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Level 110
IGN: wwish
DATE: Friday, 10:05pm (BST)
SchoolRP has been plummeting the past few weeks, perhaps it's mainly because of the fact schools are reopening and whatnot, even if real life school is not a need, strong reasons on why players should continue roleplaying here has weakened. Even if it is harsh to say, Events have become boring. Mainly because it doesn't include other aspects of SchoolRP. Such as HospitalRP, GangRP, and so on. What truly made SchoolRP great is it's effectiveness to include other aspects of Role play to make the main one (SchoolRP) more realistic and engaging. However it's really just lost its spark. What I'm mainly suggesting is to make events which are actually contributing to the lore of SchoolRP. So far, it has just been player oriented, as it should be of course. But there has hardly been any pushes from the main server, there are no jumpstarts or topics that were introduced so players can do the rest on their own. It has indeed gotten a point whereas the "big things" in SchoolRP is someone cheating on another person's character or frivolous things such as that. It is not my intention to mention only the faults of the server, there has been improvements such as map building however my points are.

Suggestion 1: Events should be more interesting and cause a big impact to the lore. Something that will be talked about for many more days to come rather than just the day it commences.

Suggestion 2: Events should associate with players rather than just ones who attend the school. It is boring for people who have only one account that are Adults or simply can not attend school. The events should include more of the players.

Suggestion 3: This may be a risky move, but GangRP should be somewhat revived. It is on its last legs, limping. GangRP might misdirect the purpose of the server however it always ends up giving an interesting thing to talk about. Now, GangRP situations have zero purpose other than to see whoever gets the most kills, and even if there was an interesting plot point coming to be, it would always some how end up getting voided.

Suggestion 4: Staff, Owners should create a topic for players to use at their will. It will grant something to talk or gossip about and considering how creative some players are it might event to much bigger things.

Suggestion 5: Make it normal to serious rp. Finding people who develop their characters or consist with a personality is hard. I am not asking for paragraphs more of interesting characters. It may be a long strecth to ask, considering the fact you are in able to control every player in SchoolRP. Yet. However, it is much needed for it to some day become a normal thing to do.

Suggestion 6: Bring back the poll of events of schoolrp, it makes the players seem as if the event chosen is the one they truly want and are most likely to intend.

Suggestion 7: Make a basic hangout spot, yes /spawn may be it. However it doesn't make much use of other buildings or areas in schoolrp. Something like how 11/7 used to be.

Suggestion 8: This may sound silly, but an ICly name for spawn is probably needed for IC phone calls.

That is all, you do not have to agree with everything. Thank you for taking time to read this.


Level 68
This is a very smart suggestion. I totally agree, and disagree with the following suggestions you mentioned:

I disagree with the first suggestion. Why I disagree with this one is because the Event-Team are trying they’re best to make a fun, and remembered event. There is no other possibility in making people talk about a event for days that recently happened. There is one possibility, but it has to be a very, very good and prepared event.

I disagree with the second suggestion, here is why: I totally understand that you want the members with the Adult role to have fun as well, but the people who decided to apply to be a adult, know from the beginning that they are not allowed to enter School grounds. I understand that you want the Adult ones to have fun too by joining events within School, but they applied to be a Adult for a reason. To either not go to School anymore, or just because they wanted to be a little older | Most of the time people apply to be a Adult is to not go to school anymore.

I agree with the third suggestion, but I also do not understand the following thing: you mentioned that you want GangRP to be revived again, but as you said, it’s risky. - Now what I’m trying to figure out is why it would be risky? GangRP is still going on within SchoolRP. It most of the time gets voided, but they also have valid reasons for that. But I agree with your third suggestion.

I disagree with the seventh suggestion: there already is a hang out spot where everyone stays, or just chills, which is spawn. You mentioned that you wanted it like the old times, that everyone was hanging out near 11/7, or something like that. Now /spawn is just the same thing. And I honestly think that the seventh suggestion is unneeded.

NOTE: These are all my opinions. It’s really creative that you thought about all these cool suggestions. Please do not take this as being mean to you or something like that. It’s just my opinion about what I think about your suggestions. :)


Level 53
I do think alot of these suggestions are right and beneficial bit as stated above, I have to disagree with a few of them,

Suggestion 1: Events should be more interesting and cause a big impact to the lore. Something that will be talked about for many more days to come rather than just the day it commences. I have to disagree, the event team does alot of work to run evets on the server, I dont see any reason for them to be "More impactive" then they already are. The way I see it is that they already do have a heavy impact from a regular day, and there are some events that do have a big impact.

