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Suggestion Against Scamming 'Grade Seven' Players


Level 32
IGN: Sxtanic
DATE: November 18th, 2021
**Scanning through the rules I have not seen this as an official rule. I may be wrong but was confirmed with an Admin that scamming against grade 7s was indeed, allowed.

My suggestion will be pretty simple, to forbid any scamming against Grade 7s.

Grade 7 players are new to the server, as applying to be a permanent grade 7 is no longer available for a while now (Grade 8+). The rule for scamming is: "You are permitted to scam anyone out of anything at any time, so long as it’s all done through IC measures." However I see people specifically targeting 'Grade - 7' players as soon as they join, as they are often confused or easily tricked as they are new to the rules. Yes, they should read the rules beforehand and understand, however it's safe to say that everyone at one point needed a few hours on the server to get a hang and fully understand them. I do not see the point of scamming new players when it just confuses them and ruins their first impression on the server as I see most of them complaining or reporting it in the discord as they do not understand.

What I am basically saying is, it would be best if scamming was completely forbidden, against and for 'Grade 7' players. This would let them have the chance to grade up and learn the rules properly before their first encounters being scamming straight away. By the time they reach grade 8 however, they are on their own as they've spent a short while on the server already and some Grade 8's are applied players anyways. I know GangRP, major combat and weaponry are not allowed for Grade 9's and below. However maybe make it a direct rule whether or not scamming is allowed as many of the staff I asked were unsure.

Regardless, I know some will not agree with me and that's okay!! I just thought I'd share my opinion on this.
Have a great week / Thanksgiving.


Level 134
Even knowing the rules doesn't mean you don't fall for scams, it's unacceptable behavior and has no story to it in the slightest. Scamming new players is one of the lowest things you can do, give them a chance to start out and learn the server before taking their money. A lot of new players use their starting money to buy their first phone or buy food. That's just setting them back.​


Level 331
When it comes to Green-Tags, we must first make a difference between actual new players and people who decide to have a Grade-8 or 9 accounts. Once that difference is made, I'd like to say that it is indeed true that many people take advantage of people's lack of knowledge about the server to scam them or take advantage of them. Currently, there are rules in place to prevent baiting, which could somewhat apply to these situations. Nonetheless, it is true that it is somewhat hard to monitor. Besides, if we made it so that Green-Tag's as a whole can't be scammed, many people would loophole this by requesting to be set to a lower age just to avoid any sort of scamming (and then change their age back to normal)

It sounds good, but making it so that the role as a whole has this perk could come with some downsides


Level 32
Thread starter
When it comes to Green-Tags, we must first make a difference between actual new players and people who decide to have a Grade-8 or 9 accounts. Once that difference is made, I'd like to say that it is indeed true that many people take advantage of people's lack of knowledge about the server to scam them or take advantage of them. Currently, there are rules in place to prevent baiting, which could somewhat apply to these situations. Nonetheless, it is true that it is somewhat hard to monitor. Besides, if we made it so that Green-Tag's as a whole can't be scammed, many people would loophole this by requesting to be set to a lower age just to avoid any sort of scamming (and then change their age back to normal)

It sounds good, but making it so that the role as a whole has this perk could come with some downsides
I completely understand your point! However which is why I mentioned "Grade 7 players are new to the server, as applying to be a permanent grade 7 is no longer available for a while now (Grade 8+)" and "By the time they reach grade 8 however, they are on their own as they've spent a short while on the server already and some Grade 8's are applied players anyways." As no one is allowed to apply for Grade 7, this rule would only be applied for grade 7s. :)


Level 272
+1 As a new player myself I got scammed for 65k and didn't know they can to mug from me only 5k ):
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Level 183
1+ When a player is just new he gets confused and obviously thinks it's against the rules to scam, and scamming would just give him bad impression about the server.

A greenie has to learn from his mistake, but when he's just new he needs some time to understand his way around.


Level 37

Though my opinion may change in the future, I think this is a good idea in its own perspective. Although greenies may have to learn, mugging players instantly will only damage their view on the server. If you start a game it tends to be because your looking for something fun to do and instantly being stripped of the few positions you worked for can set you back a long way in terms of motivation. As somebody who was mugged as a greenie, although it was an OOC situation and the player should've been banned, I likely would have quit if I hadn't been playing with friends.

SRP is a welcoming community for the most part and it is a shame somebody may not get to enjoy that simply because they got mugged.

I agree with Yonio's point too but as has been said, this would only apply to Grade-7's if implemented so it would avoid players asking to be set down just to avoid mugging and simply allow people to enjoy their first hour on the server without the risk of immediately losing the starting money you have.


