Level 4
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In Game Name): Lil_Toiletseat
Previous bans:
ERP Twice, Advertisement (Temporarily), OOC Toxicity and Trolling.
Describe your activity on the server:
I am really active every day, I stay at least 5 hours each day on the server, my schedule irl is staying awake all night and sleeping in the morning, So it works for me to stay active a lot, as I'm more of a night owl.
Do you have Discord?
Yes, It's Stealth#8730
Do you have a microphone?
Yes, But I can only use it when everyone is asleep.
List your current and past applications:
School Sous-Chef Application (Denied)
Shop Application (Accepted)
Russian Language (Accepted)
French Language (Accepted)
What is your motivation for applying?:
I really want to go through the experience of being a police officer in SRP, And also to help with my activity and stop most of the gang activities and bring more safety to the city, as well as maintaining the law and being as fair as possible.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
Yes, I do.
What are the Police ranks?
Police Cadet - Police Patrol-Officer - Police Corporal - Police Sergeant - Police Lieutenant - Police Vice Head Lieutenant - Police Head Lieutenant - Police Captain - Police Commissioner
Investigator Division:
Police Trainee Investigator - Police Investigator - Police Head Investigator
S.A.T Division:
Recruit - Operator - Head of Special Operations/Commander
What knowledge do you have of Police Work.
I have seen cops a lot of times, and I've watched arrests and been in situations with the cops as well, and I'm pretty confident that I've learned a lot in my time, as well as reading and following the rules.
Why are Police important to SchoolRP?
Police are important to SRP to stop the overwhelming amount of players that are too into gangrping, and to also stop those who keep breaking the law and to keep it as realistic as possible, And to get people that keep getting killed or molested or anything similar to that to start enjoying SRP and not having to run through those situations like they usually do all the time.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time?
Indeed I do.
IGN (In Game Name): Lil_Toiletseat
Previous bans:
ERP Twice, Advertisement (Temporarily), OOC Toxicity and Trolling.
Describe your activity on the server:
I am really active every day, I stay at least 5 hours each day on the server, my schedule irl is staying awake all night and sleeping in the morning, So it works for me to stay active a lot, as I'm more of a night owl.
Do you have Discord?
Yes, It's Stealth#8730
Do you have a microphone?
Yes, But I can only use it when everyone is asleep.
List your current and past applications:
School Sous-Chef Application (Denied)
Shop Application (Accepted)
Russian Language (Accepted)
French Language (Accepted)
What is your motivation for applying?:
I really want to go through the experience of being a police officer in SRP, And also to help with my activity and stop most of the gang activities and bring more safety to the city, as well as maintaining the law and being as fair as possible.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
Yes, I do.
What are the Police ranks?
Police Cadet - Police Patrol-Officer - Police Corporal - Police Sergeant - Police Lieutenant - Police Vice Head Lieutenant - Police Head Lieutenant - Police Captain - Police Commissioner
Investigator Division:
Police Trainee Investigator - Police Investigator - Police Head Investigator
S.A.T Division:
Recruit - Operator - Head of Special Operations/Commander
What knowledge do you have of Police Work.
I have seen cops a lot of times, and I've watched arrests and been in situations with the cops as well, and I'm pretty confident that I've learned a lot in my time, as well as reading and following the rules.
Why are Police important to SchoolRP?
Police are important to SRP to stop the overwhelming amount of players that are too into gangrping, and to also stop those who keep breaking the law and to keep it as realistic as possible, And to get people that keep getting killed or molested or anything similar to that to start enjoying SRP and not having to run through those situations like they usually do all the time.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time?
Indeed I do.

In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?
Dawayne would be a 6'3 tall and broad man, He'd weigh 213lbs, He's a very nice and caring person towards his friends and family and his loved ones, And he can also be very serious when there's the need for that, He's a hard worker, and he enjoys helping people, He'd smell of BOSS Cologne.
What he's like on the and off the job?
When he is on the job, He is always serious, and He never lets his guard down to any single thing, Even in the station, He keeps his guard up at all times, when he's off the job, He does take a break and enjoys life, meeting family and friends, but he does also maintain professionalism on acting towards incidents that could happen
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?
