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Suggestion / Knives, Knuckle dusters


Level 5
IGN: Red_Wolf08
DATE: 12/23/2021
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: during a search or pat-down if you have a knife on you such as small pockets knives or knuckle dusters make the other party roll to find it since small items like that can be easily missed over if carrying a lot of stuff on you.
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: Honestly I think it is easy for people to go over small things like that so it could possibly make it more realistic and help you from being trampled on by big gangs, and if a character like mine is in a big gang and needs some form of way to protect himself from a large group of people coming for majors/kps it could help fear them or give your character enough time to get out of there and call for backup or hideaway in a secluded spot. Also, it's not very uncommon for people to hold knives on them in some situations and if your character does decide he/she needs a way of protection it could easily be there, and yes you may be able to hold a ballistic on you legally but it may not always be the greatest way to help yourself out during that so mixing a knife in could also cause your character death or possibly stop your character from death or losing a limb.
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Level 26
Has been suggested before and I don't think it was added seen as it was suggested on July 14th. it may change but it's there.


But I don't know if I want to say +1 or -1 but I'm more thinking in a -1 way

Therefore its a -0.75 / +0.25

Let me quickly explain why I am more saying no to this.

As a police officer, you get trained to not miss these kinds of stuff, and seen as we pat down in a professional way they shouldn't miss it unless it's hidden in an area where we cant come and I won't specify where.

But a suggestion towards you is to maybe try and keep it at home/hideout until you REALLY need it therefore the chance an officer will find it on you is small unless you are going out and hunt or hurt and you need it, but there are many tricks (that are allowed) to not get caught having it, these are simply avoiding situations you are not apart of, not wearing a mask, running before the cops come (might get described if you are identifiable). or simply not have it on you. but I'm sure you can find a way to avoid getting caught with it.

Another small thing I wish to mention is that if this would be a thing that people can just walk around with them like its nothing and with the thought "oh I can roll for it anyways" and it might remove the challenge of trying to hide and don't get caught with it and it might be less fun maybe seen as you lose the challenge as I said.

Thank you for reading!


Level 130

Police officers get trained for this kind of stuff, and in my opinion, if you get caught with any weapons on you then that's just game over, there shouldn't be any twists


Level 19
As said above police are trained to not miss items and thoroughly search and find everything. If you get caught you get caught and that's on you


Level 40
BIG -1
you should have to be careful about carrying weps. This is an added thing to keep from violence getting out of control. Removing that fear of getting fined and jailed for carrying small weps would cause crime to become more rampant then it already is.


Level 130

Improperly fearing on the server is bad enough, adding this into the mix? Gonna make it a lot worse.


Level 44
Community Team
Lore Team
I feel like most of what's been said is enough reasons on why this should not be implemented. Police officers get trained for searches, this includes finding the small things! Items like pocket knifes and knuckle dusters aren't exactly 'small, hard to find' objects... If you do own weapons, like mentioned earlier I suggest hiding them at your apartment or somewhere else that is safe and secure. And as Servicedoggo mentioned, it'll remove the FearRP aspect of holding an illegal weapon/item on you.


Level 233
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator

Police officers are trained VERY intensely for these kinds of things. I don't agree with how it'd be more "realistic" to roll whether they find it or not. Instead, you can roll against other actions to try prevent them from patting you down. You just need to know how to escape them if you get away.

You are given multiple chances to roll as long as you are not stunned while they do pat you down. You can roll to resist against them patting down and roll to resist against them putting cuffs on you. Even then, you can also action between theirs, as long as the cuffs aren't on your wrists.


Level 343
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your feedback, however after discussing this with the rest of the staff team we have come to the decision to deny this.

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