Level 231
-1 / Neutral

Players need to learn about the rules from their mistakes somehow. As long as the scam was done ICly and not OOCly

However, it should be important to know that I have a very different background then most of the players in this thread as scamming didn't actually really exist when I was a "new player" So really take my opinion with a large grain of salt.


Level 129

There should be a cushion for all new players in this regard, at least ones that are grade seven. Most of em don't know that scamming is allowed, and can fall victim to being scammed like this. (*coughs in that one guy we all know about flexing the large amount of greenies he's scammed*)


Level 10

As said before, there are many potential players who turn away from SRP after being mugged or scammed as a Grade 7 player. Despite the fact that it's (normally) an in-character occurrence, I've heard mention of the scammings being conducted via OOC means multiple times, which as we know, is not allowed. It takes more than a quick read of the rules to keep them securely in your brainspace for future reference, and I find myself even having to go back and re-read sections of the rules every so often since there are things that I have either forgotten with time or need a reminder of. Yes, reading and understanding the rules is important, but when you're new to the server, you can't really be faulted for not knowing the rules perfectly. It takes time.

Some still take advantage of the aforementioned fact, which I feel is unfair. There are definitely people who specifically target new players to scam. You see people talking and/or bragging about this often.

I'm not going to lie. A lot of people seem to be a bit hostile or cold to newer players from what I've seen. Whether it's the scamming, OOC rudeness, or even a straight out refusal to roleplay with the lower grade characters, it does not reflect well on the server or the playerbase. I remember when I was new to the server and it was extremely difficult to get answers to questions I had about the server because many responses were either jokes, or just plain rude. I'm pretty sure that I was nearly scammed a few times before when being asked if I would like to buy phones or the like, but thankfully I was aware of the scamming rule.

TLDR: A lot of newer players are turned away by the disregard for newer players and the scams that they often fall into, whether IC or OOC. Also, there's just a lot of general rudeness toward newer players, and a lack of care for them from my observations and experiences.


Level 44
Not gonna say much. Just think targeting Grade 7s to scam is just a very crappy move on your part if you do it


Level 134

There should be a cushion for all new players in this regard, at least ones that are grade seven. Most of em don't know that scamming is allowed, and can fall victim to being scammed like this. (*coughs in that one guy we all know about flexing the large amount of greenies he's scammed*)
we all thinkin of the same dude


Level 52
Has no one in this forum page got scammed in an online game before? I legit have gotten scammed one time not trying to mess with them and that was for 15k dude. If you have been living under a rock for the past 20 years then go on SchoolRP is the only reasonable explanation to me why you would get scammed.


Level 22
+1 I feel as if your gonna scam you should scam someone who knows server rules and isn't new cause idk about yall but scamming a greenie that is new and all their hard earned money feels guilty asf like keep in mind these are players that barely knows anything. Plus I feel like if your gonna say in rules that we can't gangrp grade 7 because they are new and shouldn't suffer losing a character which i totally agree with then you should also give them the right to not be able to get scammed due to the fact that most if not all scammers go after grade 7's because they cant gangrp meaning grade 7 cant really do shit and cant get their money back. I mean they can if they fight you in a 1v1 but their chances of getting that money back that they got scammed for is low asf due to their rolling amounts and then when they do bring like a pack of 12 graders to beat the person up and get their money back all of a sudden its considered gangrp since the grade seven got a crew to fuck you up and i can already see some people saying that they cant do that because grade 7's cant gangrp here see what im saiying? Basically when grade 7's get scammed they cant do shit or cant get back that money to a grade 12 that rolls out of 150
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Level 37
+1 PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE. When I was a younger I got scammed around 80k before, this was a couple years ago but please this would be so useful and SRP so much more fun for when I was younger.


Level 129
Has no one in this forum page got scammed in an online game before? I legit have gotten scammed one time not trying to mess with them and that was for 15k dude. If you have been living under a rock for the past 20 years then go on SchoolRP is the only reasonable explanation to me why you would get scammed.
They mean new players, who don't fully understand the in-game rules and are succeptible to this sort of thing, many don't realize that scamming is legal

Exploiting new players is a major issue too, if you steal their money it may encourage them not to play


Level 134
Has no one in this forum page got scammed in an online game before? I legit have gotten scammed one time not trying to mess with them and that was for 15k dude. If you have been living under a rock for the past 20 years then go on SchoolRP is the only reasonable explanation to me why you would get scammed.
Green tags only get a small sum of money for food and a phone, taking that from them is like taking their only way to start out in the game. It's going to push them away


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Rules are fairly clear on taking OOC into IC, — What IC reason would a character have to mug a new player to begin with? — an additional rule won't be added, however we will enforce this in future! If you catch this happening at any point, open up a report on the forums, open a ticket, or DM an online staff member with evidence and we'll get it sorted. Thank you for bringing this to our attention
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