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Student Teachers

What's your Minecraft Username?: mactatti
What's the title of your suggestion?: Student Teachers

What's your suggestion?:
Ah! As for the School Staffing/Teachers/Professors I believe we should add on more role to the school faction! Before I state some of the reasons though I’d like to answer this concern others may have. We don’t need more School Staff! Well fear not this is not school staff it is a student teacher which will be apart of school staff but have limitations to what they can and can not do. They will be auctally College kids that are intrigued or interested into applying for KHS teachers!

To become a Student teacher they would have to apply on the Forums using the following steps.
Forums> Character applications > Student Related Applications > New Category : College Related Applications > Student Teacher Applications > Format. After they now applied they could be accepted on any reason and can be decline for any reason.

Furthermore, we could have College Kids who are interested in either applying to be a teacher or professor for KHS or just For the experience of it! Continuing on Student teachers would be able to study of the regular teachers and study how they teach depending on which teacher they have to instruct them. There will also be certain teacher nominations on who is the best of what like who’s best at teaching the Karakura lore and Math and or we could have the QT’s be the Student Teachers, Instructers depending on how you’d like to go with it. But How will teachers know how to teach college students on teaching?! Well on this subject they would just instruct the Student teacher in however they see fit.

Student Teacher Instructors Example.

1. The Instructor or the QT would have them oversee a day or the
of what they do daily. Either dealing with unruly students and or just normal teaching! Beofrehand they’d have to sechuale a proper time for the Student to come.
2. Then after the ST [ Student Teacher ] is done overseeing the instructor would then teach them how to do some of the following things. Grading, School Duties, How to deal with a unruly class, How to plan out there day and more!
3. After some more overseeing for awhile the Instructor would then let the ST start planning a lesson to teach the student (Depending on subject that the Instructor is in such as Math, Language arts etc. )
4. The Instructor would then use the intercom and do the announcement in what class they were hosting also including what will be happening. Once the class begins the Instructor would than hand the mic or teaching skills over to the ST. ( This will take 1 ooc month depending on what teacher )

Evan though this is just an example any of the teachers could make their own unique way if teaching theses students. Furthermore when the ST is now done with the program of teaching they will now get a badge ( In-game badge and Picture badge claimed in discord ) They now have the experience of a teacher, they could now use this in there Teacher Application.

Q- What if they Share that badge picture to others use.
A- Well The HD of the teaching department would have logs of every Student teacher or roster for it.


How will this benefit the server and community?:
How this will be fit the community as a whole is that it will benefit the experience of the variety of people on SRP. How this will encourage others or college kids is that it opens more opportunities for them and also sets a goal for the HS to pass the exams and go through the variety levels of college to apply for such a program. It also benefits the SRP Teachers as it gives them a new opportunity to teach a new variety of people such as teaching the ST on how to teach!


Level 32

I don't think that there should be a new role for this. There are always internships, which are already a thing. Not to mention that this sounds heavily dependent on activity from teachers, meaning that the student teachers can't act on their own.


Level 118
As someone with a college account since April, we already have to join every class, doing this will just make things 10x more stressful as you don't get your classes up, instead you teach them. Plus, this has been suggested before and was denied.


Level 32
ALSO, I just saw that there was a suggestion already out like this one. You could've just responded there and this would've greatly added onto what they suggested!


Level 10

As a teacher I really do not believe this would even be needed, there is a reason we do not have this, we also do have student council who do help school employees around the school but again, having a "Student Teacher" is not really needed. In my opinion no one would really use this as far as I've seen as they either normally create entirely new character or they just don't bother.


Level 200
Community Team
Lore Team

I love the idea of student teachers. . .BUT we already have too many roles on the server as is for the school/student factions, I personally do not think we need any more roles. This, as teaching or Aid of type for teachers, could be put on council for them to help but for an entirely new role, no.


Level 16
Thread starter
To add onto my suggestion it would be a role! It would just be a program.
Continuing further that it is depended on the teachers but I also said in the example that they could schuale on there own time making them free to be hosted at any time.


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion! After discussing this with the team we have decided to decline it.

- I replied to a similar thread, but just apply for Teacher/Professor, and play a Highschool/College character on your alternate profile.​

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