Level 104
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In Game Name):
I’m applying on my second alternate acccount, the username is “bamboozlings”
Previous bans:
I have never been warned, kicked, banned, any of that. I’ve only been kicked for relogs, afk and that one time I was banned for like 729 days to test something.
Describe your activity on the server:
I’m like, really active. I log on every day- usually for hours and hours. Of course, during the day, I have school to-- though, I’m homeschooled and can complete school fairly quickly. I log on around 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM EST, give or take some time. Since I’m a literal child, I have a bedtime which is 10:00 PM, but I often find myself online much later than this. During this time of 6 to 7 hours, I spend a majority of that on SchoolRP. As expected, I do take the time to log off for a bit and do other real-life things, but this doesn’t affect me much. On weekends, I’m up pretty much all night on SchoolRP. I’m also pretty much always on Discord, other than when I’m asleep.
I can assure my activity will remain persistent. I have quite a few other duties on SchoolRP, alongside being a staff member, which requires me to be active.
Do you have Discord?
Of course I have a Discord! It is:
Do you have a microphone?
Sure do. I have had a few issues where apparently my microphone is very quiet, though that seems to be resolved now. It works quite well, and I can effectively join calls and speak.
List your current and past applications:
Police Officer Application - Sent in a conversation on the forums. [ACCEPTED]
News Reporter Application - Sent in DMs on Discord. [ACCEPTED]
Staff Application - Posted as a private thread on the forums. [ACCEPTED]
Teacher Application - I am too lazy to link it. [ACCEPTED] [ACCEPTED] [DENIED]
What is your motivation for applying?:
I’ve been a whole police before, but during that time I was a total noob. I decided to apply after only properly playing the server for around two months. Even though it was rather hard for me-- seeing as I was still somewhat new to SchoolRP itself and had no clue how rules or roleplaying properly even worked. The thing is though, it was honestly fun! I enjoyed logging on and getting a whole new and “unique” experience.
In my first application, I strictly stated that one of my main motivations was the fact that I wanted a new roleplay experience. Me being the new kid I was, I didn’t even get to experience this properly. I was too dumb to properly understand anything. Since then, I’ve learned quite a bit about roleplay, and especially how the whole police thing works.
I’m looking back at my previous application right now, and it’s honestly disappointing. My motivation was the GangRPers, which was dumb. Well, maybe not ‘dump’, but surely not okay enough to be my only motivation for applying… Now though, I guess that is sort of a part of the reason. I’ve been a teacher, a student, all that good stuff-- I’ve even been a police before! It was fun. I don’t like GangRPing, I can’t bring myself to kill someone else’s character. I would appreciate that cool thrill though, will all the crazy action and all that-- without murdering people. Police is a pretty good way to do that, since there’s all that cool action, raids, tasers, all the cool pew pew stuff that I enjoy.
Being a teacher and all that is great, and I’d like to continue doing this. For the past 8 months though, all I’ve done was roleplay relating to the school. It’s like a Slice of Life genre series-- where everything is simple, all laughs and giggles. Roleplaying as a teacher could be more thrilling, though. Roleplaying as anything could be more thrilling. Police though? That's pretty thrilling, pretty cool.
Now that I’ve got a better grasp on how the whole “roleplay” thing works, especially in SchoolRP, I’d just like to give the KPD a whole other shot. I also want to just be able to get past being a cadet. I was a cadet for a whole two months and that sucked, like, really sucked. I do not want to be another pixel failure. This is my redemption arc….
I also tried out shop owning and hated it and I want to do something cool and funky and different! So I’m doing this.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
You bet! I believe I’ve made this quite clear in my previous application, as well. I’ve done this absolutely insane thing, where, when I was able to find it, had repeatedly read the CoC. My memory of it may be a bit rusty; but I still remember a majority of the information.
Officers are to treat citizens equally, no matter the relation or situation. There are no perks for anyone, not even if it was Carol who decided to call back after all your mistakes. So no matter the traits, past, whatever it may be, officers are to treat everyone equally and considerately. All information learned by either should remain confidential, because like personal info- unless required otherwise. It is also important that officers don’t enforce unnecessary force or brutality onto someone. That’s mean.. And cops can’t be like, corrupt either. That’s bad. Illegal, too. Why would you be a police only to break the law? Finally, officers should maintain a calm and collected manner during operations. Staying serious and professional!
