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[Suggestion] Servants / Maids & Butlers


Level 206
What's your Minecraft Username?: ErikFinster
What's the title of your suggestion?: [Suggestion] Servants / Maids & Butlers

What's your suggestion?:
SchoolRP has class disparity built into the lore and world of the Karakura Map. So with the presence of the influential Itsbyoshi and Ōgonshoku families such as the Akihito and Saiky firmly established ... it makes sense to reflect their wealth and status through more interaction possibilities: Maids and Butlers.

This could introduce a servants that caters to our very own island elite, offering employment opportunities (people CRAVE jobs that pay reliable monthly money and LOVE to cosplay as maids and butlers) while highlighting the existing class disparity in Karakura.


Purpose and Benefits

The Akihito and Saiky Estates are among the most exclusive areas in Karakura, currently only accessible to family members and their close friends. By adding a maid and butler role (or job/business), we could create an interesting and organic rp environment within and around the estates while also opening access to more players (in a structured and non-chaotic way). To be fair - I don't know how much RP is going on inside the estates, but it seems somewhat disconnected from the rest of the community. (Or this is just a time zone issue, since I'm European.) From my limited point of view - the estate area is MUCH larger than most faction buildings (besides School faction) more beautiful than most faction buildings, and less productive in terms of effective RP usage.

Servant-Master Dynamics
One interesting aspect of this new role would be the interaction between employees and their high-class employers, which can lead to interesting stories, character moments, and scenarios about loyalty and trust, (but also drama? olala). It doesn't make sense to me to have a class of upper rank citizens and not have servants whisper behind their backs - or being utilized in other ways. They can serve as personal assistants, bodyguards, mentoring the younger generation of the family, watchdogs patrouling the estate, cooking, entertaining, selling old stacks of items for the family on auction, collecting the newest products from shop openings for their employers, and socializing with the families and each other.

Power Struggles and Secrets
Players may find themselves caught between different estate members, or being used to perform silly duties, forced to navigate a petty internal sibling rivalry or nanny a daughter that tends to act strange - while maintaining their professional aura. A maid or butler might even serve one family during the day but engage in more illicit activities that their employers can't afford to have connections with - going to fight clubs, hiring criminals, influence other factions, spy, or deliver simple messages.

Additionally - there would finally be an ingame reason for wearing servant uniforms.
I know this might be a minor benefit - but there ARE people who'd love to RP a proper butler/maid.

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This profession/activity draws inspiration from entire genres of fiction, manga, webcomics, and K/J-dramas that focus on the role of servants in high-class households: Black Butler, The Housekeeper and the Professor, Downton Abbey, The Remains of the Day, The Heirs, Personal Taste, Bridal Mask, Hana Yori Dango / Boys Over Flowers, Ojousama no Untenshu, Shadow House, etc...


Job Structure

Access to Estate Grounds

Either a simple side-gig for highschoolers, college, or adults, or a proper job role, or a special whitelist on the families discords that allows employed servants entry into the estate areas (with minor or limited property permissions). Of course - having servants quarters for the most trusted or most responsible maids and butlers would be amazing.

Recruitment & Management
Estate owners (Akihito and Saiky families) could hire and oversee maids/butlers, or designate a head butler or head maid to oversee the entire operation. Applications could be handled via the forums, discord, and/or ICly, much like other jobs on SRP.

Uniforms & Cosmetics
Custom maid and butler skins could be provided, or players could be required to wear specific attire when on duty. OPTIONAL!: A great incentive would of course be a designated job tag [Maid] or [Servant] or [Butler] (for feminine, androgynous, and masculine identities) but that is optional.

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How will this benefit the server and community?:
By introducing a maid & butler jobs, SchoolRP can expand another money earning opportunity for High Schoolers, College Students, and Adults, and give people a chance to play into social class dynamics while also allowing more players to engage with the Akihito and Saiky Estates instead of just gawking at them from the distance. (And reeaaally showcase the gap between Karakura’s elite and the working class)
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Level 43

If it got added, i would probably apply (we listen but we don't judge) because shrine has made me fall in love with detailrp cleaning... And imagine getting to do that around the saiky estate omg

HOWEVER i feel like srp doesn't reeaallyyy need it... I feel as though it would be better as a family thing than a faction..


