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Student Council Application


Level 101

What is your Minecraft username?: sprowt

Any previous warns/kicks/bans?: NA; im a good noodle

What is your timezone in GMT?: 6 hours behind GMT (MST)

Do you have Discord (if so, what is your Discord username)?: diva#0666

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server?:

Describe your activity on the server & on the forums?: Im not so active along the forums aside from making requests and applications but since joining the server and due to quarantine I'm overly active on the server. I gladly play on the server without end, I enjoy running a club and participating in events. My friends and I started with creating a family a few months in and slowly watched the discord grow along with the friends we make. I, with help, run the gardening club which we take a lot of pride in as of late trying to create events to hold at the school!


What is the student council?: A group of students elected by their peers to address issues of concern and organize student events and activities. They help students with issues involving the school and trying to make each persons school experience better. This can simply be just helping a student find a class or helping a teacher when asked; or any hire up. Along with that the student council helps to hold events such as Dances and Festivals to help bring the students of the school closer and to be more active in the student lifestyle. The student council is a group to help create a happy and healthy environment for the school in whatever ways they can!

Who or what brought you to applying for the student council?: Just being more active in school life. I have a lot of fun trying to make events for the Gardening Club and Id love to be more active on the sever to be honest as well. Since joining the server Ive come to love it more and more, joining a larger family and making a bigger friend group. I learned a lot about this server in the time Ive been here and Id love to be more active on it when helping with the events. I joined the server mainly for the school life aspect over gangrp or much anything else so being able to help with events and other things like that seems like something I could really get into and enjoy! I love trying to create events with my club as is, Id just love to be more apart of the school as a whole!

What does the school council of Karakura do?: Help students around the school along with trying to better each students life while on campus. They represent the school to a high extent along with being a model student. Creating a safe learning environment along with helping with school events! As mentioned before they do their best to hold a high image of themselves along with the school. Ready to help a student in need find their place in the school while also keeping the students entertained with school events! Making sure each student has the best experience they can while at Karakura. This can be from anything to saving a kid from a bullying moment to helping a kid find the lunch line. The student council is a student run group by the school to help get a students perspective on the campus and make it a fun time for everyone.

How would you describe your work ethic?: I can get anything done pretty well when I put my mind to it. I love being creative and showing that off; oocly i worked with kids for almost 4 years so being active in a school-y manor really just hits home to me. I love being interactive with others and working on projects. I have a strong creative side that keeps me driven pretty well with ideas. I always try to get my work done as soon as possible and as efficiently as possible; I try not to procrastinate since that tends to only make things harder. Im always here for asking questions to make sure I understand and get what the tasks are to be done so I can do it to my best ability.

What interests you the most about the student council?: Being able to be more active on the serve in all honesty. Since joining Ive loved the serve and even more the school aspect of it and Id honestly love to have more of a hand in that. I feel like it would help me get more involved in being apart of the school and help me find new friends and branch out from my daily routine of trying to find someone around the school to talk too or whose willing to talk to me. I love the idea of helping with school events, even if that means just hanging out at a booth answering questions for students! Ive had a friend on the council when I first started and they always seemed to really enjoy it and the others on the council and I really love the idea of being apart of a bigger group that helps create events on the school!

Do you have past experience in roleplaying (if so, summarize your experience)?: So Ive been roleplaying since 2008 (if you want that proof I can send it uh- not so proud that it was on gaiaonline- ). I use to roleplay in the golden days of deviantart and all the way up till today. I have a little to much of a love and passion for roleplaying. Back when I did roleplay, it was more in a detail sense, I enjoyed typing paragraph after paragraph (again like I said Im more then glad to send my short novels of posts if youre interested LOL). I love creating characters and developing them, watching them develop over time. Ive been drawing ocs from the moment I found a interest to draw and creating backstories for them.


You are on the student council and a member submits an awful idea. What do you do?: All ideas can be worked into a good idea. As cheesy as that sounds if someone submits a bad idea, its always a good approach to try and work with them to see if you can better the idea or maybe send them in a better direction to creating something else. Its never a good idea to put someone down for trying!

You submit an idea - everyone hates it. How do you deal with the situation?: See what I can do to create something better or better the idea. Try to work with others to see why the idea failed and what I can do to improve it. At the end of the day after all options fail, its okay to scrap it and try again in the morning! Some ideas arent going to be great but its never something to tear yourself down on since that will only ruin your self esteem and hurt your future ideas. Its best to take a moment of fresh air, a deep breath and try again when you are in a good and clear head space! Theres always room for improvement in being creative, especially when it comes to this.

