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SRP | Music Club Application


Level 1
OOC Section.

Provide your Minecraft username - XIXVOLTAGE

Provide your Discord @ Tag - xixvoltage

Please read through the following before preceding and confirm you understand
  • The Club Committee is considered an intermediate role, whilst we encourage players of all sorts to apply, please note that the tasks of a club leader can be intensive at times when it comes to meeting event's and club member management.
  • When it comes to inactivity, it must be logged or you could face reprimand or possible termination in extreme cases, you are responsible for your own activity, your club's activity and your club's retention.
  • Clubs must be student appropriate and easy to understand with a specific theme, this is to maximise student interest and remain realistic.
    More information on what makes a good club theme can be seen here:
    - Resource 1
    - Resource 2
  • We recommend having a basic understanding of leadership before becoming a club leader, this is to ensure the smooth management of your club's members, help will be provided along the way, from the faction lead, assigned student councillors to supervise your club and the committee itself.
Do you understand everything that was listed here? - Yes

IC Section

Provide your name - Akuma Katsumi

What is your age and grade? - 18/ Grade 12

What is your motivation to lead a club within the school? ( 350 words | 5% more or less ) - For starters, My motivation for wanting to start this club was that there wasn’t a music club which I believe is a huge disservice to everyone in the school who loves to talk about and or perform music. So a few friends and I decided to step up and start it ourselves. I’ve always had a passion for music and I believe that we should be able to express our love for music with likeminded people after school. A music club would make it easier for us to find more people who enjoy music as well. Music makes me and so many others feel free and able to express ourselves, even if it isn’t the greatest song ever, at least it’s ours and it means something to us. I’ve been playing guitar since I was 10 and I don’t know who I’d be if I never started playing. I want to give that opportunity to everyone else in this school and teach them the joys of writing, discussing, and breaking down music. I personally have always enjoyed listening to genres with heavy themes that are discussed, but there could be someone who joins the club with the complete opposite taste in music and we can talk about our differences which is the beauty of what a music club can provide. I as well as so many others in this school love music, so Please allow us to open this club.

Why choose you over other candidates applying for this position? ( 50 words | 5% more or less ) - I think you should choose us because Music is a pillar stone of one expressing themselves. Music is like a gateway to one's soul and one of the freest forms of expression accessible to almost anybody whether it be listening or performing. The Music Club’s goal is to show people how fun discussing and breaking down music is rather than just listening to it.

Club Section

Provide the official title of the club - SRP | Music Club

Provide a small summary of your club ( 75 words | 5% more or less ) - The Music Club is a club that allows students to get together and talk about their favorite genres, songs, artists, or bands openly. As well as perform it if they choose to do so. Playing an instrument or singing is not required. The only thing that is required is that you have a passion for music and are comfortable with discussing with the rest of us (or else why would you join a club in the first place lol). The Music Club will also break down instrumentals and lyrics to songs to either interpret their own meaning to it or the original artist's interpretation for the song.

Provide a permanent discord invite to the club's discord -

Please gather five student members for your club and list their character names and usernames - Akuma Katsumi (XIXVOLTAGE) , Elytza Altrin (_Crescendo), Oliver Mahlangu (GodsFavHuman), Gabriel Blackwood (goobical), Yana Corniele (yanameow), Rina Nihalkov (katiesillygoofy), Keiko Sukuna (st4rc4ts)

Do you have a student councilor to supervise and assist your club? No

How will your club utilize it's resources at hand to provide a better experience for it's club members and the students of Karakura High? The club could host talent shows, Karaoke nights, (maybe concerts if we get any musicians that are comfortable with performing in front of people), music festivals, and primarily provide entertainment for the student body.

Will there be any requirements of future members to join your club? Follow club rules & participate in club events

Please think of one school wide event and club activity and briefly explain them in detail, how they will function and what it is - Karakura Music Festival - The Music Club has decided to host a 1 day festival in celebration of the history and future of music. Where people are free to walk around and shop at small vendor stalls (not run by the music club since that isn’t allowed) as well as stop by stalls designed for discussing different genres of music as well as other stalls where people can try out instruments as well as listen to people who already know how to play, play theirs.
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