He's very nice to his Co-Workers, If they are a higher rank than him, He gives them absolute respect and vows to become as good as they are, If they are lower than him, He also gives them respect and helps them with what they could have issues with and what they could be missing, He plans to start a family and keep them as safe and grant them a happy life, as he also plans to save the people around him and the people of the city.
Dawayne used to be a very sad and depressed man, He loved among his family for a long time until he set off on his own when he became 16 and signed up for school, He started studying and working hard every single day, almost all days of the week, He's always been studying, He's met quite a couple of friends when he first joined highschool, But then he decided that he'll stick with being alone, He enjoyed having friends and all, but he seemed to enjoy his own company more, of course with studying most of his time, his family has supported him greatly, as his parents were dead, His grandfather Marakov has helped him throughout his life in school and paid for most of the fees, and treated him as he was his own son, He's lived with Marakov for 12 years after his parents died when he was at the age of 11, He moved out when he became 23, And started doing different sports, Like going to the gym, or taking self-defense classes, and fighting sports, After graduating in law inforcement and criminal justice, He traveled to Russia, And lived there for 8 years, He's worked in a bar as a bodyguard for six years, And from all the training and studying, He's done rather well on his job, And a passion for maintaining safety and protection grew inside him, Later on, He traveled back to Karakura to find the love of his life, start a family and succeed in life.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name: Dawayne Bashkimi.
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr.
Given Name(s): Mr.Bashkimi
Preferred Name: Dawayne.
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: Protestantism.
Marital Status: Single.
Nationality: Albanian.
Current Location: Karakura, Japan.
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training: 3 Years
Working Experience: Worked as a bodyguard for six years.
Academic Degree: Law Enforcement, Criminal Justice.
Year of Graduation: 2011
Major(s): Law Enforcement.
Minor(s): Self Defence.
Native Languages: Japanese
Other Languages: Albanian and Russian
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?
Dawayne would be a 6'3 tall and broad man, He'd weigh 213lbs, He's a very nice and caring person towards his friends and family and his loved ones, And he can also be very serious when there's the need for that, He's a hard worker, and he enjoys helping people, He'd smell of BOSS Cologne.
What he's like on the and off the job?
When he is on the job, He is always serious, and He never lets his guard down to any single thing, Even in the station, He keeps his guard up at all times, when he's off the job, He does take a break and enjoys life, meeting family and friends, but he does also maintain professionalism on acting towards incidents that could happen
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?
He's very nice to his Co-Workers, If they are a higher rank than him, He gives them absolute respect and vows to become as good as they are, If they are lower than him, He also gives them respect and helps them with what they could have issues with and what they could be missing, He plans to start a family and keep them as safe and grant them a happy life, as he also plans to save the people around him and the people of the city.
Dawayne used to be a very sad and depressed man, He loved among his family for a long time until he set off on his own when he became 16 and signed up for school, He started studying and working hard every single day, almost all days of the week, He's always been studying, He's met quite a couple of friends when he first joined highschool, But then he decided that he'll stick with being alone, He enjoyed having friends and all, but he seemed to enjoy his own company more, of course with studying most of his time, his family has supported him greatly, as his parents were dead, His grandfather Marakov has helped him throughout his life in school and paid for most of the fees, and treated him as he was his own son, He's lived with Marakov for 12 years after his parents died when he was at the age of 11, He moved out when he became 23, And started doing different sports, Like going to the gym, or taking self-defense classes, and fighting sports, After graduating in law inforcement and criminal justice, He traveled to Russia, And lived there for 8 years, He's worked in a bar as a bodyguard for six years, And from all the training and studying, He's done rather well on his job, And a passion for maintaining safety and protection grew inside him, Later on, He traveled back to Karakura to find the love of his life, start a family and succeed in life.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name: Dawayne Bashkimi.
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr.
Given Name(s): Mr.Bashkimi
Preferred Name: Dawayne.
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: Protestantism.
Marital Status: Single.
Nationality: Albanian.
Current Location: Karakura, Japan.
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training: 3 Years
Working Experience: Worked as a bodyguard for six years.
Academic Degree: Law Enforcement, Criminal Justice.
Year of Graduation: 2011
Major(s): Law Enforcement.
Minor(s): Self Defence.
Native Languages: Japanese
Other Languages: Albanian and Russian
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