Suggestion 2: Events should associate with players rather than just ones who attend the school. It is boring for people who have only one account that are Adults or simply can not attend school. The events should include more of the players. This point gets made many times, however this is what people are agreeing to when they become roles that are not associated with the school, as said many times before "This is School roleplay, not city roleplay." The main focus is supposed to be with the students and school as a whole.

Suggestion 5: Make it normal to serious rp. Finding people who develop their characters or consist with a personality is hard. I am not asking for paragraphs more of interesting characters. It may be a long strecth to ask, considering the fact you are in able to control every player in SchoolRP. Yet. However, it is much needed for it to some day become a normal thing to do. This isn't nessicarly something you can FORCE players into doing, it's their own choice to be more or less detailed, however you can help encourage it if you yourself do serious role play on the server,

Suggestion 6: Bring back the poll of events of schoolrp, it makes the players seem as if the event chosen is the one they truly want and are most likely to intend. The event team works hard to come up with events as well as plan them, if you have suggestions for what you want as an event you can personally DM a member of the team or Wiffy himself, they'll gladly listen to your ideas.


Level 5
agree with mainly everything

events r really spontaneous and don't impact the lore whatsoever imo, repetitive as well


Level 110
Thread starter
I do think alot of these suggestions are right and beneficial bit as stated above, I have to disagree with a few of them,

Suggestion 6: Bring back the poll of events of schoolrp, it makes the players seem as if the event chosen is the one they truly want and are most likely to intend. The event team works hard to come up with events as well as plan them, if you have suggestions for what you want as an event you can personally DM a member of the team or Wiffy himself, they'll gladly listen to your ideas.

Yeah, the event teams do plan it. Some of them are interesting, sure. But giving players a choice for the most popular or eye catching events can make room for a more people favorite approach.

And about the fact of forcing people to seriousrp, is really not force. Just make it a normal thing to do. There really hasn't been a day in srp where I don't find people doing oocly jokes in ic chats like /me kills xoxo. That type of stuff, not saying everyone should be serious, more so that when people are actually serious it wouldn't be such a surprise.


Level 109
agree with mainly everything

events r really spontaneous and don't impact the lore whatsoever imo, repetitive as well
i’ve heard from a few players about how they want events impactful to players & lore and i have been working to plan events like such :-)

my dms are always open for event ideas that players want to see; evan#0004


Level 110
Thread starter
This is a very smart suggestion. I totally agree, and disagree with the following suggestions you mentioned:

I disagree with the seventh suggestion: there already is a hang out spot where everyone stays, or just chills, which is spawn. You mentioned that you wanted it like the old times, that everyone was hanging out near 11/7, or something like that. Now /spawn is just the same thing. And I honestly think that the seventh suggestion is unneeded.

NOTE: These are all my opinions. It’s really creative that you thought about all these cool suggestions. Please do not take this as being mean to you or something like that. It’s just my opinion about what I think about your suggestions. :)

Yeah, but even so /spawn is a safe zone mainly because of the reason that new players wouldn't really understand what's going on when they first log in, or some players don't want to just log in and be attacked. That is why, there should be a hang out somewhere a bit farther from spawn, but easy to locate. So people would actually have a reason to just not mope around the spawn area and chill/hang out there, it'd make people realize some builds or locations on their way there. Even now, some players aren't aware of the new apartment complexes.


Level 68
Yeah, but even so /spawn is a safe zone mainly because of the reason that new players wouldn't really understand what's going on when they first log in, or some players don't want to just log in and be attacked. That is why, there should be a hang out somewhere a bit farther from spawn, but easy to locate. So people would actually have a reason to just not mope around the spawn area and chill/hang out there, it'd make people realize some builds or locations on their way there. Even now, some players aren't aware of the new apartment complexes.
Oh yeah now I see. That makes sense.


