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SRP Resignation I guess?


Level 41
SRP Resignation I guess?
Bandwagon message by Fayble

Don't take this message friendly or anything, I'm giving my honest opinion on things.

To start things off, I want to leave a message for the server / players: I have almost nothing to say about the server, but, the server is going places, and it always is, constantly. From my time as a staff member watching the server for almost two years, new batches of players come in like, every month. Although I don't agree with how a lot of the players are currently, they're definitely fun. I feel like our current players, like I said, are fun but somewhat awful. We've lost the groove of RP like the server used to be back in the beginning of 2018 and the end of 2017. This is SCHOOL ROLEPLAY, not some server where we come onto and talk OOCly. That's why we disabled OOC, I remember Six fighting SO hard to get rid of it and I always agreed. As for the RP itself, it's broken. No one knows how to Roleplay anymore, we all sort of mess around and don't take anything seriously.

- Message for the Staff

To any of you who currently look up to me: Don't. I never was the 'ideal staff member.' I got pissed constantly and had an awful, non-caring vibe. If you're going to keep doing staff, take it like a real life job. You wake up every morning with a duty to help a small server grow into something bigger. I noticed most of you go out of your way to become friendly with the players and sort of use your staff role more like a tag instead of what it actually is: a job, a duty. None of the players really knew me. I was a staff member who kept his place and didn't go out of his way to get friendly with the players. Did I ever hate it? No. I loved it actually. This is how the Senior Admins became Senior Admins. They're more of the 'quieter staff members.' They also took the server passionately and loved what they did, I know doing applications may be a hassle, but it does A LOT for the server. Deciding who gets what job and position helps a lot.

Overall, I'm glad I joined the server as a staff member. I strongly encourage you to apply for staff, you WON'T regret it, even if you get denied. I didn't do a WHOLE LOT from my eyes, but I did help things like the news, the school, volleyball. I think personally, I was more of an idea person from a standpoint. There was always an old joke back when I was first a mod. I thought I was so big compared to the higher ups and always came up to them with new ideas and the starting sentence was always "DUDE!" Since then whenever I spoke, Adym, Ryan, Logan, Lee, and the rest would follow up with "DUDE!" A lot of my ideas sort of did get into the server but I had a tendency to do EVERYTHING on the server, I wanted to try EVERY role just to test it out and give ideas to the people I worked with around me. I helped out with a lot of the event ideas and events in general. I also did my best to help each staff member when they needed it and give them advice at times. So a big thank you to the players and staff team for giving me a wonderful two years as a staff member.

- Personal Messages to Staff Members (If I your name isn't in here, don't think it's because I don't like you, just I don't have much to stay because we never talked.)

- Duckings
To be honest, I was terrified of you two years ago when I first became a mod. You never talked and just had a scary owner vibe around you. Then around when Greehn became an admin, you really opened up. You started to join our calls and joke around with us and generally have a good laugh, none of us no longer had to be scared or tense up whenever you joined the calls. I think after all this, you're someone who I can actually call a friend of mine.

- Im6
Mr. Samra_0nline, Big Suks. You're one of the few people I can actually trust and hold a great conversation with. We've had SO many ups and downs and I liked our relationship of one minute being friends and then the next minute me walking on the thin ice of demotion. I honestly love being around you and I hope to see you still. I remember when I was an admin and you were a mod, you told me you looked up to me once, then RIGHT after, you made your way all the way up to Senior Admin. I looked up to you a lot and I still do. You manage to hold this entire server on your shoulders, and I don't think I could ever do that. You have a charm to you that makes you able to talk to anyone and open up a better side to someone. I'm sorry for being a complete dickwipe and arguing against your ideas 24/7

- MikeShotZ
We have different time zones, so I never see you on, but I know you do a lot for the server. You're one of the few staff members to NOT go out of your way and get friendly with the players. The players just love you, and that's a GREAT thing, the players trust you and go to you for problems and that puts you at the top as one of the better staff members. You do your job and I respect that, you're one of the better Senior Admins. You also help out the staff and you always vouched for the staff members I wanted gone. You see the good in everyone and I admire that. I wish we could've talked more. Good luck with the Maids. "I- Also say... greehn jojo." - Greehn

Fucking. Dwight. Dagger Dick. I LOVE YOU, Kelvin. You're a comedian at heart and you're extremely passionate for the server. I think sometimes, you're WAY too nice. We've had a ying yang relationship where I'll say something negative about the server or something in general but you'll try your hardest disprove what I said. You always try to fight your point, even if you're in the wrong and that's a great quality. You joined the staff team a long time after I did but made it so far up the ranks and I always asked, "How the fuck is this donny even up there." But once I really got to know you and see what you're about, I realized. I think you're going places and maybe have small shot at owner in the year 2496 when Six leaves. I love you man and keep doing what you're doing.

