Level 53
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In Game Name): SnowTokyo, might change it later but not quite sure yet.
Previous bans:
One: For bypassing an AFK kick back in... 2017 or 2018 my user at the time was _AngelTheWolf18_ and yes I know my user was bad.
Two: Giving out a server IP when I was new in 2015 my user at the time was Zane18 back in 2015 was Perm banned but got it removed after a while now I really enjoy this server.
Describe your activity on the server: I try to get on every day I am mostly on from 12 pm to 8 or 9 pm on weekends from 8 am to 12 am sometimes, the server is always the best when playing on it.
Do you have Discord? Yes, it is SnowTokyo#3748 message me any time if you would like!
Do you have a microphone? Yes, but I don't use it much due to my parents, school, and my brother and other stuff but sometimes I can use it when I am home alone but that is very rare cause they do not leave me alone that often so it is very hard to do so.
List your current and past applications:
Police Application x9 (Denied)
History Teacher Application x2 (Denied)
Science Teacher Application x1 (Denied)
What is your motivation for applying?: Ever since I was little I always admire the Police Force when I was little I always liked to watch the officers I even watch Cops (a TV show in America) at times and watched Live PD at times as well and even might go into the police academy when I am older, but for now I'm sticking with SchoolRP's Cops cause its less risky for my life In-Real-Life so I am starting out with this before I do anything else, and also maybe when I am older might join the Police Academy in Japan or at least Misawa where my brother was born on an army base.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct? Yes, I understand I have studied the basics of law and government and I understand the Basic Conduct like no Drugs, no underage drinking, and no gang violence are a few examples of them
What are the Police ranks?
From Highest to Lowest:
Head Lieutenant
Vice Head Lieutenant
Patrol Officer
What knowledge do you have of Police Work. Yes, I do have knowledge of it I have studied law and government I know the basics of police work as well as some of the complicated ones been arrested many times on my characters to know how they operate so this is nothing new to me.
Why are Police important to SchoolRP? Well, SchoolRP is designed to make it feel like In Real Life Japan so they added cops a school and a town for plays the cops are important to make sure the Citizens are safe from any danger or harm Police also keep the city protected from any threats or gangs Example of the gangs are a few that have gone after the cops but many cops survived but some didn't I am expecting nothing less than this to happen in case of anything happening the other officer will be there.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time? Yes, I understand.
In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique? He would have black hair and brown eyes and always cared for people he is very polite and very quiet at times he can get frustrated but that is rare for him but he always has a smile on his face and always talks about the bright side of things even when things are going wrong so he is the right guy for the job.
What he's like on the and off the job? He is very polite on and off the job but he can get frustrated at times but that is rare for him he always smiles always proud of his job and what he is doing for his community he always has a positive way of things even if they are going wrong.
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future? He has a very positive attitude on his co-workers and he always greets them with either a hug which is not often or bows to them to say hello and his plans for the future are to hopefully become the Commissioner of the Police Force but maybe that will happen someday
BACKSTORY Haruki 'Ruki' Nae was born in Misawa in 1988 when he was born he had a very special place he was born when it was snowing for a few months after but that is usually normal for a Japan on this day, he was also born with dark brown hair but eventually got darker becoming black hair and his eyes always were brown and he also was always very tiny for his age when he was 6 he weighed to be 44lbs and when he turned 10 he weighed to be 55lbs very small for his age any way he was very special he always admired the police and his dad also worked a police officer until 1990 when he decided to retire to spend time with Haruki and his wife Haruki has no other siblings and wishes he did have siblings, but sadly when he was 11 years old his dad passed away in a car accident but they didn't stop him the motived him more to be a police officer so his mom encouraged him to be one, so when he was 14 he decided to study Law and Government he explored America, Europe and even more parts of Asia like Taiwan and Korea he learned that the laws in Japan were very different but similar to other Asian places. and 29 was stationed in South Korea for a bit for at least two years, but besides that, he always dedicated himself to the job and also the laws also state in South Korea that you must be 18 to 29 FOR males to be in Korean Military and also its the law there.
When he was 15 he had done some youth training programs in his local Police Department and learned a lot about the cops so his dream is to be a police officer to help out the community of the town he also has a niece in the town so hopefully he will get to meet her someday.
So here he is attempting to be a police officer in his town that he moved to.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name: Haruki 'Ruki' Nae
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr.
Given Name(s): Haru Kazama
Preferred Name: Officer Kazama
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: Buddhism
Marital Status: Single
Nationality: Japanese
Current Location: Karakura, Japan
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training: Two years
Working Experience: Two Years
Academic Degree: Master Degree
Year of Graduation: 2015
Major(s): Criminal Justice
Minor(s): Criminology
Native Languages: Japanese
Other Languages: Spanish
IGN (In Game Name): SnowTokyo, might change it later but not quite sure yet.
