Level 0

Player Information
What is your Minecraft username?:
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
Yes! I do have discord, my display name is rootbeers0
How old are you? (Optional):
I'm 17
What is your time zone?:
MST | Mountain Standard Time
Describe your activity on the server:
So really most of my time I spend on the sever would just involve me practicing on some mistakes for RP, learning some Gang RP rules and getting into unique RP situations, pretty much just exploring and enjoy my time on the server before I log for the day.
I feel confident in my activity schedule enough to ensure shop openings and meet the required quota of 12 openings a month, I feel that I can adjust my schedule for special events and fun activities for employees.
But besides that, again I usually spend most of my time at powerplant or trying to get some daily RP activity in. I usually Gang RP but have a lot to work on of course and I'll usually browse through factions seeing which I would be Interested in but again most of my time I will just be having some Detail RP seshes when I can or just some good quality time with some friends which would usually consist of us causing trouble and being dumb which is really fun to me and is what I like to experience on the server, just good Ol fashion fun, but if nothing is going on I would try to start a conversation with some strangers and try to gain some new friendships and RP situations for my characters.
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes I'm aware about demotions, and I'm mature and understanding if one does happen.
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server: [Denied] [Accepted]
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
[College Bachelor's] - Ko Mizutani
[12th Grade]- Marlow H. Bonney
Shop Information
/*You may add your own questions to the format*/
What shop are you applying for?:
I am currently applying for Ryuketsu, but eager to commission SRP Builders to redesign the Interior and maybe the exterior to really fit in the SRP city's style. I plan to have the Restaurant named "Tagger's Tavern". I felt this shop has a good preset building that fits the theme of my shop and all the qualities that's along with it, making this shop perfect for my need.
Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:
Well to be honest I really thought about it for a while, thinking of all the unique ideas I was brainstorming and I thought of a few and grew out of them so you could say I always thought about being a shopkeeper, there was plenty of reasons why I wanted to run a shop 3 of the reasons being that I want to establish a well community that comes with the shop with some good employees having fun and making money. The 2nd reason is wanting to get money, we all can't deny that most shopkeepers want and need money and that's one of the problems I'm always low on money and can't buy certain items or even get an apartment cause we all know fishing is tiring but for the 3rd reason and my favorite would be creativity, I want to spread my what I think to be unique ideas on this sever with the shop, building designs, theme, and food I'm confident this restaurant is creative and will go a long way which is why I thought of applying in the first place, to show the idea I have set for this shop. I have some events set up and written on my notes that I'm excited to show off to the server, I feel since I'm more of a leader than a follower I could possibly lead a shop and I'm serious about this shop, this is something that I've been brainstorming for a while now and I really think this could come a long way and if I ever want to change the theme and the shop name It'll be alright with me, I'm good with changes it's like a fresh start and I could start thinking of more opportunities for the shop which I love doing cause I will think to myself and ask myself questions about these shops and the setting of them and it would seem really fun for me i always had a creative brain as a kid and growing up so doing this would really be fun cause I mean I would be seeing how far these ideas can go and to me that seems really fun.What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?: I have a few things planned for the restaurant but the main one being that it won't be such a high class dining spot, while the higher class is definitely welcome this restaurant would be more suited and appealing for low income and middleclass individuals, I'm planning to make it a hot spot for street cultured individuals. The bar would be a focal point in Tagger's Tavern with it's unique design with graffiti tags from popular street artists and murals that would be seen all around the building backed up with street signs and a urban aesthetic it