What are the Police ranks?
This is my favorite part of the application. The wonderful Police ranks are the following:
Cadet: Cadets are the newbies, the new employees into the force. These little guys require training, the most training. As expected, they may not patrol or go out alone, seeing as they have little to no training or experience.
Patrol Officers: The stand officer, of course. While they may not be the most experienced, nor a higher-up, they possess the training that cadets don’t have. They’re allowed to go out on their own to patrol.
Corporals: Landing themselves a placement right above the Patrol Officers, this rank is pretty similar. While there aren’t too many differences, this rank does have the ability to train new officers in the force.
Sergeants: This rank, like the Corporals and Patrol Officers, are able to go off by themselves. There aren’t too many perks or unique abilities they have, other then the fact that they spectate training of newer officers.
Lieutenants: This is where things start to get cool. Hard-working individuals who make it to this rank have the ability to use whole entire firearms during procedures. Not only that, but they also report poorly handled responsibilities to the Commissioner.
Captain: The Captain gets all the other stuff, the ability to go out alone, use a firearm, all that good stuff. They’re quite important though, always working alongside the Commissioner. If there comes a case when the Commissioner is for some reason no present, the Captain will take over.
Commissioner: The big boss, the operator of the whole thing. The Commissioner supervises the entire force, observing to ensure that each Officer meets the standards.
There are also the investigators I think, which I really don't know much about.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work.
This is a pretty wild question, seeing as it could be targeting IC Police Work and/or OOC Police work. So, I’ll be going over both!
As for OOC work, it’s quite simple to explain. They ensure the safety and stability of each citizen. Their job? It’s to keep the filthy criminals off of the streets, get them apprehended and punished, arrested. Everything is to keep the overall community in check, making sure all these kiddos are safe.
IC Police Work is not much different. Cleansing the streets of criminals, responding to calls, all that good stuff are no stranger to these wonderful pixel police. They arrest law-breakers, as any normal police would. They just make sure nothing illegal is going on, making sure no one possesses anything illegal; similar to OOC Police Work. Maybe they’ll fine someone for jay-walking, maybe they’ll arrest you for life because you murdered your ex-wife after she caught you sleeping with the neighbor and she decided that you pulling a katana on her was not nice and so she had improperly mugged it from you to instead murder you with it and then the cops showed up.
They detain criminals, respond to calls, protect citizens. Pretty simple.
Why are Police important to SchoolRP?
It wouldn’t be realistic. That is literally it.
Think about it- there are constantly criminals and ‘gangstas’ running throughout Karakura. There is just constant crime! Now, imagine this crime in real life- with no police. No consequences. We could murder each other and literally nothing would happen. We could all be serial killers and there would be no consequence. That isn’t the case though! We have Police Officers, well-trained individuals to keep safety and order constant. In SchoolRP, it would be unrealistic to just.. Have no police! We need Police in SchoolRP, it’s supposed to be a realistic roleplay. In SchoolRP, you can’t stab someone in front of 54 people and expect no one to call the cops and get help. They wouldn’t even be able to call for help without police.. Citizens would be helpless. Subject to murder! Ooorr… someone could just own like a pill or something without a prescription and just get away with it. That’s not what happens in SchoolRP though, we have Police Officers. They keep things realistic, they keep things in order. They add that ‘fear’ factor, if you know how to FearRP. Normally, if you commit a crime, you’d be scared of the consequences. When the police show up, that’s when the thrill really starts coming in..
They just bring that whole realism thing in, as well as the fear.. But that just makes it realistic. They’re pretty necessary considering the crime in Karakura.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time?
I definitely acknowledge this. I will assure to be active, follow the rules, and perform all necessary duties that I must in order to keep this position; that is, if this is to be accepted. I’ll be sure to balance the rest of my responsibilities, both server and OOC, to properly maintain this role.
In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?
If you thought his name was a mouthful, Yaruchiorosaku O’Hara is also a pretty big handful. No, he’s not childish. He’s a mature man, strong & serious.. Except for when he isn’t.
