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sun's journalist application


Level 104


IGN (In Game Name):
I’m applying on one of my alternative accounts. It’s IGN is sunater.

Previous bans:
As probably expected, I’ve never been banned on the server for any other reason other than “test”. That also applies to my warns -- None of my issued warnings have been for a reason other than test or as a joke. I also intend to follow the rules on a daily basis so it’s highly likely that I won’t be banned anytime soon, either.

Describe your activity on the server:
I like to think I’m a very active player, considering that I also need to balance IRL ‘biz and school. On weekdays I log on after school, around 4:00 - 5:00 PM EST. The weekends vary depending on when I wake up, but it’s usually also by 3:00 - 4:00 PM EST. After that, I’m on until at least 11:00 PM, given a few breaks in between of course. I have quite a few roles on the server (Staff, & IC roles like Vice Principal, Shop Owner & Cheerleader) but I’ve found I can balance the ones that require my activity quite well. I give my attention to certain accounts when needed. I’m also very active on the Discords.

Do you have Discord?
Of course I do! As most people usually do and as I’m essentially required to, I have a Discord. My username is Sun#0040 but you can probably find it in other ways.

Do you have a microphone?
Yes indeed. It works pretty well and I can talk in voice calls whenever.

List your current and past applications:
All Language Applications - [ACCEPTED]
Police Application - Sent in a conversation on the forums. [ACCEPTED]
News Reporter Application - Sent in (maybe our) DMs on Discord. [ACCEPTED]
Staff Application - Posted as a private thread on the forums. [ACCEPTED]
Black Market Dealer Application - Sent in a conversation on the forums [DENIED] (I had too many large roles on the server)
Teacher Application [ACCEPTED]
Shop Application 2x [ACCEPTED]
Police Application 2x [ACCEPTED]
Shop Application 1x [DENIED] (The shop I applied for was taken)

I also had a third police application that was put onto PENDING twice, since the current cap for officers was filled & my timezone was not desirable. After the wait I lost interest in it and deleted my application.

What is your motivation for applying?:
I have a few motivations so I’ll be listing the most prominent.
  • As I had mentioned in a previous & now deleted application, I’m running out of some things to do on SchoolRP; Namely roleplay-related ordeals. In case you were not aware, I value roleplay on SchoolRP basically above anything else (excluding things like players’ enjoyment, etc) and some of my roles don’t really involve much of that. Cheerleader does not take up time other than some weekends, Shop-Owner takes up MAX around 45 minutes every few days & I hope onto my Vice-Principal account every so often but it gets repetitive and boring pretty fast. As you may be able to tell, it’s pretty easy for me to run out of things to do now. The journalist role has caught my attention as of recently, in-fact it always sort of has. I was a News Reporter a bit over a year ago but resigned soon after since I wanted to apply for teacher. Referencing my point I made prior, I value roleplay & writing quite a lot. Journalist, to me, seems like a role that I can apply quite a bit of roleplay too and ESPECIALLY writing. I love, love, LOVE writing so it’s something I’m very interested in. So in summary, I’m bored and I think journalist will be fun.
  • Revisiting a past point, I love writing and roleplay. I have quite the passion in it, I’ve written stories and characters for as long as I can remember. The role of a journalist is quite similar to its previous alias as “News Reporter”, which, from my knowledge, includes quite a bit of writing. The writing and documentation of these certain events certainly play a part in progressing the story and I believe it has the potential to go very far. These sorts of “news reports” written by the journalists can be used for a wide variety of different situations and my brain is pretty full of ideas. I think that now that I’ve learned more about the storytelling & such on SchoolRP, it might be a good idea to give this sort of role a shot. It was good fun the first time regardless and I’d love to help it progress, as well as overall benefit the club in the best way I can. I adore writing and stories so I think that it’s just perfect.
  • Something much more minor is that I work to write weather-related /events with Lovely_Ocean. This might help to expand on that and overall progress a narrative which I am very interested in doing.
What knowledge do you have of journalist Work?
Journalists work to collect information about different events or topics, then essentially “present” it in the end in the form of a news report -- Whether it be a recording, article, or anything else of the sorts. The overall goal of a journalist is to find stories to share, as they work in the real world. Examples of this can be something like a school event. Different people could be interviewed and the information would then be presented in the form of a report. It could even work as a summary, or whatever else comes to mind. It’s basically a way to convey information to the public. Other things can just include information on a topic, or something like weather.

To be quite honest, there isn’t much that they do other than collect & present their well-researched and carefully gained information to create reports.