would appeal not only to skaters, street artist and etc. but to anyone who appreciates unique urban inspired designs. But what I think makes it unique is that the place would create an inviting and social atmosphere where the bar and restaurant feels like more of a integral part of the experience and not just a place to get drinks because again the Tagger's Tavern would be more than just a place to eat and drink, it would be more of cultural hub for street art and skateboarding enthusiasts and anyone who appreciates the culture, it would offer an immersive experience that celebrates urban creativity and lifestyle which I think is important to the culture, this will have them coming back to enjoy themselves again. |
What will you sell in your shop?: The shops variety of grub would be. Tagger's Tavern Menu Main Street Plates/Dinners Sushi box - 2,000 Salmon Dish - 9.500 Lasagna Plate - 9,000 Tomato Soup - 7,000 Nacho Salad - 6,000 Taco - 1,500 Margarita Pizza - 2,250 Pepperoni Pizza - 2,500 Veggie Pizza - 2,750 Beef Curry - 2,000 Lamb Donburi - 2,000 Onigiri - 500 Bento Box - 4,500 Bucket of Fried Chicken - 2,000 Ketchup Hotdog - 1,400 Plain Hotdog - 1,200 Mustard Hot Dog - 1,400 Cooked Crab - 4,500 Starters & Street Snacks/Breakfast and Appetizers Pancakes - 6,500 Nutella Crepe - 6,000 Egg & Bacon Toast - 6,000 Mozzarella Sticks -5,750 French Fries - 5,500 Sweet Session/Desserts Ice Cream Cone - 250 Popcorn - 400 Dango Stick - 500 Cheese Cake - 6,750 Chocolate Cake - 8,500 Creme Caramel - 5,750 Refreshments/ Beverages Americano - 1,500 Iced Coffee - 1,400 Fresh Orange Juice - 4,000 Fresh Lime Juice - 4,000 Bottles & Brews/Alcohol Bottle of Champagne - 8,000 Bottle of Wine - 8,000 Glass of Wine - 4,000 Bottle of Whiskey - 10,000 Shot of Whiskey - 6,000 Bottle of Vodka - 11,000 Shot of Vodka - 4,000 Bottle of Tequila - 12,250 Tequila Shot - 3,500 Bottle of Rum - 12,000 Land & Lime Gin - 13,000 Bottle of Beer- 3,000 Beer Jug - 7,500 Akori Gin - 12,000 Specials Kickflip Mojito - 12,000 Wildstyle Whiskey - 12,000 Vandal Vine Red/Wine - 12,500 |
What events do you have planned? have any examples?:
[Slip to the Knot]
Having one of the best bands around to play for an opening would be pretty fire to have, it could either be a fake slipknot band or the real deal which would be pretty funny and dope to have as an event along with some spin the wheels to earn a guitar or a skateboard, I think this event would be pretty loved by metalheads in SRP and would be a nice event to have out of the blue.
[Halloween Bash]
This Halloween Twist would be cool addition for events, we would try to sell some new special drinks that capture the energy of our shop's culture as well as Halloween. This event will be special with the building decorated, our employees in their costumes as well as encouraging to public to get in a custom as there will be free shots handed out with a dance floor, this trilling theme would be pretty fun for me and hopefully the public if they enjoy the spooky theme of the shop.
[Tavern Christmas Jam]
A cozy holiday event featuring new unique gifts, art supplies, and holiday decorations, there will be new limited drinks and food to fit the cheery Christmas theme, the shop would go from hardcore to cozy just to enjoy and respect the chill aspect of then holiday, they'll be some presents to win all over 20k to ensure it's a high quality gift and that customers don't feel that their money was wasted but if they do feel like that well we'll hope that they'll cheer up with a live band performance playing on the stage the band will vary from professionals to upcoming artist looking to show their skills out there.
How many employees do you plan to have?:
Well 14 in Total with the Shopkeeper who takes care of the stock, opens, and ensures employees get paid as well as teaching the management how to open and manage the shop, Secretary who is there to help me out with the shop or take over when I'm unavailable. Management who will be helping to manage and open the shop, and waiters that will help out with the shop taking customer's orders with a good attitude they are they to make sure they have a good experience at Taggers Tavern. And to end it there will be bartenders who will focus mainly on the bar they're in charge being charismatic and serving drinks to individuals who are looking to have a fun experience.[Slip to the Knot]
Having one of the best bands around to play for an opening would be pretty fire to have, it could either be a fake slipknot band or the real deal which would be pretty funny and dope to have as an event along with some spin the wheels to earn a guitar or a skateboard, I think this event would be pretty loved by metalheads in SRP and would be a nice event to have out of the blue.