When you first look at him, it’s already obvious that he is a pretty intense individual. Somewhat entrancing at first, though-- with what could so commonly be described as “ocean blue eyes”. That would be his most noteable feature-- if it weren’t for his dyed green hair. What part of a thirty-six-year-old man would wake up and decide one day, “I want to dye my hair green.”? Well, the answer to that is simply Yaruchio- Yaru. .. his name is forgetful;; not in an “Oh, I forgot way”, in a more.. “I literally forgot how your name goes” way. Moving on from that, though-- he’s got one of those beefy builds. He’s fit, strong-- suited for the job, no doubt. But what makes him unique? There’re a whole ton of things that can make anyone unique, but Yaruchiorosaku is might-special. He possesses a special skill, one that causes him to be unique, like no other! And that is, of course-- a speciality in cheap magic tricks. Maybe they’ll come in handy someday.
What he's like on and off the job?
Yaruchiorosaku is a serious man, mature. . strong. Of course, he’s very suited for the job-- physically as well, as mentioned before. A hard-working guy, fit for almost any task, almost. But isn’t anyone? On the job, he surely maintains these mannerisms. Strong, brave, assertive-- exactly what one might expect the standard officer to be. He surely isn’t the best at. . comforting-type things. Despite being so strong, he hasn’t got the knowledge to deal with emotion-type ordeals, and usually leaves that to someone else. Off the job, there are hardly any differences. Surely, he may let his guard down a bit-- especially if it seems no one is really posing a possible threat. Even while not on duty, Yaruchiorosaku has a terrible sense of humor. It isn’t a super ‘major’ thing, but something worth adding at most. During free-time, he surely has a thing for tiny little acts-- As I mentioned before, he enjoys small little “magic tricks”. Something small to bring joy to such a cold & stern man.
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?
When it comes to his co-workers, they’re nothing more than co-workers. Surely, he respects the fact that each of them have a life and that each are a living being. If his job required, Yaruchiorosaku would most definitely back them up in any given situation-- life or death included. Trying hard to cooperate, getting along with his co-workers, those are all important aspects of his work-life. While they really aren’t more than ‘co-workers’, that doesn’t mean Yaruchiorosaku looks down upon them all. When it comes to his plans for the future, it’s somewhat.. Bland. Depressing. Perhaps this is the part of his life where he decides to figure things out, or he’s already done that and now just wants thrill and a bit of action. After living in such a small and safe area for so long, it’s just the risk he yearns for. That’s all he really wants for the future, something to live for a little more. Something to do for.
An average, yet mildly depressing, life story. There isn’t much to say, really. Yaruchiorosaku was born April 4th, 1983 to a small family. It was only him and his two parents, living in a small and highly unpopulated, small town in Japan.
It was peaceful, there weren’t strange “Anime-Fight-Scene” periods of time. Yaruchiorosaku attended school normally for the beginning of his life, peacefully. It was some small town, everyone really knew each other. There weren’t many people that he liked, though. He wasn’t lonely, just hated everyone. He entertained himself with small things, and even though he disliked most people, he still lent a hand when needed.
During high school is when his life sorta dipped, and sort of got cruddy. He went through it on his own, a few temporary friends throughout the years. He still, for some odd reason, messed with these small little things. Though, the tiny sorts of entertainment were what pleased him most. Those were really what even allowed the guy to get through his remaining years of high school. Things sorta got wack after his father passed in his first year of high school, though. His mother struggled-- not that he could really care. It seemed that, for so long, he was off in his own little world. Depressing, really.
On those rainy afternoons where it was just him and his mom, he sat around-- simply just watching television. Action-packed shows were definitely favored by Yaruchiorosaku. He enjoyed the thrill.. He wanted it as well, though-- he felt he was never fit for it.
There were small side jobs he ended up getting. Jobs that most high school students will find themselves getting into. Alongside these jobs, he started to “train” himself. Maybe it was out of pure boredom, who knows. He decided one day he wanted to move on, do something insane. And so, he completed college with all his Law Enforcement shena****ns and moved to Karakura.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name: Yaruchiorosaku O’Hara
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr.
Given Name(s): “Orosaku”
Preferred Name: ‘Yaruchiorosaku’
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: Catholic. .
Marital Status: Unmarried
Nationality: Japanese
Current Location: Karakura, Japan
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training: 8
Working Experience: 9 years, retail & such; along with occasional, independent training.
