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Level 37
IGN: Notdeleting72

Date: 5/6/2021

What I suggest or mention
New jobs

Lawyers, I know this might not be CityRP for SchoolRP but the fact is some adults will want to sue or deal with some things such as kids being bullied or kids wanting to get "Adopted" in families. This section on Karakura Emergency or in another area will be about these types of things such as sueing a person with at least 4 screenshots or some of the area. Also, that way instead of directly snitching to the cops It will go by the lawyers, that way if a cop character does not like someone in the same task force they could go to the "Lawyers" also for out of uniform to restrain them from meeting. Before, we had lawyers on SchoolRP a long time ago. I'd like to bring them back, due to in my opinion and same as others Gang roleplaying is dying it will grab peoples attention of this LawyerRP where the highest mind will win the race.

Suggestion 2

Firefighters, Over the years there was many different fires in Karakura. Such as the school almost being burned down multiple times. Fire marshals show up to school to check that everything is okay in the school at the time and It's safe. It would give us more adults on SchoolRP so people could have "Mini" events of that area of something being burned down even if It's a plushie and the woods for not calling to get permission to burn a fire. At this point in the current time it makes no sense why the IRP mayor at the time has no hired them cause they are just as important as the KPD in my opinion. No disrespect but what is a Karakura police department member going to do? Try to arrest the fire? Then detailRP of the fire being put out like a helicopter could be done.​


Level 79

Hear me out.

It's a good suggestion, I would definitely support it if there weren't other contradicting factors.

I recall being told a multitude of times that the reason there are fewer city roles, some being removed is that the server's main focus is SCHOOL roleplay, not city roleplay. There's already a wide selection of city roles that don't even get filled the majority of the time.

My second reason is the fact that it already got removed once because it just wasn't needed. There's a lot of legal business that the KPD can deal with already.

Finally, their work would be difficult to schedule.. Courts and legal endeavors such as that would take ages to coordinate to make sure everyone can show up. It just seems like the majority of their work would be players constantly trying to get adopted by others which are already easily done enough by changing your RPName once given consent.

Regarding the firefighters. Reasons 1 and 2 apply, along with the fact that most fire events are strictly planned out and solved by KPD.. They are usually there for lore reasons. I would only understand if fire-fighter was a part-time exclusive tag given to trusted players for events. As otherwise, they'd be pretty useless.



Level 183

I'm a fan of things regarding law and lawyers, and government things. I think this is a great suggestion and I might as well be looking foward for a position as a lawyer after learning the position.​


Level 17
We had lawyers in 2019 or 2018 as I was one of them. We barely used the lawyer roles at all. Of course, on the other side, it would be good as people want to file things such as suing people or trying to take custody of their child..​


Level 183
We had lawyers in 2019 or 2018 as I was one of them. We barely used the lawyer roles at all. Of course, on the other side, it would be good as people want to file things such as suing people or trying to take custody of their child

I think it'd be better if we add lawyers but make them more important and add things to do for them, thus solving how barely the role will be used


Level 13
It’s a good suggestion however, the fire events don’t happen that often so the firefighters would be essentially useless. I believe it’s been brought up before however it’s role would not be heavily used which is why it’s not brought in. Looking at the Lawyer aspect as seen by much of the reply’s, back then it was used very much so again it’s like adding and creating new jobs that won’t be used very often, this creates more work and basically a job barely used. Not to mention, as commented by Tori above, it’s SCHOOL role play not city. In short, don’t think it should be added because it wouldn’t be used very often, yeah it’s be interesting but in the long run would it be used actively and effectively?


Level 111
event team will not be doing any flash events with disease/destruction/death unless planned thoroughly & given several days notice ... meaning the firefighter role would have minimal use. i’m pretty indifferent to having those roles but understand that they wouldn’t be involved in events


Level 43
Firefighters, Over the years there was many different fires in Karakura. Such as the school almost being burned down multiple times. Fire marshals show up to school to check that everything is okay in the school at the time and It's safe. It would give us more adults on SchoolRP so people could have "Mini" events of that area of something being burned down even if It's a plushie and the woods for not calling to get permission to burn a fire. At this point in the current time it makes no sense why the IRP mayor at the time has no hired them cause they are just as important as the KPD in my opinion. No disrespect but what is a Karakura police department member going to do? Try to arrest the fire? Then detailRP of the fire being put out like a helicopter could be done.
I have thought of a Firefighter job as well, but thinking over it. Do we really need firefighters? Like how you explained above firefighters would really mainly be for events. As with KPD they can be used anytime events and any RP situations. So firefighters in my opinion seem to be as no use, since Hebwig has stated;
event team will not be doing any flash events with disease/destruction/death unless planned thoroughly & given several days notice ... meaning the firefighter role would have minimal use. i’m pretty indifferent to having those roles but understand that they wouldn’t be involved in events
So if they can't be in events, what really is the purpose for them? You can't really cause any fire on SRP as it's not possible.

Now for lawyers. We don't want SRP to be fully CityRP, hence why we don't have many City related roles. As the server states it's mainly SchoolRP. I believe we have just the right amount of jobs for a SchoolRP atm, unless anyone knows something that is missing that would help balance the CityRP and SchoolRP on the server. And as Toriehi said. KPD can handle it, hence why KPD are a big part of SRP. And has you stated Lawyers were removed, there had to be a reason to exactly why they were moved.


Level 68
It has already been implemented before we all know the outcome, although I really wish they would add more things for Adults to do.



Level 231
+1 for laywers
-1 for firefighters

one could add a lot to gangrp and the other one is a useless rank that should would only be needed in an event capacity


Level 193
Thank you for your feedback!
  • There currently is no plan on bringing a firefighter role.
  • As for the first thing you mentioned, there already is updates about the city that are being worked on in the background.

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