Level 206
Thread starter
ALSO . . . if the idea of a job existing solely to emphasize the divide between Karakura's elite and the common people makes you cringe - that's exactly the right reaction. That's a sign of social awareness.

Just as much as the people of CrimeRP or school bullies aren't a celebration of social failure, the servants here could serve as a nice source of conflict, drama, and a great reflection of social disparities. Why have big families in town if you can't be disgusted at their usage of their privilege, power, and the structures that sustain them? :)


Level 206
Thread starter

If it got added, i would probably apply (we listen but we don't judge) because shrine has made me fall in love with detailrp cleaning... And imagine getting to do that around the saiky estate omg

HOWEVER i feel like srp doesn't reeaallyyy need it... I feel as though it would be better as a family thing than a faction..
I would be fine with it being a family thing too - it doesn't need to involve a tag - it can just be something that is being organized within the Akihito or Saiky families. But the opportunity to RP in the estates would be amazing! (I do love to cleanRP the Occult Room too)


Level 149
School Clubs Lead
Content Team
The saiky estate has groundskeepers as far as I’m aware, I don’t think there needs to be a role for this as an adult or student tag can roleplay cleaning


Level 206
Thread starter
The saiky estate has groundskeepers as far as I’m aware, I don’t think there needs to be a role for this as an adult or student tag can roleplay cleaning
It's really less about the tag - more about the opportunity to be involved in the noble estate - having a purpose there.
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Level 82
Neutral aswell but leaning towards a +1!!I TIHNK
they should defiantly incorporate something of that sorts!
the idea of being able to be involved in big name-families and possibly uncovering lore or hidden things and such is such an interesting one!
it's also what im tryna do w/ my own SRP family the Ai manor! On my end im using the staff as means to advanced the happening-plot w/ this silly cursed bunch <333
I say neutral bcs i dont think that we need a tag, and also, this is pretty much up to the heads of the family!! Like the saikys' with their staff! :DDD


Level 18
This doesn’t need to exist. As the big families already have this especially the estate, you just have to speak to someone who’s in charge of doing that or create a friendship with someone and just ask if you could create a character who could be their butler, and etc.

my character Hiromi Vermillion is (eventually rehired) lady-In-Waiting for Himawari Heddo.
not many know that, its more fun when it’s foundt out icly and not sought out for.

Put yourself out there role playing wise! Not everything needs an announcement that it exists. This is those moments where the server pushes you to seek out more opportunities for yourself.


Level 206
Thread starter
This doesn’t need to exist. As the big families already have this especially the estate, you just have to speak to someone who’s in charge of doing that or create a friendship with someone and just ask if you could create a character who could be their butler, and etc.

my character Hiromi Vermillion is (eventually rehired) lady-In-Waiting for Himawari Heddo.
not many know that, its more fun when it’s foundt out icly and not sought out for.

Put yourself out there role playing wise! Not everything needs an announcement that it exists. This is those moments where the server pushes you to seek out more opportunities for yourself.

While I feel that it would be accomodating to a larger amount of players to have a standardized way into the estate - you have a valid take there!


Level 18
While I feel that it would be accomodating to a larger amount of players to have a standardized way into the estate - you have a valid take there!
True, but one thing the big families usually want is very good experienced roleplayers for more closer deeper roles, so for a moment you are technically just “proving” yourself. (This is what I see, so I Really dunno!!)

for maids(groundkeeping technically). It is more standardized, I think they’ve just forgotten the whole thing as many are gone from srp, I say. “BRING BACK GROUNDSKEEPING” as I know they get their own rooms in the estate as well like a butler/maid quarters


Level 5

Something tells me this already exists due to hearing about groundskeepers that I've met icly. However, this post can serve well to tell these families that there is a desire for this kind of role! And people will want to take that responsibility!

