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SuperAwesomeName | KPD Application #4

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

Discord Name & Tag:

Which timezone are you in?
CET / CEST during summer time.

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:


Describe your activity on the server:
I spent a lot of time on this server. I’ve been in factions like the EMS faction which has been for a year and more until I kind of lost motivation because of things that happened and decided to go. It was a really fun year for me where I met a lot of cool people I was able to talk to. People that helped me during times not understanding some medical things and much more! Overall it was a great experience which has made me think and go for other factions like the KPD faction that I think I would enjoy a lot too. After I quit EMS I decided to take a little break to then go back fully a few months to SRP later to try it out for KPD which I have been applying for a lot of times already. Currently also on my other account I'm the college female volleyball captain. Leading my own team hosting practice 2 times a week. I'm communicating with them also out of SRP and have built up a good friendship. We’re on the server together roleplaying, having our back and much more! I’ve been engaging to take some little part in Gangrp with my friends on other accounts too. Early on when I joined the server, I used to create a gang with my friends. Getting a lot of knowledge about gangrp of course. Which means I already know alot about the basic rules even though they have changed a lot. Now around this time, i've been watching a lot of friends do gangrp and sometimes with my other account that i have left over, join in too. I’ve been pretty updated on the rules which i think is a must in the KPD, of course the gangrp time has extremely slowed down aka, i'm not really part of it anymore since a few months/weeks

So generally i would say my activity the past few months and now the coming ones is very high. Regardless of the next coming year and so on Since i really enjoy playing on the server with alot of people and building up alot of lore for my character! As you can tell, I spent a lot of time on the server, especially in my free time since at work it is quite hard to do. Other than that though, I mostly get around 3-6 hours to play on SRP on weekdays which are on weekends and work/school break, of course as I can stay up longer and keep the roleplay going on. I mostly stay on the server for a good amount of time, which can go pretty much all day.

My timezone being CET makes me be online mostly around 2-4 pm EST especially during weekdays, of course this changes during weekends, heavily. My timezone is special due to the fact that CET is the winter time mostly, which does change to CEST during summer time, which can be very confusing but doesn’t change anything about my activity.

What is your motivation for applying?:
There's a lot to say about my motivation, which should be clear why exactly it is my motivation for applying. I’ve been on the server for a good few years now, and I've seen a lot of things. ICLY and OOCLY. Been like i said before above in the EMS faction and currently also active as the female volleyball captain, on my other account.

My motivation could be separated into OOCLY and ICLY there's a lot of things that motivate me out of character and in character such as the people I'm gonna be playing with. icly and oocly beginning a new friendship in both of those parts. Working together and developing a lot of lore about my character that is gonna be working there called oliwia as she as a kid was highly interested in bringing justice within the city. Writing more about how it continues is a goal of mine. From the early kid/teenage stages to now adult life. Since she was a kid always wanted to become one of the police officers. As she couldn't stand seeing anyone bullied, stolen from and way more. Already from the start she was a nice child that just wanted happiness for everyone. I want her to develop her skills more, understanding more of the work KPD does, basically getting more knowledge and abilities that she will be able to work with after is a goal of mine, which is more of my ICLY motivation.

My OOCLY motivation is that I want to get to know the SRP community more. I already know a lot of people and have a lot of friends, which does not stop me from getting to know more though. I would consider myself being decently known to a lot of people, those who quit, those who still play. I want to involve myself in more factions where KPD is the faction that stands out to me more than anything. Excuses like Reputation to deny me, doesn’t mean much to me. As I've clearly seen, people get accepted before even being in one faction. after my time in EMS which also makes me want to roleplay out more opportunities. The KPD does a lot of special tasks on SRP which obviously makes it a big core part of srp. It goes from raids, making someone pay for j-walking, jailing people for kidnappings, murder and much more!It is easy to see that the KPD is one of the important factions within schoolrp since gangrp is also a really big community. From verified gangs to unverified gangs that still also hold A LOT of power, causing a lot of chaos within Karakura. And obviously without KPD this would be impossible to stop alone.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
There's actually not a lot of knowledge that I know of. But even if that's the case, I tried to prepare myself as much as I could. Reading through the application rules, format and all that not only what has been on the SRP website, For example there's information about what kind of activities the karakura police department does in the city. From just patrolling to doing front desk duties, to dangerous raids. also on discord there's a lot of information for this to find. About the Roster and different kind of positions in the karakura police department Faction. Ranging from Patrol officers to higher positions like the Lieutenant. The Faction divides itself in two The Detective division and the Police division. Where Detectives are more used to investigate in Raids and much more. Just looking at that Already did help me a lot, as there is a lot of useful information to find. I’ve also talked to a lot of friends that have experienced the KPD faction themselves. If it was mid RP or just generally trainings that they attended or Scholarships that they did have. This might seem like I don't know much, and that is true. But for all this, I am heavily Interested, ready and extremely motivated. to be learning way more than just what's there to find. Of course that's not all. General rules of course and how Gangrp works and knowing most of the perms they will get by your action is also Important. Gangrp is almost the base of what keeps the karakura police department going. Dangerous gangs that are ready to be knocking you out outside of the station

What I did find on the forums again was the police equipment. Which I'll be describing below:

Police Baton
⦁ A baton made out of steel used by Police officers to apprehend criminals
⦁ It requires two hits on the head to knock out the player
⦁ It can be stolen out of the hands with the proper perms
⦁ It is a close range tool with a total of exactly two blocks.
⦁ It is usable to all officers

⦁ Requires an action and a roll if the criminal resisted.
⦁ It is a one block range tool
⦁ There to restrain criminals
⦁ It is usable to all officers
⦁ Can’t be stolen