Academic Degree: Master’s Degree
Year of Graduation: 2004
Major(s): Criminal Justice
Minor(s): Literature, Theater
Native Languages: Japanese
Other Languages: None
IGN (In Game Name):
I’m applying on my second alternate acccount, the username is “bamboozlings”
Previous bans:
I have never been warned, kicked, banned, any of that. I’ve only been kicked for relogs, afk and that one time I was banned for like 729 days to test something.
Describe your activity on the server:
I’m like, really active. I log on every day- usually for hours and hours. Of course, during the day, I have school to-- though, I’m homeschooled and can complete school fairly quickly. I log on around 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM EST, give or take some time. Since I’m a literal child, I have a bedtime which is 10:00 PM, but I often find myself online much later than this. During this time of 6 to 7 hours, I spend a majority of that on SchoolRP. As expected, I do take the time to log off for a bit and do other real-life things, but this doesn’t affect me much. On weekends, I’m up pretty much all night on SchoolRP. I’m also pretty much always on Discord, other than when I’m asleep.
I can assure my activity will remain persistent. I have quite a few other duties on SchoolRP, alongside being a staff member, which requires me to be active.
Do you have Discord?
Of course I have a Discord! It is:
Do you have a microphone?
Sure do. I have had a few issues where apparently my microphone is very quiet, though that seems to be resolved now. It works quite well, and I can effectively join calls and speak.
List your current and past applications:
Police Officer Application - Sent in a conversation on the forums. [ACCEPTED]
News Reporter Application - Sent in DMs on Discord. [ACCEPTED]
Staff Application - Posted as a private thread on the forums. [ACCEPTED]
Teacher Application - I am too lazy to link it. [ACCEPTED] [ACCEPTED] [DENIED]
What is your motivation for applying?:
I’ve been a whole police before, but during that time I was a total noob. I decided to apply after only properly playing the server for around two months. Even though it was rather hard for me-- seeing as I was still somewhat new to SchoolRP itself and had no clue how rules or roleplaying properly even worked. The thing is though, it was honestly fun! I enjoyed logging on and getting a whole new and “unique” experience.
In my first application, I strictly stated that one of my main motivations was the fact that I wanted a new roleplay experience. Me being the new kid I was, I didn’t even get to experience this properly. I was too dumb to properly understand anything. Since then, I’ve learned quite a bit about roleplay, and especially how the whole police thing works.
I’m looking back at my previous application right now, and it’s honestly disappointing. My motivation was the GangRPers, which was dumb. Well, maybe not ‘dump’, but surely not okay enough to be my only motivation for applying… Now though, I guess that is sort of a part of the reason. I’ve been a teacher, a student, all that good stuff-- I’ve even been a police before! It was fun. I don’t like GangRPing, I can’t bring myself to kill someone else’s character. I would appreciate that cool thrill though, will all the crazy action and all that-- without murdering people. Police is a pretty good way to do that, since there’s all that cool action, raids, tasers, all the cool pew pew stuff that I enjoy.
Being a teacher and all that is great, and I’d like to continue doing this. For the past 8 months though, all I’ve done was roleplay relating to the school. It’s like a Slice of Life genre series-- where everything is simple, all laughs and giggles. Roleplaying as a teacher could be more thrilling, though. Roleplaying as anything could be more thrilling. Police though? That's pretty thrilling, pretty cool.
Now that I’ve got a better grasp on how the whole “roleplay” thing works, especially in SchoolRP, I’d just like to give the KPD a whole other shot. I also want to just be able to get past being a cadet. I was a cadet for a whole two months and that sucked, like, really sucked. I do not want to be another pixel failure. This is my redemption arc….
I also tried out shop owning and hated it and I want to do something cool and funky and different! So I’m doing this.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
You bet! I believe I’ve made this quite clear in my previous application, as well. I’ve done this absolutely insane thing, where, when I was able to find it, had repeatedly read the CoC. My memory of it may be a bit rusty; but I still remember a majority of the information.
Officers are to treat citizens equally, no matter the relation or situation. There are no perks for anyone, not even if it was Carol who decided to call back after all your mistakes. So no matter the traits, past, whatever it may be, officers are to treat everyone equally and considerately. All information learned by either should remain confidential, because like personal info- unless required otherwise. It is also important that officers don’t enforce unnecessary force or brutality onto someone. That’s mean.. And cops can’t be like, corrupt either. That’s bad. Illegal, too. Why would you be a police only to break the law? Finally, officers should maintain a calm and collected manner during operations. Staying serious and professional!
