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Denied Sourmara event team application


Level 2
IGN: bittersweetLie

Describe your activity and potential punishment history as a player of the server:
I play up to 5-7 hours on week days and 7-9 on weekends if you find me I will either be chilling with friends or role playing as my new oc. I have gotten warned once it was a misunderstanding I just joined back after quitting when I first tried the server I forgot to change my name I had no last name but I was able to explain the situation later on.
Please provide any previous applications you have created, whether accepted or denied: None.

Provide your Discord (REQUIRED) and confirm if you have a microphone:
sour.mara#2255 and yes I do have a microphone.

What is your timezone and country of residence?: British summer time

What previous experience do you have working in a team that would outshine other applicants?: I have played lots of sports and learnt a lot about teamwork. And you don’t just grown and improve yourself you grow and improve your team.

Please provide three (3) event suggestions which would work for our server:
A cold night out
It’s where we you go ice skating chat with friends around a campfire and go to the hot chocolate bar and we watch some figure skating and also we be will watch a Christmas movie with friends.

pretty sporty
This includes the football team track team cheerleading team baseball team and basketball team it’s where it’s in a large room where people try different sports With friend and there is a chance people will find the perfect team for them.

best dressed
It’s a competition for the fashion club they will make outfits under the theme one person will go home winning there are 10 rounds with different interesting themes to make it harder for the fashion club.

Thanks for reading <3


Level 110

Thank you for taking the time to apply for event team; however, this application has been denied. Your effort is appreciated — though, in comparison to other applicants and the events suggested, we do not believe you are a suitable fit for the team. Elaboration and detail in many sections would be preferred and we encourage you to re-apply when the time comes!​

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