Tiy. Five whole years.. I've known you. I shouldn't write this like I'm saying goodbye to you, but it will sort of sound like it. You're literally like a brother to me. I've always been told by players and staff of the past that they see us like a duo. When we joined, we stuck by each other's side, we didn't care to talk to the other staff or players, we just did our job and helped each other out when we needed it.. and I thank you for that. If I didn't join this server four years ago with you and the guys, I don't think I'd be where I am today. I relied on you at times and you were always there when I needed it. We also tended to treat most things like a competition, a race to see who does better and I recently found out that you looked up to me. I don't get why you would look up to me. I didn't do much for anyone but myself. I guess I have a natural leader quality? But that literally is nothing compared to what you do. Whenever you have an idea, unlike me, you do the idea and stick with it until it dies and stomped on. You handle everything with pride and passion, even with things that are small and dumb. SOMETIMES you get a little annoying with your ideas, constantly edging on even when they're in the wrong, but you always think you're right. I'm glad you didn't quit when I did and I hope you stay on the server and fill in for what I've done. I hope to see you around. Goodbye my bro and take care of the server for me :)

Marcelo, the voice of that little squeak your recorder makes. I'll always remember the very day I first met you. It was on the old map right outside the family store, you took me into a house and put a noose around my neck and then killed my entire friend group in front of my eyes before selling me to some random dude on the streets. I had such a strong hatred for you. I remember meeting you once again, alone outside of our shop and I wanted you to join the call so I could shit on you. Little did I know you'd become one of the greatest friends I've had. We've managed to become good friends to a point where we have heart to hearts about how shitty life is and how the server is at like 1am. You've always been for me even when sometimes you seem like a dick. Every time I used to log on, I would never roleplay until you did because roleplay wasn't fun without you. You light up everyone's day and try your hardest to be the loudest and most known one in the call. Don't stop being you, and carry on being a staff member for me.

You're probably the second longest person I've known on the staff team after Tiy. We've been through SO much and I've seen both sides of you. You're a very all over person, not in a bad way. You try so much to be better when in reality, you already are better. Don't think you're in someone's shadow all the time, find your own groove that works for you and just go with it. I ALWAYS go to you first about my problems because you're like me, you love talking and you understand how that person feels and how to react to what they're talking about. You're really going to go places if you manage to find that groove of yours. Also you're like, super talented and I get jealous sometimes of the shit you're able to do while at the same time feel sorry for you because I'm always on your ass for you to make me a skin or artwork. I hope to stay in touch with you. Seeya around !

Like Mel, you're a really old pal of mine, you're SUPER nice and I wish I had that. When you first became a staff member, I used to tell the others how passionate you were about the job, you always tried to staff and help the players out. Like Mike, you're a people person, players like you naturally and that's great, you could really use that in a way. Although I think you're a bit too nice sometimes with giving out stuff for free or just buying things for people when they don't really need it, I don't think you mean it. You're just a naturally good person at heart and I hope you staff that way. Also, try to be a little more active, I haven't seen you around lately and I hope to see you in the future.

Aubrey !!!!! You're doing an OUTSTANDING job currently as a staff member. You're on top of everything and you take your job EXTREMELY passionately. You're not afraid for your opinion to be heard and if your opinion gets shut down, you take the other person's opinion into thought and fix your errors. You do a lot for the server and I don't think you realize it, with Volleyball, Applications, the School, Administrating. You have such a fun and positive personality that makes me just say, "ABBURRYE!!" whenever you join the calls because everyone gets so happy to see you. Me and Greehn didn't enjoy a lot of people, but you were definitely one of our favorites and we LOVED having you around. Some other things is that, you don't have to try so much and be strict. I notice you always act like you're on the brink of demotion and you constantly have to go go, but just relax once in a while, focus on one thing at a time instead of doing everything all at once. I REALLY hope to talk to you still after all of this and maybe, just maybe, get you to meet up with me one day.

