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Level 3
IGN: Cheesechexmix
DATE: 12/21/2021
An addendum to the Server Rules in regards to Animal Whitelists.
Guess who's back again with obscure issues that most likely will only come into play once every month if that? This guy! To cut to the chase as quickly as possible, having to rebuy a seperate animal whitelist each time you want to change the animal you play as is plainly ridiculous and essentially a ploy to extort as much money as possible from the community without trying to maximize the same amount of enjoyment given. I know this comes off as aggressive, which it is slightly due to personal belief that this practice is disgusting, but I knwo that also means there's zero chance that simply making it so once you have the animal whitelist you can request a switch to a different animal role on the spur of the moment. As such, I offer a simple solution that both maintains the ability to monotize the whitelist, that will make the owners of said whitelist happier, and will also possibly allow others to more easily hop into the whitelist.

Once every thirty to sixty days allow animal whitelist players to switch their animal whitelist to that of another animal for free, and have them pay the $15 for any changes within the meantime of that. Alternatively, allowing the Animal Whitelist purchase to actually be access to all of the animal whitelists and being able to request a role change to another animal whenever the owner wishes would be preferable, I believe the first option is fair as is. This will help keep players from completely burning out on their animal whitelists and allow other players to try new animals without worrying if they'll absolutely hate it or not. Regardless of what happens, in a server which is primarily played between the ages of 13-17, having them pay $15 each time they want to play as some stupid little animal is absolutely outrageous. At the absolute worst make it a rank upgrade to change animals, somewhere along five dollars maximum, but a free change in a month or permanently is still best.


Level 40
I am pretty confident that you can make a 1 time change completely free, but that is only a 1 time thing. This would allow more variety in people's play as animals. I personally haven't been playing on my animals as to avoid burnout that I could feel coming, also I have to be in the right mood to play as my animals.I have also been developing a lot of good story on my human character and been having a huge amount of fun after playing my animals for such an extended period of time. I personally have no intention of changing my animal whitelists however I can see people wanting this very much. Giving animal players a chance to explore the other options is a fantastic idea and is the right thing to do considering it has little effect on the server if a player wants to change animals.


Level 343
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your feedback, after discussing this with the staff team we have decided to look into this.

- Animal whitelists are treated as products, similar to our custom item & vehicle system, meaning they cannot be changed once applied (or if you've had the role beyond 24 hours).​
- Myself & Ducks will look into a way to make the system a little less complex & expensive.​

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