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Accepted Sofetios - Verified Business Application


Level 2


IGN: Sofetios
Discord: sofetios
Describe your activity on the server: I've been on and off the server for a good year or two. I've come back and am active on the server as of two-three weeks ago. Even though I've been on and off before, I plan on being active from here on out. Though being completely honest my life IRL throws stuff at me sometimes.

What is the name of your business?: Jaya S. Jayamen Enterprise and Services
Attach a discord link to your business here:
In a paragraph or more, please describe what your business does: Jaya S. Jayamen Enterprise and Services, A business run by one guy (atm)! We make people Big Shots with our services. We provide services aimed to be affordable for everyone with our "pay what you want" payment model. We provide multiple different items, custom items (art and others), and services. Our list of things we offer grows by the week! Currently we provide these,

Rooms for rent!
Cab Service!
Custom Paintings! (In Minecraft books)
Renting the SALE Truck
Food Truck services
Books for sale
Game Stuff
Dance Lessons (future)
Money Help (free fishing rod and help getting to beach. Not loans)
The Jayamen Journal (a literature publication that will come out edition by edition)
General Help
Town Tours
And more to come!

Is your business non-profit or for-profit?: To be honest I'm not sure. We are for profit in the way we keep extra money we make, but we also only have people pay what they want, making it free to X, X being whatever the person wants to pay.

What is your business’s mission statement?: Jaya S. Jayamen Enterprise and Services! We aim to provide services affordable to all.
What do you plan to accomplish with your business?: The plan is to make an Enterprise covering many areas with good reputation and affordable to all.
Specify one event your business would host/take part in on the server: It could be a lot of things! From my food truck opening to (when I have employees eventually) having an art event where we paint paintings for people multiple at a time.

Do you understand that your business may lose its verified status if not kept active?: I understand.
Do you have any additional comments?:

1. I would highly like you to read our post in the discord. It further explains what kind of stuff we do.

2. Our discord is fresh made, so I may need help or guidance making it look better, add more things, make it functional, make it fit what SRP says it should be etc.
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Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator

Thank you for applying, I have decided to accept your application. In future, please add a bit more to your application in order to make it more thorough for reviewal. That said, please send me a ping in the Karakura Town discord to get your roles set up!

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