We never really knew each other, but this is going to be more of advice. I think we live in two different time zones, but I never really saw you on and when I questioned the staff team about it, they always told me you were and I guess I really believe them. The times that I do see you, you really try your hardest to do your job and your police work, I don't think a lot of players know you, and don't think of it as a bad thing. At first, you were like me. You tried to be bigger than you actually were. You were a mod but you weren't afraid to say no to the higher ups, and I'm not going to lie.. it pissed me off at sometimes, but once I actually got to see you in the staff channel and sometimes on the server, I understood why you got admin, you really deserve it. You did die down a little on your habits and to that I have to say: Go back to them, don't be afraid to say no and for your ideas to be heard, speak up at staff meetings when you have something to say or just criticism on stuff.

Like Crxtive, I never really knew you, but I REALLY wanted to get to know you. You and Aulli were always like me and Tiy, you stuck together and I really admire that. You did SO WELL in the police force and somewhat changed it around, you have a leadership quality and you aren't afraid to be heard. I never really see you around anymore and I understand if you're going through something. I personally think you could become so much better and I also think you're one of the better admins.

I never really knew you at all. We've talked a few times and I've managed to have a good laugh with you from time to time. I think you're a bit too shy and player friendly. You gotta speak up man. Don't be afraid to be heard, you have a shop and could do a lot with it if you were active, you also run a football team! You're helping out with the server just with those two things. If you can't double time it, just work on one and be the very best at it. I think you, slatt, and well, Aulliver at the time should cool on your little thing you guys got going. Yeah you're going to have fun and be a group of 'bros' but it doesn't help your personal reputation. I used to think greatly of you and them until you came together and acted like idiots. You could go places if you cleaned that up a bit and took things more seriously.

I'm not sure what happened. When you first joined the server, I thought of you as a total E-Boy until I got into a few calls with you and shared some laughs and generally had a good time. I told you to apply for staff and you did. Not many of the staff members wanted you as staff but I remember at the staff meeting vouching for you to get on and you eventually did. I have no regrets on that day because you did a great job at staffing. I even vouched for you to become an admin. Then you kinda just dropped. I'm not sure what happened but I don't see you in calls anymore, nor did I see much of you at all. I THINK you posted something in inactivity logs but I really hope to see you back whenever you're done with that.

I'm going to be honest, I didn't like you at all at first. You just seemed too normal to me and I thought it was impossible and it annoyed me at first. What really changed things around is when I started joining ooc with you. I REALLY enjoying being in calls with you then and I remember waking up everyday rushing to my computer just to see if you were all in ooc before I even did any of my morning routines. I'm kind of sad those ooc calls ended and I miss talking to you. You're probably at the top of my list for the next mod who deserves admin. I hope you get it my guy.

When I first met you, we clicked INSTANTLY. You were like my other half and we could NOT stop laughing whenever we were together. Even though you were toxic at first, I kept telling everyone you were starting to change for the better and that you would be a decent staff member, and like Zero, you did a fantastic job. In the beginning you stuck with Zero and you guys had your thing going, helping each other out. Then you moved on to Aulliver and Loooper. Now I know you're having fun, but I don't think I agree with it a whole lot. Like I said on Looopers section, you all came together to form a band of idiots and your personal reputation completely died to most of us along with a lot of respect. If you took the job a little more seriously along with some other personal things that I've talked to you about, I think you could go far.

I like you a lot actually. Like Aania, I wish we could've talked more and I'll take the bullet for that one. I joined ooc sometimes just to hear the players having a blast with you. You're SUPER nice and I really respect that as that's something I really wish I had. I REALLY hope you go places and stick with Mike. I'm sorry for always having to say 'WHAT' whenever you talked to me being that english isn't your first language. Keep making these amazing models for the server also. I was sad to see you leave the first time and I will be sad to see you if you leave a second, so stay on the staff team for me.

Joe. Joe. Joe. You crazy motherfucker. I think even if you weren't a staff member, you'd be doing a great job as a modeller. You don't go out of your way to get known by the players but instead the players like you because you make a meme out of yourself. You were literally one of greehns favorites, he would never stop talking to you and I'm really sorry that it took so long for your shop to get up and running. I know I'm not always there for you when you needed me at times, and I'm sorry. I loved hearing all the crazy shit you did and could only help but want to be just like you. Keep being you, you Texan.

I'm going to be honest, I wish we talked more. I never knew you and I'm adding you here sort of for greehn. Greehn REALLY loved you man and I never understood why, you're probably one of his favorite staff members and he really wants you to go places. I told him I was only doing people I sorta knew and he kept telling me to add you. I'm not really sure what to say about you besides: Get comfortable with the staff team, they may be the weirdest fucks of schoolrp, but they're a family... a weird one. This server and team is going to be some of your best memories on the server so enjoy it while it lasts and don't ever doubt yourself for joining. Find some staff who you're good with and stick with them and let them help you out.