There is a split decision on an idea. The councillors begin to debate if the idea should be accepted. As time goes on, the debate turns into an argument! How do you handle the situation?: Tell everyone to step back and take a breath. Disagreements happen but its good to keep everyone in a good mindset. If an argument happens, the best idea would to have everyone take a break, come back after a while and start again taking a different approach. Compromise the best we can so everyone can be happy, we all are here for a similar reason and we can surely come to a conclussion.

A councillor is stirring up problems and abusing their position on school grounds! What would you do?: Report it to a higher school staff, presenting the evidence from the situation. As part of the council it is important to show our best example even if one of our friends is acting up wrongly. As part of the student council we do represent the school to a big extent and one of us acting out is tearing us all down with them. Immediate action should be taken place when this is a situation happening. Sad to say, one of us acting out is a reflection on the rest of us.

The council president says something you completely disagree with, how would you combat this?: I would express my opinion and try to understand why it was disagreed with; I understand not everything I offer out or say will be agreed with. Its always a good thing to learn from a mistake youve made and other things like that. Its good to keep an open mind but understand your ideas cant please everyone. The President does have a larger image to uphold and most-likely understands what kind of events would work and what wouldnt. If a idea is shot down or disagreed with, the best approach would be to ask why, learn from the errors and move forward!

There’s a staggering amount of tension/drama between two councillors. It’s beginning to affect their work ethic; how would you try to help?: Id try to first find out the root of the issue, there are times where people don't get along. Trying to separate the two and get both sides of the story is a good start. If it comes down to it, asking another Councillor for help is a good action to take. Once both sides are understood, you can try to find the root of the issue better and bring the two back together to work it out and come to a understanding and better the work environment! We are a team at the end of the day and sometimes people get along especially when everyone starts spending more time with one another and people grow closer. Fights happen but its best not to dwell on them and create a harsh work environment for themselves or everyone else. At the end of the day, once things are calm; talking things out in a moderated, adult fashion is the best approach.


Character Name: Seomi 'Diva' Helvete

Character Gender: Female

Character Age: Eighteen

Character phone-number: 170387418

Brief summary of how they act- your character’s personality: Seomi is a very happy-go-lucky girl which a large painting and art background. She tries to best to always see to good in everything which can come back to bite her. She tends to put others safety and happiness before her own which can get her into a lot of interesting situations. Seomi does her best to learn from everything she possibly could, of course failing every now and then. She believes each person has good in them somewhere and wants to hold onto that benefit of the doubt.

Character appearance/attire: Seo is a 5'2 Korean female weighing no more than 115lb. She has soft blonde hair and brown eyes, her skin is very pale and a beauty mark sits under her right eye. Her wardrobe usually consists of button up shirts, jeans or a skirt. She tends to not show a lot of skin but loves to wear bright and happy colors.

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?: I, as clique as it sounds, have worked with kids outside of the roleplay world and understand how a school scene works from the position of a teacher. I know what its like to work on events to keep others entertained and how to get that job done from real life experience. I hope thats a good reason! I really want to be able to put my foot into helping out with events for the school along with helping my gardening club grow. It can help me learn what kind of events work and what doesnt for my own club along with just bettering my roleplay experience.

Why do you want this position?: I want to be more active in the school. I love playing the sports and helping others find there way around and participating in the events. Ive stated may times how much I would just love to have a more active role on this server. I enjoy the events it holds along with a lot of the seriousrpers. I would love to be able to work within the school to help make it a more fun place for everyone to enjoy with a team of others! I would love this position because the idea of being more involved and being apart of a team seems so much fun to me. I love to keep myself busy and in these stinky times of quarantine this is exactly what I would love to keep busy with!

What interests you the most about student council?: I just want to be more active in the school; I want to be able to have more of a role and a reason to be more active in the school part of this roleplay server! I love how they create events for the school such as dances and festivals. Id love to be apart of creating that and helping with booths; I really love the creative aspect of the council. Along with that, I love how helpful they can be around the school even outside of event wise. They help kids who are new find a place or help teachers run a class; I always loved seeing them run around and work together talking about events theyve had or even just them introducing me to someone new. Id love to be that someone for someone else that is newer to the server and needs that excitement to stay.

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?: I make friends very easily and I would love to help those new to the server maybe find there place and change there one day on the server to a longer time. I want to be able to keep the school a safe place for others to feel like they can come, be on the campus and know its not just going to be a boring school day even if thats just me going up and asking them how they are and dragging them on my daily route of watering the schools plants! I have lots of events ideas and tips Id love to share and have my voice be heard in that sense. I do my best currently to report problems I see around the school as is to help make sure those new to the sever or even old to the sever a better place, sometimes thats just me removing someone from the situation.
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