What are the Police ranks?
This is my favorite part of the application. The wonderful Police ranks are the following:
Cadet: Cadets are the newbies, the new employees into the force. These little guys require training, the most training. As expected, they may not patrol or go out alone, seeing as they have little to no training or experience.
Patrol Officers: The stand officer, of course. While they may not be the most experienced, nor a higher-up, they possess the training that cadets don’t have. They’re allowed to go out on their own to patrol.
Corporals: Landing themselves a placement right above the Patrol Officers, this rank is pretty similar. While there aren’t too many differences, this rank does have the ability to train new officers in the force.
Sergeants: This rank, like the Corporals and Patrol Officers, are able to go off by themselves. There aren’t too many perks or unique abilities they have, other then the fact that they spectate training of newer officers.
Lieutenants: This is where things start to get cool. Hard-working individuals who make it to this rank have the ability to use whole entire firearms during procedures. Not only that, but they also report poorly handled responsibilities to the Commissioner.
Captain: The Captain gets all the other stuff, the ability to go out alone, use a firearm, all that good stuff. They’re quite important though, always working alongside the Commissioner. If there comes a case when the Commissioner is for some reason no present, the Captain will take over.
Commissioner: The big boss, the operator of the whole thing. The Commissioner supervises the entire force, observing to ensure that each Officer meets the standards.
There are also the investigators I think, which I really don't know much about.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work.
This is a pretty wild question, seeing as it could be targeting IC Police Work and/or OOC Police work. So, I’ll be going over both!
As for OOC work, it’s quite simple to explain. They ensure the safety and stability of each citizen. Their job? It’s to keep the filthy criminals off of the streets, get them apprehended and punished, arrested. Everything is to keep the overall community in check, making sure all these kiddos are safe.
IC Police Work is not much different. Cleansing the streets of criminals, responding to calls, all that good stuff are no stranger to these wonderful pixel police. They arrest law-breakers, as any normal police would. They just make sure nothing illegal is going on, making sure no one possesses anything illegal; similar to OOC Police Work. Maybe they’ll fine someone for jay-walking, maybe they’ll arrest you for life because you murdered your ex-wife after she caught you sleeping with the neighbor and she decided that you pulling a katana on her was not nice and so she had improperly mugged it from you to instead murder you with it and then the cops showed up.
They detain criminals, respond to calls, protect citizens. Pretty simple.
Why are Police important to SchoolRP?
It wouldn’t be realistic. That is literally it.
Think about it- there are constantly criminals and ‘gangstas’ running throughout Karakura. There is just constant crime! Now, imagine this crime in real life- with no police. No consequences. We could murder each other and literally nothing would happen. We could all be serial killers and there would be no consequence. That isn’t the case though! We have Police Officers, well-trained individuals to keep safety and order constant. In SchoolRP, it would be unrealistic to just.. Have no police! We need Police in SchoolRP, it’s supposed to be a realistic roleplay. In SchoolRP, you can’t stab someone in front of 54 people and expect no one to call the cops and get help. They wouldn’t even be able to call for help without police.. Citizens would be helpless. Subject to murder! Ooorr… someone could just own like a pill or something without a prescription and just get away with it. That’s not what happens in SchoolRP though, we have Police Officers. They keep things realistic, they keep things in order. They add that ‘fear’ factor, if you know how to FearRP. Normally, if you commit a crime, you’d be scared of the consequences. When the police show up, that’s when the thrill really starts coming in..
They just bring that whole realism thing in, as well as the fear.. But that just makes it realistic. They’re pretty necessary considering the crime in Karakura.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time?
I definitely acknowledge this. I will assure to be active, follow the rules, and perform all necessary duties that I must in order to keep this position; that is, if this is to be accepted. I’ll be sure to balance the rest of my responsibilities, both server and OOC, to properly maintain this role.
In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?
If you thought his name was a mouthful, Yaruchiorosaku O’Hara is also a pretty big handful. No, he’s not childish. He’s a mature man, strong & serious.. Except for when he isn’t.