I think some akihito and saiky characters would enjoy that too. Katsuhito, from my limited interactions with them, seem to enjoy teaching the young-uns manners and how to properly appreciate japanese culture. So this'll satisfy both parties, the students that wish to be servants and the family members that either want to teach or .. simply have a servant


Level 43
for maids(groundkeeping technically). It is more standardized, I think they’ve just forgotten the whole thing as many are gone from srp, I say. “BRING BACK GROUNDSKEEPING” as I know they get their own rooms in the estate as well like a butler/maid quarters
Being a groundskeeper for the Saiky estate is like... A BIG goal of mine. But asking is so scary! Do you have any advice, given your thing with Himawari Heddo?


Level 18
Being a groundskeeper for the Saiky estate is like... A BIG goal of mine. But asking is so scary! Do you have any advice, given your thing with Himawari Heddo?
Tbf im close with the person who plays Himawari Heddo So it wasn't hard as they knew Who I am and how I rp- But, Id say. Be confident with yourself, if you already know how to role play especially detailrp that’s the first part down, although when it comes to being a groundskeeper, I don’t think it matters!

I say be confident within yourself, it does seem scary but do remember that the people in the family are JUST like us outside of roleplay. They were once just a normal part of the crowd before being apart of saiky, etc. so dont put them on a pedestal as it will take away possible friendships you can create. They are here to rp as much as you are

if you want to make a character straight out of ooc, ask an higher up in saiky! (Pretty sure rexlobo is one) they are super kind. if you want to start icly, remember be confident. Put yourself and the character out there, be unique and different with in-character motivation! maybe create a motivation that’s so different people are drawn into wanting to be apart of that characters book, or simple but fun character people can’t resist NOT getting to know them. Maybe you’ll end up having a character that’s much more than just a groundskeeper, especially right now with most being gone. Take the opportunity!


Level 43
Tbf im close with the person who plays Himawari Heddo So it wasn't hard as they knew Who I am and how I rp- But, Id say. Be confident with yourself, if you already know how to role play especially detailrp that’s the first part down, although when it comes to being a groundskeeper, I don’t think it matters!

I say be confident within yourself, it does seem scary but do remember that the people in the family are JUST like us outside of roleplay. They were once just a normal part of the crowd before being apart of saiky, etc. so dont put them on a pedestal as it will take away possible friendships you can create. They are here to rp as much as you are

if you want to make a character straight out of ooc, ask an higher up in saiky! (Pretty sure rexlobo is one) they are super kind. if you want to start icly, remember be confident. Put yourself and the character out there, be unique and different with in-character motivation! maybe create a motivation that’s so different people are drawn into wanting to be apart of that characters book, or simple but fun character people can’t resist NOT getting to know them. Maybe you’ll end up having a character that’s much more than just a groundskeeper, especially right now with most being gone. Take the opportunity!
This is actually so helpful, thank you so much!!!


Level 20
Community Team
Lore Team

If it got added, i would probably apply (we listen but we don't judge) because shrine has made me fall in love with detailrp cleaning... And imagine getting to do that around the saiky estate omg

HOWEVER i feel like srp doesn't reeaallyyy need it... I feel as though it would be better as a family thing than a faction..
you can clean nanami saiky's room for free!!


Level 163
Neutral aswell but leaning towards a +1!!I TIHNK
they should defiantly incorporate something of that sorts!
the idea of being able to be involved in big name-families and possibly uncovering lore or hidden things and such is such an interesting one!
it's also what im tryna do w/ my own SRP family the Ai manor! On my end im using the staff as means to advanced the happening-plot w/ this silly cursed bunch <333
I say neutral bcs i dont think that we need a tag, and also, this is pretty much up to the heads of the family!! Like the saikys' with their staff! :DDD
Ai family >>>>


Level 128
Shop Lead

As someone who helps lead the Saiky Family, I can openly say that we DO already have a system like this in place. We have estate keepers, who effectively do the same as what you suggest here, just not as complex.

We are more than open to having new estate keepers and to allow others opportunities to be able to take these roles and experience the estate, as it is such a beautiful area and people should be able to experience it without being a Saiky directly. You are all more than welcome to reach out to Me or Rex about this opportunity, and we can provide more information and/or look at adding people as estate keepers. Thank you!

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