Level 331
I do agree on your point regarding the events. It is true that there have been multiple events occuring lately. However, these aren't quite interesting, relatively talking. I will mention an example : the school fires. I have been counting the times that the school has caught on fire, and it has reached over 8 already, and I've been on the server for a year. I get it that the event team wants to add realistic events, but natural events or school fires aren't as interesting as other events. What people really want to experience are major events such as the one that involved the whole town, forcing everyone to go to a certain place due to that one toxic gas. That was one of the most exciting event that I've ever roleplayed, leaving aside the high amount of lag. Another thing that could also work would be unexpected events that involved certain buildings, such as apartment or penthouse ones. These will also involve other people besides students, enabling everyone to experience this event. It is true that the ones who applied for the adult role did so because they didnt want to remain in school grounds. However, I find it quite unfair for them to be left completely away from the main events. They're also roleplayers, and the fact that they're adults shouldn't mean that their roleplay possibilities are, for the most part, taken away.


Level 143
Community Team
Content Team
"Suggestion 1: Events should be more interesting and cause a big impact to the lore. Something that will be talked about for many more days to come rather than just the day it commences." - First this is not a suggestion, it is a point. Shows no help in development or ideas.

The Event-Team when I took it over focused souly on attempting to make an enjoyable event for 300+ players. Then we had to start thinking bigger due to some events hitting the 400 or even 500 range. It is much harder to make an impactful event, lore wise, when it comes to having to make sure the server doesn't fall over an break its back but also making sure that all spots of the event have something running and not just something that is appealing to the eye or something that pops up in chat here and there giving some form of information. Some players would like this, but that is some, not all, not all 300 odd players we have to focus on entertaining.

But I agree with this Suggestion- (I am only responding to this one as it impacts me more). All I have to say we have a lot more pressing matters to take into consideration when making & executing events but I promise I will make sure that all events after our first Event on the Event-Server will include either some form of lore to effect the servers lore, but better yet the actual terrain.

Can't make everyone happy, I understand that but we take in suggestions from all players. Any ideas whatsoever could turn into an event so just keep them coming. Also- The polls suggestion for events, 100% agree.


Level 110
Thread starter
"Suggestion 1: Events should be more interesting and cause a big impact to the lore. Something that will be talked about for many more days to come rather than just the day it commences." - First this is not a suggestion, it is a point. Shows no help in development or ideas.

The Event-Team when I took it over focused souly on attempting to make an enjoyable event for 300+ players. Then we had to start thinking bigger due to some events hitting the 400 or even 500 range. It is much harder to make an impactful event, lore wise, when it comes to having to make sure the server doesn't fall over an break its back but also making sure that all spots of the event have something running and not just something that is appealing to the eye or something that pops up in chat here and there giving some form of information. Some players would like this, but that is some, not all, not all 300 odd players we have to focus on entertaining.

But I agree with this Suggestion- (I am only responding to this one as it impacts me more). All I have to say we have a lot more pressing matters to take into consideration when making & executing events but I promise I will make sure that all events after our first Event on the Event-Server will include either some form of lore to effect the servers lore, but better yet the actual terrain.

Can't make everyone happy, I understand that but we take in suggestions from all players. Any ideas whatsoever could turn into an event so just keep them coming. Also- The polls suggestion for events, 100% agree.
That'd be nice, I totally understand that the event team has limits, especially due to the fact we have a huge player base. That's one of the reasons why polls would be great, so you can know why majority of the 300 want.


Level 86
I'll be replying to a few specific points, mainly the ones that involve lore.
Suggestion 1: Having event that actually have an impact, and could be written about.
As I write this, please do not take offensive or see this as a hostile comment. The past few events have mostly been run-in-the-mill stuff or about Karakura's "wacky" weather. Neither of those you can really write interesting lore for, not to say you can't. They don't exactly impact Karakura in the long run either. The event team does do a good job hosting events, and none of this is to say they don't work hard/do boring events.

Suggestion 3: Reviving GangRP
Gangrp itself isn't inherently bad, it's a fun concept you can do a lot with. It only starts getting bad when there's little to no appreciation for writing involved (ie: murderhoboing), repetitive, or toxic. There is a lot of risk with trying to help it, given how terrible of a reputation it has nowadays. I agree with you on how it used to be something interesting to talk about-- But now it's faded.

-did not get to rewrite this as planned but I just remembered that staff look over these every week and I didn't want it to go overlooked


Level 183

- Great feedback post alongside the replies, staff have discussed & acknowledged a lot of what was stated on this post & various other topics relating to it including GangRP for near enough a half hour as a group. We'll work gradually to fulfil any major suggestions listed here however the majority of what WiffyBanter has stated is to be re-iterated by me.​

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