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Wasted Time

Level 10
IGN: FinalWasted
DATE: 6.11.2021
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Hello, This is only my opinion and I do not know about others. But I think It'd be really cool if we had a group chat (on phone) or anything like that for communication amongst teams/gangs/organizations etc.
I'm pretty sure It'd benefit by communicating easily with each other, as a gangrper I was looking forward for this update. Cops have radios and I think we need something to send messages to every one of our friends with a single command, It is also realistic for the RP to send a message to a group chat/call.


Level 38
+1 / -1

I think this would be a good idea although hard to implement, If it were to be added it could also cause some issues in terms of people spamming group chats, people having old or inactive group chats etc.

Having too many group chats or people spamming, in general, would probably cause lag if somebody is sending so many commands per minute if that makes sense, I'm not a coder but it seems like the kind of thing that would cause lag. Alongside this, many teams have an IC group chat in their off-topic discords and the same with clubs. Friends could also make their own of course but it's something that's already been implemented to discord that allows people to talk in group chats even when offline.

On the other hand, having an app could be beneficial to the roleplay however you could simply action that you are typing which is why this wouldn't be completely necessary and overall would likely be a hassle to implement. I like the idea and I think it has a lot of potential but it seems like it would just overcomplicate the server to me more than necessary because at least with the discord-ic-group chats people are also able to continue participating with others on the server while offline.

Wasted Time

Level 10
Thread starter
+1 / -1

I think this would be a good idea although hard to implement, If it were to be added it could also cause some issues in terms of people spamming group chats, people having old or inactive group chats etc.

Having too many group chats or people spamming, in general, would probably cause lag if somebody is sending so many commands per minute if that makes sense, I'm not a coder but it seems like the kind of thing that would cause lag. Alongside this, many teams have an IC group chat in their off-topic discords and the same with clubs. Friends could also make their own of course but it's something that's already been implemented to discord that allows people to talk in group chats even when offline.

On the other hand, having an app could be beneficial to the roleplay however you could simply action that you are typing which is why this wouldn't be completely necessary and overall would likely be a hassle to implement. I like the idea and I think it has a lot of potential but it seems like it would just overcomplicate the server to me more than necessary because at least with the discord-ic-group chats people are also able to continue participating with others on the server while offline.

I completely agree and respect your idea on the topic, But you cannot message on discord in order to take your friends into an ic situation, such as if you are in combat if you know what I mean..

The other thing is about the spam, this feature would be useful for small groups, not large groups such as.. for exmp the whole yakuza clan. It would be a mess. But for small groups with 4-10 people, maybe more is okay if you ask me. I think the players can handle this issue by themselves.

Would love to hear back from you.


Level 231

Reasonably hard to implement, a lot of people just use discord chats for this and discordrp (works just fine.)


Level 343
HS Sports Lead
We already have plans to remake/rebrand 'ONRAIN' into an online chatting platform integrated with in-game phones, allowing you to make real IC group chats with all of your In-Character friends.

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