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Level 211
sorry, but if I was a minor I'd be terrified of knowing the character I was roleplaying with is a grown adult.

Not all adults are *******s I hope you know that. I am not here to get advantage of anyone, simply to have fun, that's it.
Hey man, not everyone is a murderer! But there are still a lot of murderers around. The internet is 100% not a safe place for minors and there are adults with predator speeches everywhere. Just like you are here to simply roleplay, there are children here just to have fun, not to have to go through things like this so if anything can help them to avoid it, should be taken into consideration.
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Level 2
Also I have a question, if a minor was to act the same way to another minor what would that be classified as? Because I wouldn’t classify that as gr**ming? How would you counter that? Any idea. As it’s not ‘illegal’ especially since everything is IC yet for some reason, this only brings this into OOC. Encouraging players to basically fall in love at that point, that’s my personal opinion.
It would be classified as grooming. "Encouraging players to basically fall in love"... it's the opposite. But it happens; to deny that is ignorant.


Level 129
I agree, The IC age gap rule should be enforced more, however, we can not do that if only 1 in 4 players (not an actual statistic, mean to refer to the fact staff are not omnipotent) make reports about this.

The OOC confirmation of age will inevitably be denied, it goes against community safeguarding to ask a player of their age, but what we can do is encourage those who are underaged and even of age that are uncomfortable with certain topics to come forwards to staff members more and their parents and ensure the people around them know what they are not comfortable with.

Moderation on this topic is hard but if a relationship is clearly being taken from IC to OOC or the age gap is beyond what's stated in the rules, a report to us can have it handled.
100% agree with customable here, minors should absolutely never have to deal with any kind or relationships or relationship attempts (both oocly and icly) that would make them uncomfortable. If some staff members are indeed not paying attention to or disregarding this, they should be looked into.

But, I do not think that other adults should be barred from roleplaying relationships with minors. Firstly there's an obvious privacy issue... Secondly, many in character relationships would have to be immediately voided or broken off because of this, which does not seem fair at all to the people roleplaying them. Thirdly, as Frankie said, this would be pretty restricting to others who have done nothing wrong and just want to roleplay their characters.

Now, I do agree with adults being barred from doing more graphical romamcerp actions with minors, because well... really? Hyper detailing a kiss?? :l. And if a minor is uncomfortable with an adults roleplay being "sus" they should 100% notify staff of the situation. But I do not see a real problem with people roleplaying a relationship normally.

+1 in the sense that yes, definetly minors should be more protected and staff should look more into this. I don't think it should be taken as far as to limit who people can roleplay relationships with.


Level 36
Just so you know, different countries age of consent does not matter over the internet. The legal age of consent online is 18. Look it up, even if the age of consent is 17 in one country, it is still a crime buddy. Know your laws.
It’s not though even online you can give consent, at least where I am. And even if you say it’s a ‘crime’ I hope you know most people don’t date minors when they’re adults anyway. And the majority that do have been BANNED, it’s not hard to report someone. The only reason people don’t report people when they’re in a illegal relationship is because, a. They either like them, or b. They said they can’t because they’re to scared, like it’s online? Why would u be scared to report someone online.

I believe that the rule is completely unnecessary, personally if someone asks for my age to romancerp I’ll just say ‘No lol’ like I can just deny to give my age out? And what? Would I get banned ‘Your banned for not saying you age to people’


Level 15
100% agree with customable here, minors should absolutely never have to deal with any kind or relationships or relationship attempts (both oocly and icly) that would make them uncomfortable. If some staff members are indeed not paying attention to or disregarding this, they should be looked into.

But, I do not think that other adults should be barred from roleplaying relationships with minors. Firstly there's an obvious privacy issue... Secondly, many in character relationships would have to be immediately voided or broken off because of this, which does not seem fair at all to the people roleplaying them. Thirdly, as Frankie said, this would be pretty restricting to others who have done nothing wrong and just want to roleplay their characters.

Now, I do agree with adults being barred from doing more graphical romamcerp actions with minors, because well... really? Hyper detailing a kiss?? :l. And if a minor is uncomfortable with an adults roleplay being "sus" they should 100% notify staff of the situation. But I do not see a real problem with people roleplaying a relationship normally.

+1 in the sense that yes, definetly minors should be more protected and staff should look more into this. I don't think it should be taken as far as to limit who people can roleplay relationships with.
No adult should have the desire of romantically roleplaying a minor, they need to work their 9-5 or they need to write a romance novel consisting of characters written by an adult.


Level 193
To put it all short. I think we can all agree this will not be a whole new rule, however;

It's more reasonable for this to be put under the category, common knowledge. If you are uncomfortable with the other party for whatever reason and see the need for it to be reported you may do so. We can't moderate such things unless you guys report it to us with evidence or we happen to stumble across it. That's the best we can do/offer for everyone.

On a side note when it comes to that as well, it personally makes more sense that you first get to know someone and work it out from there. Decide the standards from there. It's simply how it works.

With all that said, it's a no from me in regards to making it a rule. It's still be moderated and actions are taken accordingly.
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Level 331
This thread has been locked to prevent unnecessary drama instigations and deviations from the main topic. The proposals found in the thread will be reviewed during the incoming staff meeting and a collective decision will be taken. Thanks for your input​


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your feedback!

- As many of your have said above, a lot of this is common sense if it's not already in the rule book. Refer to rule 4.5
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