I've only known you for about a year but we act like we've been childhood friends from birth. I feel bad because we relate on such a level, I connect with you better then some of my friends that I've known for so long. You're probably reason number 1 of why I'm quitting and the truth is, it is sad. We're leaving behind history and it's funny to watch you be in denial and poke fun at it. Like Mel, you're probably the next person I tell my problems to. I trust you A LOT and I love how dedicated you are about everything. You get serious at times and it's really un-describable how fast and great you get things done. You try to turn every situation into a laughing matter and you hate when people are sad because it turns your mood upside down too. I'm really glad you joined the staff team and made your way all the way up to Senior Admin. You've really helped me do my job better and at times I really looked up to you, so for that, I'm glad I got to work side by side with you and then end it all with you. I really hope we don't ever stop being friends and that I get to punch you off Niagara Falls next summer. PLEASE keep doing what you do and don't be afraid to come to me about problems when you need to.

This server literally made up four years of my life. We all age and mature and there's a time when we all have to say goodbye to things of the past. A lot of the OG / Veterans of the server have all grown up and quit, some even going to College, and I think it's time for me to join them and move on. I hope I left a mark on the server with the time I was on it and I hope the staff team can do great even without me B) and with that I say one more time: Thank you to the server and staff for giving me one of the greatest experiences I will ever have. Goodnight SchoolRP :)
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Level 104
we didn't really talk teehee but ill miss u !!!! im not usually one to pick favorites, but not gonna lie, you were probably one of my favorite staff members-- not sure why though. I wish you luck in the future :,,) it was nice knowing about your existence.
It's Sad to see you go. Sorry didn't get to know you better Fayble Hope we can one day meet, In this life or in another one. Take Care Dude! (:Sad Face:)


Level 152
You and I will still get to hear from each other but less. Despite this, your lack of presence on the staff will be noticed and missed, I'm glad that I worked with you at a professional and friendly level. I hope we indeed get to spend more time together as I really enjoyed and loved being around you. I love you too and I wish you the best on your next endeavors with Adam. Thank you, good luck and goodbye ADHD thriller.


Level 142
Have never spoken to you or known you personally, considering how long you've been apart of SRP I am positive you will be missed by many as you've most likely created a great impact on those around you in your entirety here, I hope you keep all the good memories you've had here and cherish them and whatever road or path you're headed down I wish you the most luck.

cu !

Level 127
Ima miss you, i just felt like having higher ups around me made me feel like i was always being watched and i thought i woulda been judged on what i do, thats the reason i moved to over friends...but anyways we all move on and i wish you luck for your future and what life brings to you, keep safe fuckface.


Level 31
Wow holy shit, you really did make it seem like we're never gonna see each other ever again. Charles, you and Adam were two of the few people that I really relyed on as a staff member, and it'll be difficult for me to adjust with you two gone, I'll admit that. You were always there for me, even when I had to annoy the hell out of you in calls just to get you to respond. "Charles. . Charles. . CHARLES!". Anyway, I'll miss you a lot, along with many other staff members here.


Level 185
News Lead
We didn't talk much, but eh. I met you back when you and Tiy were investigators in the force. Your skills impressed me tons and so did your skills as staff. Even if you did get a bit angry, you're a funny guy, wish I got to know you a bit better. Wish you the best.


Level 83
I’m not gonna get all sobby on you because I have the privilege of joining calls with these amazing motherfuckers everyday. I’m gonna miss you and Adam, you were both amazing and you definitely made my time on the server amazing. From our GangRP moments to our womp, womp, womp moments, you have been there by my side and been able to make me laugh through the good and bad. I love you, shithead.


Level 192
It's been a long journey, and it's sad to see you and adam go like that, you both were really fun dudes and I'll miss you, if you'll be on discord dm me time to time and for finals i wish both of you the best for the future you plan on making and for your dreams. Stay strong and keep going.


Level 231
I hope you do a returning act sometime in the future. We didn't really get along but we could handle eachother, I think a bit of what you'd heard of me set you on a bad starting impression on me but I always admired you as a staff member despite of what you thought of me. I wish you had stayed a bmd a little longer, would of been a great chance to get to know you better.


Level 5
Thanks for some good times, I liked doing the final kage raid with you lmao. You'll always be remembered on the server I can tell you that.

Long Live Fayble.


Level 22
It's the first time I have seen Staff members talk informal..... But that doesn't matter because I will miss you. Hope the best for your future.


Level 26
Farewell, friend. I really wish we could've been closer, and good luck with whatever you chose to do.

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