Previous bans:
One: For bypassing an AFK kick back in... 2017 or 2018 my user at the time was _AngelTheWolf18_ and yes I know my user was bad.
Two: Giving out a server IP when I was new in 2015 my user at the time was Zane18 back in 2015 was Perm banned but got it removed after a while now I really enjoy this server.
Describe your activity on the server: I try to get on every day I am mostly on from 12 pm to 8 or 9 pm on weekends from 8 am to 12 am sometimes, the server is always the best when playing on it.
Do you have Discord? Yes, it is SnowTokyo#3748 message me any time if you would like!
Do you have a microphone? Yes, but I don't use it much due to my parents, school, and my brother and other stuff but sometimes I can use it when I am home alone but that is very rare cause they do not leave me alone that often so it is very hard to do so.
List your current and past applications:
Police Application x9 (Denied)
History Teacher Application x2 (Denied)
Science Teacher Application x1 (Denied)
What is your motivation for applying?: Ever since I was little I always admire the Police Force when I was little I always liked to watch the officers I even watch Cops (a TV show in America) at times and watched Live PD at times as well and even might go into the police academy when I am older, but for now I'm sticking with SchoolRP's Cops cause its less risky for my life In-Real-Life so I am starting out with this before I do anything else, and also maybe when I am older might join the Police Academy in Japan or at least Misawa where my brother was born on an army base.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct? Yes, I understand I have studied the basics of law and government and I understand the Basic Conduct like no Drugs, no underage drinking, and no gang violence are a few examples of them
What are the Police ranks?
From Highest to Lowest:
Head Lieutenant
Vice Head Lieutenant
Patrol Officer
What knowledge do you have of Police Work. Yes, I do have knowledge of it I have studied law and government I know the basics of police work as well as some of the complicated ones been arrested many times on my characters to know how they operate so this is nothing new to me.
Why are Police important to SchoolRP? Well, SchoolRP is designed to make it feel like In Real Life Japan so they added cops a school and a town for plays the cops are important to make sure the Citizens are safe from any danger or harm Police also keep the city protected from any threats or gangs Example of the gangs are a few that have gone after the cops but many cops survived but some didn't I am expecting nothing less than this to happen in case of anything happening the other officer will be there.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time? Yes, I understand.

In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique? He would have black hair and brown eyes and always cared for people he is very polite and very quiet at times he can get frustrated but that is rare for him but he always has a smile on his face and always talks about the bright side of things even when things are going wrong so he is the right guy for the job.
What he's like on the and off the job? He is very polite on and off the job but he can get frustrated at times but that is rare for him he always smiles always proud of his job and what he is doing for his community he always has a positive way of things even if they are going wrong.
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future? He has a very positive attitude on his co-workers and he always greets them with either a hug which is not often or bows to them to say hello and his plans for the future are to hopefully become the Commissioner of the Police Force but maybe that will happen someday
BACKSTORY Haruki 'Ruki' Nae was born in Misawa in 1988 when he was born he had a very special place he was born when it was snowing for a few months after but that is usually normal for a Japan on this day, he was also born with dark brown hair but eventually got darker becoming black hair and his eyes always were brown and he also was always very tiny for his age when he was 6 he weighed to be 44lbs and when he turned 10 he weighed to be 55lbs very small for his age any way he was very special he always admired the police and his dad also worked a police officer until 1990 when he decided to retire to spend time with Haruki and his wife Haruki has no other siblings and wishes he did have siblings, but sadly when he was 11 years old his dad passed away in a car accident but they didn't stop him the motived him more to be a police officer so his mom encouraged him to be one, so when he was 14 he decided to study Law and Government he explored America, Europe and even more parts of Asia like Taiwan and Korea he learned that the laws in Japan were very different but similar to other Asian places. and 29 was stationed in South Korea for a bit for at least two years, but besides that, he always dedicated himself to the job and also the laws also state in South Korea that you must be 18 to 29 FOR males to be in Korean Military and also its the law there.
When he was 15 he had done some youth training programs in his local Police Department and learned a lot about the cops so his dream is to be a police officer to help out the community of the town he also has a niece in the town so hopefully he will get to meet her someday.
So here he is attempting to be a police officer in his town that he moved to.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name: Haruki 'Ruki' Nae
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr.
Given Name(s): Haru Kazama
Preferred Name: Officer Kazama
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: Buddhism
Marital Status: Single
Nationality: Japanese
Current Location: Karakura, Japan
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training: Two years
Working Experience: Two Years
Academic Degree: Master Degree
Year of Graduation: 2015
Major(s): Criminal Justice
Minor(s): Criminology
Native Languages: Japanese
Other Languages: Spanish

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