the server:
https://schoolrp.net/threads/sleepys3bs-language-application.69303/ - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/sleepys3bs-other-application.69252/ - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/sleepys3bs-language-application.69251/ - DENIED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/sleepys3bs-language-application.69250/ - DENIED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/sleepys3bs-language-application.67619/ - DENIED
Describe your activity on SchoolRP: I am very active, I am on whenever! I am homeschooled so I can be on whenever!
Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general: I was used to roleplay when I was really young on a server called WaffleGalaxy, on my Ipad. I have years of experience.
What are your current roles on SchoolRP: My current roles on SchoolRP are Grade - 12.
What is the subject you want to teach?: Visual Arts or Art.
What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:
My motivation for becoming a professor is to be driven by a passion for teaching and sharing your knowledge about art. I want to inspire and educate students about the intricacies and beauty of art, fostering their appreciation and understanding of the subject. By dedicating yourself to teaching, I aim to impart valuable insights and skills to the next generation of artists and enthusiasts. I am enthusiastic that the art of art will undoubtedly inspire and engage your students, making my role as a professor both rewarding and impactful.
Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:
What is your Minecraft username?: SleepyS3b
What is your time zone?: CST
What is your discord username? @SleepyS3b
Link all previous applications you made on the server:
https://schoolrp.net/threads/sleepys3bs-language-application.69303/ - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/sleepys3bs-other-application.69252/ - ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/sleepys3bs-language-application.69251/ - DENIED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/sleepys3bs-language-application.69250/ - DENIED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/sleepys3bs-language-application.67619/ - DENIED
Describe your activity on SchoolRP: I am very active, I am on whenever! I am homeschooled so I can be on whenever!
Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general: I was used to roleplay when I was really young on a server called WaffleGalaxy, on my Ipad. I have years of experience.
What are your current roles on SchoolRP: My current roles on SchoolRP are Grade - 12.
What is the subject you want to teach?: Visual Arts or Art.
What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:
My motivation for becoming a professor is to be driven by a passion for teaching and sharing your knowledge about art. I want to inspire and educate students about the intricacies and beauty of art, fostering their appreciation and understanding of the subject. By dedicating yourself to teaching, I aim to impart valuable insights and skills to the next generation of artists and enthusiasts. I am enthusiastic that the art of art will undoubtedly inspire and engage your students, making my role as a professor both rewarding and impactful.
Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:
- Portfolio Development: To assist the students to possibly have a professional pursuit in the fine arts!
- Collaborative Projects: Working as a team can promote the bonds of students coming together, with teamwork and creative thinking.
Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted: Art fairs or festivals, it would be a great thing to see all the difference art can make and get their minds wanting to expand their horizons!
Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?
He would approach the situation at hand, ask if everything’s alright. Make sure it’s not anything like bullying. Always have the confidence to talk, people to be stuck up for.
Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
He, himself, would walk over to the desk and have a chat with them! Telling them “Please be quiet, this is detention, but what seems to be the issue?” Most of the time teenagers act like this because they need help or reassurance!
Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
He would tell everyone to turn off their phones, it was disturbing the class, if it didn't stop, He’d see them after class to have a chat with them. If the remarks to the other students are outrageous he’d give them a warning. Students shouldn’t be cut down, only lifted up!
Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
Grab more adults, getting help with the situation at hand. The more attention it brings to adults the more we can bounce ideas and make actions quicker! If there are none around, he’d put himself in the middle of it, or grab one of the students, and pull them away from the other one.
Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

Jikai Kakumyo! A professional sweetheart! Always willing to help and fix conflicts. Wanting the best for everyone around him no matter what! Willing to do whatever it takes to teach right from wrong before the students enter the big world! They have blonde wavy hair that goes down to his shoulders, pretty green eyes that twinkle like emeralds when they first wash. A smile that welcomes everyone, a heart that hurts when his students are hurt. Jikai has an eye for art, loving the creative immersion! His outlook on students? He adores them! Seeing them grow up to be something amazing is his dream. The plans for the future are teaching, teaching till he can’t do it any more! But after that he wants to settle down somewhere and see where the world goes, go for walks around, enjoying his life.
Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.
He became a teacher because of his love of helping others. Since Jikai didn’t have children or grandkids, he wanted to see others grow up, adapt, and glow! Like the stars they art! Everyone is unique and special in their own way, and he wanted to see how other peoples little stars would be with his help! Before teaching, Jikai would spend most of his free time drawing or painting! Art was his passion, a big one! The thing he loved the most was drawing unique little stars in the sky! As a kid, he struggled with finding his place in the world. Making it difficult to make friends, bullied and made fun of for how not social he was. Jikai doesn’t want anyone to go through that.
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)
Full Name: Jikai “Jik” Kakumyo!
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr!
Given Name(s): Jikai, Kai, Jik!
Preferred Name: Jik
Age: 29
Gender & pronouns: Male, he/him.
Religious Denomination: Atheist
Marital Status: Single
Nationality: Japanese
Current Location: Karakura, Japan
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Teaching Experience (# of years): 5 years in total!
Working Experience (# of years): 5 years!
Academic Degree: Bachelor's Degree
Year of Graduation: 2006
Major(s): Fine arts
Minors: Art history
Native Languages: Japanese
Other Languages: Japanese Sign Language
Preferred Teaching Subject: Art