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[Suggestion] Abstracted Housing


Level 35
Community Team
IGN: DylanDeNewb
DATE: 13/05/2023
Currently, SRP housing is very much restricted and confined to a set of specific guidelines and rules. These being that you can't do things like modify the exterior, can't edit any gardens and etc; these are due to the need to keep everything consistent and allow for others to claim the property when it expires in a somewhat negligible state.

But what if SRP were to abstract housing? When I say abstract housing, I mean creating a system similar to hypixel housing, or mineclub housing if any of you had the chance to see such. You can walk into an apartment block entrance anywhere on the map, and it'll ask if you want to enter your home or view 'open' houses (which can be used as more hubs of rp), upon choosing to enter your home, if you do not already have one, you'll be shown various options of schematics for default apartments, with the monthly rent scaling based on the amount of space by default, potentially being a limit to the amount you can build outwards based on the tier rented. Once you select a schematic you like, you'll be placed into the housing world which is essentially a very large grid of schematics out of sight from each other, where you'll have free access to edit and expand your apartment within the default schematic. Not got enough money for an apartment? Want room-mates? In addition to showing open housing and enter your home at the main menu, we could also have an option to view housing searching for room-mates, in which you can apply to a house for the owner to accept you as a tenant.

What are the advantages:
- Further opens options for players first joining the server, by allowing them to view top-rated/open housing which showcase player creativity and also allows them to get into rp scenarios within such open custom environments, which may suit their preferred style better than the rest of the map.
- Options opened for KPD to more easily organise house raids, as there is no set location in the world for a person's home, they will be able to use the rp excuse of citizen addresses' being registered with the government, and allowing them the ability to directly warp to such properties from the apartment building entrance when a formal raid is announced. (raid mi****me??? kpd armed with functional weapons and cuffs that freeze players on interact until raid is over, any players in the property at the time are also able to deal damage, i know such a joke)
- For builders concerned with losing your build when your rent expires, worry not, as your plot will always REMAIN your plot, you just won't be able to access it until you pay rent. If you wanted to scale down to a smaller plot, you may lose your build though.
- Most of the restrictions on building in housing currently are gone.
- Allows for the absolute fucking enormous apartment blocks to have more commercial/recreational integrated instead due to the apartments not physically being in the way.
- And how could I forget, the potential to push micro-transactions, wooo!!!

What are the disadvantages:
- You can't run around and randomly peek into apartments and stir up trouble
- It'll take a decent amount of time to develop and unit test
- Some players may not explore the map due to the lack of need to visit different apartment blocks, but at the same time, the closest apartment block entrances are more likely to be rp hotspots
- Some people may go crazy with the build freedom which may not line up with what an apartment would look like (can always moderate it if not desired)
- Too modern, takes away from rp part of the server (the walking part), boohoo.
- Potentially too similar to creative to justify developing
- Probably a bunch more that I can't think of.

This is purely a conceptual suggestion, since its a pretty big change, pretty unlikely for it ever to be pushed unless there was heavy support for the idea.
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Level 149
School Clubs Lead
Content Team

that freedom from the map would make it harder or infact easier to find player house housing, meaning police wouldn’t be able to carry out raids or it would even end up making it even easier, housing and apartments become a storage unit which would either cause more problems with its accessibility

whilst this is out under an “advantage” some players prefer it being harder to find within the map to give them a chance


Level 35
Community Team
Thread starter

that freedom from the map would make it harder or infact easier to find player house housing, meaning police wouldn’t be able to carry out raids or it would even end up making it even easier, housing and apartments become a storage unit which would either cause more problems with its accessibility

whilst this is out under an “advantage” some players prefer it being harder to find within the map to give them a chance
Suppose it would be a bit overkill to let kpd find player housing so easily, though at the same time could be slowed to make it so that governors have to approve the 'warrant' of getting the house location and raiding, which would allow them that time to plan ahead and keep the balance.


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
In response to the thread, I’m having a hard time understanding so can u explain it to me like I’m 5? :D

In response to the comment abt warrants this is already a system. KPD can’t raid any houses or properties without the consent of a judge via warrant


Level 149
School Clubs Lead
Content Team
In response to the thread, I’m having a hard time understanding so can u explain it to me like I’m 5? :D
Hypixel player housing to compensate for lack of housing


Level 17
[ -1 ]
this would be confusing for new and old players, dosent completely make sense, and i cant fully understand what your suggestion actually is- And All the above replies simplifies what I'm trying to say


Level 35
Community Team
Thread starter
ill explain it much simpler: your apartment would no longer be inside of the apartment building, but instead in another world where you can edit it however you want.

i thought of a better ****ogy, if you've ever played on a prison server where they give you a little cell in a void world, its kinda like that but with apartment designs

nothing would change other than the fact you can't walk all the way to your apartment without a little teleport from the apartment entrance to your apartment

this suggestion is very much a shot in the dark, in some communities it might work, some maybe not, from the looks of it the idea isn't gonna be much good for srp sadly
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Level 129
Not even related to warrants but, sometimes kpd gets calls about active situations happening inside housing. If we had a housing world, finding these would be wayyyy more confusing that it needs to be.

I'm ngl, the idea is good in concept, but knowing this server people will just abuse the system to avoidrp



Level 22
ill explain it much simpler: your apartment would no longer be inside of the apartment building, but instead in another world where you can edit it however you want.

i thought of a better ****ogy, if you've ever played on a prison server where they give you a little cell in a void world, its kinda like that but with apartment designs

nothing would change other than the fact you can't walk all the way to your apartment without a little teleport from the apartment entrance to your apartment

this suggestion is very much a shot in the dark, in some communities it might work, some maybe not, from the looks of it the idea isn't gonna be much good for srp sadly
I still don't get it, what's the point of the apartment being in another world? You can already edit apartments however you want, realistically.


Level 172
Senior Admin
College Sports Lead
Event Coordinator
-1 for now

As of the recent additions of the new housing blocks, there hasn't been much of a housing issue anymore. Whilst yes, the current way housing is done is a bit limiting, players can express themselves in their apartments enough with a limited version of creative. I think the benefits of having real housing in the actual map far outweigh the ones of virtual housing as proposed.

If, in the future however the player base has grown so much housing a significant portion of the players on the server because unfeasible, a system like this could work.


Level 42
-1. I see what you're getting at but I think it would just be more of a hassle to create and not really necessary at this point.


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
I’m in agreement with Tippie. I think it’d be a neat addition if we were desperate for more housing due to a sudden influx of players

it doesn’t sound complicated at all and is a very much feasible idea, just not needed YET


Level 57
No need, here is SRP, no need for these.
Personally, I don't really like your suggestion, it seems unrealistic.


Level 62
-1, I think this was a thing temporarily before a few years ago and it didn't really work out


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion!

- This is something that was planned around 2019-2020, however we scrapped the idea entirely in favour of all housing being inside of Karakura accessible by walking, driving, etc. as well as moderation and roleplay interaction as mentioned in your suggestion.​
- As for running out of space in Karakura or expanding the server, we plan to cut down on Apartment Blocks in the far future in favour of another more realistic plan which at this moment in time is not a concern as of yet.​

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