players online

SUGGESTION; Senior Admin+


Level 11
I feel as if it's a good idea on paper, but being implemented would take too much management. Also on a more realistic scale would be deficit. I am not against it. they are plenty of positives such as;

- Players with multiple roles are easily able to switch between.
- It is basically a profile setup in one. A character switcher per say.
- It minimizes the amount of time it takes to switch, and/or if you are on a timely mannered-roleplay.
- It creates a function which would easily be adaptable.

ye i understand that logic. As a manager of a popular server (not rp) which is a pvp game, different characters with different abilities (similar to how perms work on srp) I used a system for people who have voted where they can select 2 other characters and had a wardrobe and people started macroing it. Suddenly someone would come up with this hack that allows you to rapidly swap between this speed character and this heavy hitter which made it absolutely broken. In other words, these people could do anything and if they can't do anything, they'd just switch to a different role (character in my game) Even a 2 week cooldown /setage wont help


Level 113

I love the idea of having this because many people struggle with not having enough accounts. Even myself with two accounts, I'm on a sports team and I am a club leader (college account) which already takes up both my accounts. I don't get the chance of applying for KPD, EMS, Government, or School factions without leaving one of my roles.

It would most likely take some time to implement but I really love the idea of having this so I can apply for different things.


Level 355
HS Sports Lead

- It's a great idea in theory, however we've already denied a similar suggestion before, however not much reason was given to it.​
- Our plugins aren't easily editable for this kind of system, not only this but the work itself would take quite a considerable amount of time; time which we unfortunately do not have at the moment with all of the current backlog. Alongside this, after discussing this with Ducks and the rest of the staff team, the system is very complex and has far too many cons when compared to its pros. We may come back to this at some point in the far future to add this as a donation perk, but for now this suggestion is denied.​

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