When you first look at him, it’s already obvious that he is a pretty intense individual. Somewhat entrancing at first, though-- with what could so commonly be described as “ocean blue eyes”. That would be his most noteable feature-- if it weren’t for his dyed green hair. What part of a thirty-six-year-old man would wake up and decide one day, “I want to dye my hair green.”? Well, the answer to that is simply Yaruchio- Yaru. .. his name is forgetful;; not in an “Oh, I forgot way”, in a more.. “I literally forgot how your name goes” way. Moving on from that, though-- he’s got one of those beefy builds. He’s fit, strong-- suited for the job, no doubt. But what makes him unique? There’re a whole ton of things that can make anyone unique, but Yaruchiorosaku is might-special. He possesses a special skill, one that causes him to be unique, like no other! And that is, of course-- a speciality in cheap magic tricks. Maybe they’ll come in handy someday.
What he's like on and off the job?
Yaruchiorosaku is a serious man, mature. . strong. Of course, he’s very suited for the job-- physically as well, as mentioned before. A hard-working guy, fit for almost any task, almost. But isn’t anyone? On the job, he surely maintains these mannerisms. Strong, brave, assertive-- exactly what one might expect the standard officer to be. He surely isn’t the best at. . comforting-type things. Despite being so strong, he hasn’t got the knowledge to deal with emotion-type ordeals, and usually leaves that to someone else. Off the job, there are hardly any differences. Surely, he may let his guard down a bit-- especially if it seems no one is really posing a possible threat. Even while not on duty, Yaruchiorosaku has a terrible sense of humor. It isn’t a super ‘major’ thing, but something worth adding at most. During free-time, he surely has a thing for tiny little acts-- As I mentioned before, he enjoys small little “magic tricks”. Something small to bring joy to such a cold & stern man.
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?
When it comes to his co-workers, they’re nothing more than co-workers. Surely, he respects the fact that each of them have a life and that each are a living being. If his job required, Yaruchiorosaku would most definitely back them up in any given situation-- life or death included. Trying hard to cooperate, getting along with his co-workers, those are all important aspects of his work-life. While they really aren’t more than ‘co-workers’, that doesn’t mean Yaruchiorosaku looks down upon them all. When it comes to his plans for the future, it’s somewhat.. Bland. Depressing. Perhaps this is the part of his life where he decides to figure things out, or he’s already done that and now just wants thrill and a bit of action. After living in such a small and safe area for so long, it’s just the risk he yearns for. That’s all he really wants for the future, something to live for a little more. Something to do for.
An average, yet mildly depressing, life story. There isn’t much to say, really. Yaruchiorosaku was born April 4th, 1983 to a small family. It was only him and his two parents, living in a small and highly unpopulated, small town in Japan.
It was peaceful, there weren’t strange “Anime-Fight-Scene” periods of time. Yaruchiorosaku attended school normally for the beginning of his life, peacefully. It was some small town, everyone really knew each other. There weren’t many people that he liked, though. He wasn’t lonely, just hated everyone. He entertained himself with small things, and even though he disliked most people, he still lent a hand when needed.
During high school is when his life sorta dipped, and sort of got cruddy. He went through it on his own, a few temporary friends throughout the years. He still, for some odd reason, messed with these small little things. Though, the tiny sorts of entertainment were what pleased him most. Those were really what even allowed the guy to get through his remaining years of high school. Things sorta got wack after his father passed in his first year of high school, though. His mother struggled-- not that he could really care. It seemed that, for so long, he was off in his own little world. Depressing, really.
On those rainy afternoons where it was just him and his mom, he sat around-- simply just watching television. Action-packed shows were definitely favored by Yaruchiorosaku. He enjoyed the thrill.. He wanted it as well, though-- he felt he was never fit for it.
There were small side jobs he ended up getting. Jobs that most high school students will find themselves getting into. Alongside these jobs, he started to “train” himself. Maybe it was out of pure boredom, who knows. He decided one day he wanted to move on, do something insane. And so, he completed college with all his Law Enforcement shena****ns and moved to Karakura.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name: Yaruchiorosaku O’Hara
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr.
Given Name(s): “Orosaku”
Preferred Name: ‘Yaruchiorosaku’
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: Catholic. .
Marital Status: Unmarried
Nationality: Japanese
Current Location: Karakura, Japan
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training: 8
Working Experience: 9 years, retail & such; along with occasional, independent training.
Academic Degree: Master’s Degree
Year of Graduation: 2004
Major(s): Criminal Justice
Minor(s): Literature, Theater
Native Languages: Japanese
Other Languages: None
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