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Denied SnowyRaisipta | Lawyer Application


Level 36

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Timezone & Country:

Brazil - BRT

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):

Describe your activity on the server:

I will describe how my schedule currently works for me, because due to various things that occur in my life, it can impact my activity, be it family issues, school issues, psychological issues, etc.

9:00 -> 23:00
18:00 -> 23:00
19:00 -> 23:00
21:00 -> 23:00
21:00 -> 23:00
13:00 -> 23:00
10:00 -> 23:00

Remember, it's not a fixed schedule, this can change depending on the situation I'm going through, sometimes I can leave earlier or later, and enter earlier and leave later, but it really depends.

Another thing I add is my holidays, if I have nothing to do, or I'm somewhere, I can be like Sunday.


What position are you applying for?:


What is your motivation for applying?:

Well, have some motives for me decide apply for Karakura government faction, i will list every here


Im curious about how is work in that faction on Karakura, I feel like, is something that can be bit hard, but I can challenge my self and try my best to work there. It is something that I will have to have my full ability to do my best to be the best in this area. It's an extremely important faction on the server, and therefore, I want to show my ability, and be able to find out more about everything. Not to mention seeing what it is like to have experience in this job, what challenges I will have to face in the future, how I will do this, dedicating myself to the best of my ability.
Having the opportunity to learn something interesting like this can be really fun, so that's why I'm curious, I would like to see and understand what it's like to have this role on the server, I feel like it can be something very fun, but at the same time stressful, and it's going to be really hard work, but in the end, it will be worth it


Responsibility is something very essential for this specific position, because we are talking about a position that has to be responsible for helping other people with the laws, or very important documents, and everything has to be inspected carefully, to make a good investigation and verification about the cases we have in our hands, as many pieces of evidence that will have to come into our hands to be able to proceed with something, or a defense of a person, and much more. This is all to be able to help everyone in accordance with the law in which they are involved. So, responsibility is something very important in this case, because a small mistake can cause a serious mistake, and we don't want to commit that.

Exploration and learning

Since I joined the server I've been learning everything about it, especially about the jobs, I've been trying different things and learning from several mistakes, until it becomes a success, and it's no different with the jobs, I've gotten to know how it works, understanding and understanding, to do better service onwards. However, what we can learn outside is not everything, I want to learn the experience you have, have an idea of how everything works, of how other people I see in this job do to be able to carry out these services that can sometimes seem complicated. Being inside the position would help me learn a lot about how the government position works. In addition to learning better about the city's laws, and much more.
I really want to be able to discover a lot of new things when I enter this area, because it's something that's really cool to understand, something cool to do in Karakura. There can be a lot of fun, sometimes a little frustration, but that can be relieved quickly, not to mention forming new friendships on the server, seeing more people who have entered this role, being able to introduce yourself, and being able to create great bonds of friendship.

SRP Knowledge

I am a player who has been on this server for a long time, and I feel that I already have a certain experience and knowledge of how most things work, when it comes to the Government, I understand a lot about the things they can do, in my case the that I am selecting, I can help players who, for example, want to make a restriction order, in my position that I am choosing, I can carry that out.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:

Yes, I do have some knowledge of Karakura’s laws and the Constitutional rights. And I can learn much more of the Karakura’s laws

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:

Yes! Hiroshi wants to show his great responsibility, earned by the care he took in his family, Hiroshi also wants to be able to help people who need help in Karakura City, he wants to show his preparation, show his ability, and how he understands many of the situations. Also, bring more knowledge to him, make him understand much more about this position he is wanting to go to, and make him more responsible.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:

Lawyers are a very important body within the government, their objective is to help all individuals understand how the law works in the places they are, and to be able to guide possible new people in the city. Lawyers also tend to deal with various duties involving the city, for example, documenting a restraining order, researching criminal activity and being able to try to create a possible defense if the person is innocent, being able to assist people in adopting people, and much more.
If they are going to ask a legal question that involves defending a person, they must inspect everything carefully, so that they can defend the person in the best possible way, show the main points that favor them, but to achieve these objectives, it can take a long time, as they must deeply research what is in front of them. In the end, they will evaluate their clients' advantages and disadvantages, which will favor the person they are investigating and researching, to be able to help them in the best possible way.
Also another example, like in creating restraining orders, they have to inspect and investigate what was going on for the person to want to open a restraining order against another person, they have to inspect the main evidence that the person in question had on their desk, to be able to open, investigate in better way to deal with they, and in the end, be able to actually hand the person this document, if everything is successful. This requires a lot of care and must be very in-depth to be able to create it.
Lawyers also tend to defend their clients, for example in a criminal trial, he will investigate the entire case he will take forward, what must be done to defend the person, what are the positive points that the person has to be defended, and can be free, and what the negative points are, he has to deeply research the case of these people, to be able to judge in some correct way, and to be able to help his client in the best possible way. If you are following legal means, they can present several arguments that will favor their client.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:

Yes, im sure about that

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:

Yes, I promise being dedicated, and responsible on this position I’m choosing

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:

Yes, of course. I agree with that topic!

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:

Yes, I read and I agreed with the respective rules

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:

I hope yes, Because depending on the time is, I’m at college or studying for respective tests and exams. And, I swear, my routine is very tiring, but almost always, in the late afternoon for me, or in the evening, it's calmer for me, except on Wednesdays and Thursdays, where I explained everything in the best way possible. But I will do my best to attend the meetings & events! I swear


Full name:

Hiroshi Nakamura

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):

Mr. Nakamura

Current age:

45 years old

Date of birth:



I’m biologically Male

Academic Degree:

I completed my post-graduation degree, on FDSM on Brazil, in my hometown. (Faculdade de Direito do Sul de Minas)


I majored in Bachelor of Laws


I have some minors in Bachelor of Medicine, due my former job I had, also I have a Bachelor's Degree in Biology.

Work experience:

Well, before moving to Karakura, I already had experience in the hospital, as I worked as a doctor, and I had a lot of experience with the responsibility, but I feel that the government can be even more, after my postgraduate degree, I did an internship in some other states in my home country, before moving to Karakura, and I say that it was quite a challenge, but even so, I decided to face this challenge

Nationality & born location:

Brazilian - Pouso Alegre MG (Minas Gerais)

Fluent languages (Underline your native):

Japanese, Portuguese

Criminal record:

N/A, all clean!

What makes you a good candidate for this job?

Look. What makes me a good candidate is the way I act. I may seem like someone who is ordinary and has nothing special, but the way I act, I am a very responsible person, because since I was little, I was taught good manners, responsibility and how to act in certain situations. I was very disciplined by my parents, they were quite strict about some things, everything to make me be the best person possible, to be very responsible, educated, so that I could form a good family and guarantee my best for all of them. I had a lot of difficulty achieving all my goals that I wanted to be able to achieve. It was quite a struggle, but I managed to stay on track and managed to graduate. I studied a lot with my current wife and we always helped each other.
I see myself as a good candidate, as it is not just about intelligence or skills, but it is about extreme responsibility, confidence and especially passion for the work. I was always prepared for something very big, my father was the one who prepared me the most for the fight in the world, the weight that the world can put on your shoulders, but how can you continue with these challenges, and continue to fight, that is, What makes me good is being a candidate who, with a lot of determination, desire and patience, helped me achieve my goals and overcome challenges. I leave this message of inspiration for everyone close to me, not to give up on their abilities, or on something that may seem difficult. Everything will be fine if you strive for something you really want in your future.
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Level 185
News Lead

After careful discussion with the Higher Ups of the faction, we have chosen to deny you:

Other applicants stood out more. We appreciate your application, and you can apply again at any time!​

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