[Halloween Bash]
This Halloween Twist would be cool addition for events, we would try to sell some new special drinks that capture the energy of our shop's culture as well as Halloween. This event will be special with the building decorated, our employees in their costumes as well as encouraging to public to get in a custom as there will be free shots handed out with a dance floor, this trilling theme would be pretty fun for me and hopefully the public if they enjoy the spooky theme of the shop.
[Tavern Christmas Jam]
A cozy holiday event featuring new unique gifts, art supplies, and holiday decorations, there will be new limited drinks and food to fit the cheery Christmas theme, the shop would go from hardcore to cozy just to enjoy and respect the chill aspect of then holiday, they'll be some presents to win all over 20k to ensure it's a high quality gift and that customers don't feel that their money was wasted but if they do feel like that well we'll hope that they'll cheer up with a live band performance playing on the stage the band will vary from professionals to upcoming artist looking to show their skills out there.
How many employees do you plan to have?:
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Building References:
Unlike the exterior, the interior design will consist of several modern-day attributes, such as the atmosphere inside the building along with the setting of the table the murals on the wall and just the overall style of the interior is what is special about the building. It presents an urban aesthetic and looks suitable for hardcore individuals.
These Refs are the best I could find although my theme would have more of a metal feel to it but not too much so people could enjoy their food. Taggers Tavern will have this a chill laidback demeanor with updated changes to the walls making it seem like it's being tagged by artists every opening just for the fun of it since it's all welcomed, we'll make sure no spray cans are used in the building as that would be a health code violation, but I'm planning to item RP the situation and "give" them a marker to write on the wall, just for a more realistic approach on the wall writing, we'll have some muralist do their professional work and make things look nice and tidy for customers to have something fun to look at while eating. The music that would play in the restaurant as customers eat will be mostly a specific genre that would fit in with the atmosphere, this will consist of Punk Rock, Indie Rock, Alternative Rock, Hard Rock, and some Heavy Metal on occasions or special events for all you metal heads out there.
Additional notes about your application:
Do you have any questions?:
Thank you to all staff and people who took their time to read this, appreciate it!
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Building References:

Unlike the exterior, the interior design will consist of several modern-day attributes, such as the atmosphere inside the building along with the setting of the table the murals on the wall and just the overall style of the interior is what is special about the building. It presents an urban aesthetic and looks suitable for hardcore individuals.
Exterior Design
So for the exterior design, I'll still plan to have the rich Japanese architecture while still including a street urban aesthetic in the inside.

So for the exterior design, I'll still plan to have the rich Japanese architecture while still including a street urban aesthetic in the inside.
For the uniform I'm thinking a black button up shirt and black jeans or a apron for male and female. The black fit would come in contrast with a tan apron with brown pockets along with some suspenders to hold them up, this will get more of a tavern feel but still feel a part of the theme.
These Refs are the best I could find although my theme would have more of a metal feel to it but not too much so people could enjoy their food. Taggers Tavern will have this a chill laidback demeanor with updated changes to the walls making it seem like it's being tagged by artists every opening just for the fun of it since it's all welcomed, we'll make sure no spray cans are used in the building as that would be a health code violation, but I'm planning to item RP the situation and "give" them a marker to write on the wall, just for a more realistic approach on the wall writing, we'll have some muralist do their professional work and make things look nice and tidy for customers to have something fun to look at while eating. The music that would play in the restaurant as customers eat will be mostly a specific genre that would fit in with the atmosphere, this will consist of Punk Rock, Indie Rock, Alternative Rock, Hard Rock, and some Heavy Metal on occasions or special events for all you metal heads out there.
Additional notes about your application:
Do you have any questions?:
Thank you to all staff and people who took their time to read this, appreciate it!
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