Why are Reporters important to SchoolRP?
To me, reporters (Journalists) play a crucial part in the SchoolRP narrative. They are yet another factor of realism added into our fictional world, only to help bring it to life further. Like in the real world, when an impactful event occurs, the media usually takes action and shares information about it to others to educate. It works just about the same on SRP which is just about what makes the reporters / journalists so important. Say, a pretty important event happens; It only makes sense for involved individuals to be interviewed and for research to be conducted. Later on, when a report is made, more players are informed about said event, albeit mainly In-Character, but that’s the whole point of it all! It’s an important part of the narrative as I’ve mentioned time and time again. It progresses the story even more and can definitely play a large part in the story too which only adds to its importance.

Journalists & Reporters, all in all, are fundamental parts of the SchoolRP universe. They benefit realism and the storyline, and can even affect or play a part in large-scale events on the server.


Tell us about your character, how do they look, what makes them unique? What are they like on and off the job? Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?:
Kiomiko already bestows a rather unique appearance. With almost always a tired gaze, she looks to be on the brink of passing out. However, her heavy eye bags are not her most prominent features. In-fact, Kiomiko’s peculiar hair color pattern is quite eye-catching. With an uneven array of hazelnut brown, blonde and even dark blue, it’s surely something one might question at first glance (especially when taking into consideration the rest of appearance). What stands out the most is the fact that she doesn’t quite look like she’s meant to be here. Something that you can’t put your finger on gives off the impression that maybe, just maybe, she is lost. Or at least, she doesn’t know what’s going on. Apart from those few features, the girl has an average physique with nothing too special other than her ears, which were covered more often than not. Nothing seemed very off about them though.

Kiomiko has a very blunt personality. She will say whatever is on her mind, no matter what it is or how rude it is. Any thought she has will be spoken without hesitation or reconsideration as well -- She doesn’t care much about her own embarrassment. To a certain extent though, she does care about others and will occasionally filter what she says depending on their current state. Sometimes, when it comes to anything even somewhat more professional or serious, she puts on a bit of a “face” to make her seem more approachable especially considering how she commonly looks like a walking zombie. Otherwise she doesn’t put much effort into appearing more friendly - Mostly because she thinks that she’s fine as is. Afterall, she doesn’t remember much. It just seems to be the way she remembers being “right”. Kiomiko views others as equals. She doesn’t view anyone beneath her, despite some of her comments that she makes. Although she says whatever she wants to a majority of the time she doesn’t really have anything against anyone. Her goal in life is to, well, reach her goal of finding something very dear to her. The whole “journalist” thing is just a part of her attempt.

On one fateful December evening, Kiomiko was born to two, loving Japanese women. Albeit in a lower-class family, the household she lived in was full of nothing more than love -- these being because each and every one of her and her two little sisters genuinely adored each other (in a family way) and never had anything really bad to say. She was taught early on to be honest and that is probably where her being so insanely blunt originated from.

Early on in life, Kiomiko wasn’t really spoiled as a child. Not because she was unloved but because her family just generally could not afford it. This meant that, most of the time, her and her sisters had to find enjoyment in each other and materials they had access to. Kiomiko was most interested in writing stories and reading the newspaper to hear about others’. They didn’t have many luxuries but they were grateful nonetheless- as they were taught to be. Everything changed later on though.

Around the time when Kiomiko was first enrolled into middle school or whatever it’s called in Japan, one of Kiomiko’s mothers acquired a better job. This meant only a brighter future for the entirety of their family. Things truly began to start looking up for the five of them. Eventually, both parents were employed with much better jobs and the family worked their way out of poverty and into … A much better living-style, not quite luxury though. It got a lot better for them all, especially once Kiomiko made her venture to high school. The high school of course, being the infamous sister-school of Karakura. She had already heard rumors of Karakura’s god awful reputation throughout the entire time she spent in school. The stories of it intrigued her however, but also scared her. To her, it was a place she wished to never venture to.

Push came to shove, and Kiomiko’s parents made the rash decision to move to Karakura. This, at first, filled the girl with dread. However, it was also, to her, an opportunity to learn more about the events at Karakura first-hand. A chance for her to research what she could and maybe even share with the world at a later date. Once properly transferred to the school, the journalist club fully caught her eye. It was basically perfect-- The love of writing she had at a young age as well as learning about others’ stories and sharing them. And so, that’s how she continues her journey.

[SECTION 1: Personal Details]

Full Name:
Kiomiko Wasureruna

Grade 11

Given Name(s):

Preferred Name:



Native Languages:

Other Languages:


Current Location:
Karakura, Japan

Phone Number:

Other notes:


Level 53

❏.You will receive all of your roles and permissions. . . eventually.
❏.Read all chats listed under the “REPORTER” category once given the reporter roles in the discord.
❏. Post a message in general of the Journalist Club discord, and ping me NukaRndz#0069 in order to receive your role quicker.
Dm me on discord once you have read this message. NukaRndz#0069

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