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Some Onrain Features


Level 44
IGN: ProblematicFinn
DATE: 10/04/2023
Some Onrain features that I think would make the website more interesting!

Birthdays!! -
I feel like adding a feature where you can set your character's birthday would have a great effect on the website. When adding your birthday it would show the age of the character, as well as whenever it's your character's birthday a little birthday cake icon would be displayed by their name so everyone could see it's their birthday. This would make for some awesome birthday posts from friends...

Interests -
So this one is like with Twitter how whenever you create a new account for Twitter or really any social media platform they have you select your interests from gaming to music..etc. I feel like with Onrain you should be able to select your interests as well so you could have your home page be more FOR YOU so it would show more of your interests and then you'll be able to follow pages that you actually seem interested in.

More Account Details -
Just like adding your day of birth I feel as though it should also be a little like Facebook... Being able to add a relationship status, age, birthplace, current location, where you work, where you go to school(Of course the only options would be either the high school or college). Be able to add family members, how to pronounce your name, nicknames, and phone number...And of course all of these other details you would be able to change the privacy of from either, public, private, or only friends.

Videos/Reels -
Let's be able to not only post photos, but also videos and maybe even reels to add some more interaction with posting. This could go into affect when some of the staff ran accounts like: Karakura Academics or Karakura News where they can post highlights of school events that happened or advertisements for shops/upcoming trials.

Account Types -
I feel like there should be an option for different types of accounts for example a personal account or business account. A business account would be for like shops and factions. With the business accounts they will be able to post updates of their shops, announce when they are hiring(which they could hook up to their discord servers so that it would be posted on Onrain as well as the discord server they have), a list of all the items they sell as well as being able to advertise upcoming products. Just like business accounts for Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and etc. do.

Messages and Group Chats -
I feel like having the ability to pin important group chats and messages would be a great addition to the messaging system this way if you have a bunch of people you message you don't have to scroll in order to find them or look up their account to message them.

Those are just some ideas for additions to Onrain to make it more interesting! If you have some of your own ideas feel free to put them in the comments!


Level 118
Birthdays!! -
I feel like adding a feature where you can set your character's birthday would have a great effect on the website. When adding your birthday it would show the age of the character, as well as whenever it's your character's birthday a little birthday cake icon would be displayed by their name so everyone could see it's their birthday. This would make for some awesome birthday posts from friends...
+1 Seems super cool and fun to do! Although it'd be slightly annoying
Interests -
So this one is like with Twitter how whenever you create a new account for Twitter or really any social media platform they have you select your interests from gaming to music..etc. I feel like with Onrain you should be able to select your interests as well so you could have your home page be more FOR YOU so it would show more of your interests and then you'll be able to follow pages that you actually seem interested in.
+1 YES. JUST YES. Just hope it doesn't get abused
More Account Details -
Just like adding your day of birth I feel as though it should also be a little like Facebook... Being able to add a relationship status, age, birthplace, current location, where you work, where you go to school(Of course the only options would be either the high school or college). Be able to add family members, how to pronounce your name, nicknames, and phone number...And of course all of these other details you would be able to change the privacy of from either, public, private, or only friends.
Some of this seems excellent but some of it doesn't. I feel like this would just be a pain in the bum to add.
Videos/Reels -
Let's be able to not only post photos, but also videos and maybe even reels to add some more interaction with posting. This could go into affect when some of the staff ran accounts like: Karakura Academics or Karakura News where they can post highlights of school events that happened or advertisements for shops/upcoming trials.
Yes but lag n stuff
Account Types -
I feel like there should be an option for different types of accounts for example a personal account or business account. A business account would be for like shops and factions. With the business accounts they will be able to post updates of their shops, announce when they are hiring(which they could hook up to their discord servers so that it would be posted on Onrain as well as the discord server they have), a list of all the items they sell as well as being able to advertise upcoming products. Just like business accounts for Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and etc. do.
Already exists I believe
Messages and Group Chats -
I feel like having the ability to pin important group chats and messages would be a great addition to the messaging system this way if you have a bunch of people you message you don't have to scroll in order to find them or look up their account to message them.
+1 It'd be so easy!

Overall it's a +1


Level 42
AW! This is so cute. I know there was a suggestion done by Rini a few weeks back which was to make the website more accessible which got accepted. With this, characters will be able to add more personalization to their account. Cute!


Level 4
+1 for all of these, we also need to fix the buttons to make them more... button like


Level 32
+1 cute ideas
(I think they already have account types and they used to have “in a relationship with…” like in the old onrain. Not sure if they still have it now :’)


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion!

- We'll look into adding some of these features that aren't already on ONRAIN.​

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