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Suggestion: Notes App


Level 1
DATE: April 27th, 2022
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: A notes app on our phones! This is a pretty small thing to suggest, but it would be an app on your phone that acts almost like a personal ‘notebook’. It would be possible to rp as though someone else can see what is written in it the same way you can show others text messages, and it would behave like a book.
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: I personally had only thought about this when it came to switching my characters. I usually use a specific hex code for the actions and, while it’s not impossible to remember the hex codes without this app, it’d make things a lot easier. Gameplay wise, it could make switching characters easier as well because you could write your character description and just copy and paste it into /setdesc (which I usually have a hard time doing when switching characters). Additionally, the icly capabilities could be very promising, vendors/bmds/shopkeepers sales they make, people writing down names and locations of an event a friend invited them to icly, (which could in turn be used even further if someone’s phone is searched) etc. I’m not sure if this has been suggested before but— that’s about it! I’m sure there are other uses I’m not thinking of at this moment, but so far that’s what I can come up with.


Level 211

You can use your own notes app on your computer to write down important information as /setdesc, hex codes, and things like that -- For the things you need to write down ICly, you can just get a book at the family store and make it your "notebook" for that kind of stuff


Level 197
It actually may be hard to configure. And you can have your note stuff on your computer like that, I don't know... basically what Mariav said.


Level 183
-1 Very unnecessary. Just use your desktop's notebook/document, the in-game notebook, or personally what I do is I have the notebook app on my phone.


Level 1
Thread starter
DATE: April 27th, 2022
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: A notes app on our phones! This is a pretty small thing to suggest, but it would be an app on your phone that acts almost like a personal ‘notebook’. It would be possible to rp as though someone else can see what is written in it the same way you can show others text messages, and it would behave like a book.
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: I personally had only thought about this when it came to switching my characters. I usually use a specific hex code for the actions and, while it’s not impossible to remember the hex codes without this app, it’d make things a lot easier. Gameplay wise, it could make switching characters easier as well because you could write your character description and just copy and paste it into /setdesc (which I usually have a hard time doing when switching characters). Additionally, the icly capabilities could be very promising, vendors/bmds/shopkeepers sales they make, people writing down names and locations of an event a friend invited them to icly, (which could in turn be used even further if someone’s phone is searched) etc. I’m not sure if this has been suggested before but— that’s about it! I’m sure there are other uses I’m not thinking of at this moment, but so far that’s what I can come up with.
Heya! Read the replies, sorry I hadn’t considered the alternative solutions ^^’ only because my game usually crashes if I try to tab out, I forgot it’s not like that for everyone.


Level 144
School Clubs Lead
Media Team
This is one of those things I don’t really stand opposed on but I don’t really think is needed in the long run.

this would probably be fairly easy to implement, just unnecessary and more cosmetic to the user.


Level 17
I like the idea, it seems like a really cute idea but as said by others it isn’t really needed and would not serve a huge use.
I totally get the whole game crashing thing, that can be super annoying. I would still suggest having a google doc or something to save your character desc just in case, or you could put it in a notebook on the server!


Level 183
Heya! Read the replies, sorry I hadn’t considered the alternative solutions ^^’ only because my game usually crashes if I try to tab out, I forgot it’s not like that for everyone.

It's okay you had a creative idea the suggestion was cool!

I would still suggest having a google doc or something to save your character desc just in case, or you could put it in a notebook on the server!

Or have your phone by your side and use its documents.


Level 197
Heya! Read the replies, sorry I hadn’t considered the alternative solutions ^^’ only because my game usually crashes if I try to tab out, I forgot it’s not like that for everyone.
It's all good! I think it was a good suggestion regardless!


Level 169
Senior Admin
College Sports Lead
Event Coordinator

Easy and fun addon, keep them on the phone item, so if you drop your phone anyone with it can open your notes, would be really funny


Level 347
HS Sports Lead

- We may add something similar to this in the future, however notebooks/book and quills are just as simple to use.​

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