IGN: rinis
DATE: 3/27/2023
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Onrain things, just little things that I've been noticing or thought were cool :3 Some I believe are bug/easy fixes; some are suggestions to take it as you will
- Delete messages/old DMs. Tippie. I accidentally click message instead of follow like ALL THE TIME and its embarrassing plz help
- Show who liked your stuff. I need validation from the 5 Joe Biden accounts
- Be able to tag multiple people in posts. It only @'s the first person you tag so idk if this is a bug but yeah
- Delete/edit comments. At least delete your own comments and maybe the comments on your own post
- Tag people in GC's; maybe just give a notification for it? and when you click it, it can take you to where you were mentioned. idk it'd be nice to be able to tag someone in the bobcat gc when dramas hitting
- Fix posting photos- it makes me sad everyone else can see them and I can't (like my own photos)
- Add the follow/message button on mobile (idk if there's a trick but when I checked you can't follow on mobile)
- A block button would be cool (sometimes people post weird stuff and it makes me hella uncomfortable, which I get depending report it to staff but yk)
- Maybe add a feed section where it shows you only the stuff the people you are following are posting? I never see my friends stuff and end up searching them up now and then so idk might make things easier. Trending hardly updates; a lot of posts are months old so idk maybe seeing friends stuff would be more interesting?
None of these are like me demanding for, just things I notice will be nice to see added on Onrain or fixed up since I use it a bit more frequently
DATE: 3/27/2023
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Onrain things, just little things that I've been noticing or thought were cool :3 Some I believe are bug/easy fixes; some are suggestions to take it as you will
- Delete messages/old DMs. Tippie. I accidentally click message instead of follow like ALL THE TIME and its embarrassing plz help
- Show who liked your stuff. I need validation from the 5 Joe Biden accounts
- Be able to tag multiple people in posts. It only @'s the first person you tag so idk if this is a bug but yeah
- Delete/edit comments. At least delete your own comments and maybe the comments on your own post
- Tag people in GC's; maybe just give a notification for it? and when you click it, it can take you to where you were mentioned. idk it'd be nice to be able to tag someone in the bobcat gc when dramas hitting
- Fix posting photos- it makes me sad everyone else can see them and I can't (like my own photos)
- Add the follow/message button on mobile (idk if there's a trick but when I checked you can't follow on mobile)
- A block button would be cool (sometimes people post weird stuff and it makes me hella uncomfortable, which I get depending report it to staff but yk)
- Maybe add a feed section where it shows you only the stuff the people you are following are posting? I never see my friends stuff and end up searching them up now and then so idk might make things easier. Trending hardly updates; a lot of posts are months old so idk maybe seeing friends stuff would be more interesting?
None of these are like me demanding for, just things I notice will be nice to see added on Onrain or fixed up since I use it a bit more frequently