Police Radio
⦁ It requires a blunt or sharp weapon to destroy it
⦁ It can’t be used offensively
⦁ It is usable to all officers
⦁ It can not be stolen
⦁ It is Waterproof

Stun Blaster
⦁ It requires a successful hit to stun for exactly 60 seconds in close range
⦁ It requires an action and a successful roll to be used in range
⦁ When shot at the person, it prevents them from moving
⦁ It is a long range tool with 8 blocks
⦁ It is usable to all officers
⦁ It can’t be stolen

⦁ The accuracy varies depends on its proximity to the KPD station
⦁ It is accessible to all officers and EMS workers
⦁ It is used to detect how drunk a person is
⦁ It can’t be used offensively
⦁ It can't be stolen

Pepper spray
⦁ It is a 3-time use device used by emergency units to temporarily blind the person
⦁ It requires a successful roll to hit the person unless they are wearing a gas mask
⦁ It requires an action and a successful roll to be taken out when in range
⦁ It is a mid range weapons with 2 blocks
⦁ It can't be stolen

⦁ It requires a successful hit and make the target unconscious for 2 minute, no roll required
⦁ It requires an action and a successful roll to be taken out in range
⦁ It is accessible to police Sergeants and Detective Inspectors
⦁ It requires an action and a roll to reload two darts if in range
⦁ It is a long range weapon with around 30 blocks
⦁ It is made out of plastic to neutralize threats
⦁ It can not be stolen

Riot Shield
⦁ When used defensively in the main hand, the officer won’t be able to use any offensive tools
⦁ Any frontal and side damage will be neutralized if the shield is used in the main hand. The officer can be pulled away if their back is covered.
⦁ When the shield is used offensively, in the off hand, the shield wont provide any defensive or offensive properties
⦁ It can be stolen if the officer is unconscious it only works with the right permissions
⦁ The off hand mode allows the officer to be using offensive tools against a target
⦁ It can’t be used offensively, only to push a target out of range
⦁ A tempered glass shield used for protection
⦁ It is accessible to all officers
⦁ It is a one block ranged weapon

Now there's the Additional Equipment like;​
⦁ Gas Masks
⦁ Crowbar
⦁ Luminol Spray (ItemRP)
⦁ Disposable Latex Gloves (ItemRP)
⦁ Fingerprint Scanner (ItemRP)
⦁ First-Aid Kit (ItemRP)
⦁ Body Camera (ItemRP)

won't be writing everything here as this would probably fill this up a bit too much and make it even more looking clumpy.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
The Karakura Police Department is extremely important to SchoolRP in many ways. It ranges from varieties of tasks aka activities they do. You are able to talk alot about this kind of part. The KPD is most likely one of the most important factions after the School faction. In SRP there's a lot of different things you can do. And one of the popular stuff is definitely GangRP. It is most likely the easiest and seems the ‘coolest’ thing to get to as a new player. From only dealing Alcohol to other underaged kids on srp ICLY to possibly joining a new or already existing dangerous gang, causing more troubles like ko’ing people, cutting off different limbs and possibly also killing people with the right permissions. Not only the GangRpers, there's a lot of ‘Jocks’ maybe getting caught lacking, or generally just different kinds of lore events that are extremely interesting. Maybe some gang attack, or general gang meetings that you could spy on. Not only those kinds of things is what the Karakura police department is important for. There's also a lot of events dealing with fire, where once again the Karakura police department steps in. They don't only fight criminals, but also fire.

The Karakura Police Department enforces laws, ensuring the safety of the people that live in karakura. They save them from fires, hostage situations and much more of that. They prevent a lot of things which makes them very important to the server. The police are pretty much needed at any time. From what happened in the past, for example a crime scene where detectives are needed to investigate, to stuff that's still gonna happen in the future. Alone all this chaos can not be stopped, which is why the KPD is one of the most important factions on this server. Even if it's just a speech by a governor or anyone else. Protection needs to be served at all costs.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, I acknowledge the fact that if I'm online that I do need to attend the training.

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:
Oliwia Iwaskiewicz

How old is your character (if accepted)?:

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Female, She/her

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

High school Grade-12

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
Polish and German

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Oliwia Iwaskiewicz has a lot of unique features, looking at the face first, her facial expression would swing between something more tired to heavenly judging someone.. Which is usually not the case at all! Resting bitch face what can i say… It usually SLIGHTLY brightens up a bit as soon as she wears her glasses, being more used with them. Oliwia’s eye color is somewhat more special. A lighter blue which leans heavily into a more grey-ish tone! Complimented by her turned up nose and diamond looking face shape. Her face is in some way.. ‘Perfect’ Oliwia’s hair is around shoulder length and pretty.. Messy but in some way still good looking!
Some unique things she has are for example her eyebrow slit. Not only that though, her glasses are something that not alot of people that live in karakura use. As she suffers from bad eyesight, she needs to wear glasses or contacts pretty much at any occasion. Across her face and some of her body, there's lots of freckles spread around.

She’s a female that stands at the height of 5’5. With an athletic semi-muscular build, as she did participate in a military class which was going on for a year and longer, while she was studying at the moscow's university, this was not really any surprise at all. She has an extremely straight posture. Oliwia is pretty flexible. She knows simple and way more advanced skills that she did learn from the class too. Her style is a bit more off.. How people would say that she somewhat does dress like a ‘freak’ at least not.. In some normal way. Layering from clothes, usually always wearing an arm sleeve.. For some interesting reasons, that she finds pretty.. Embarrassing. Theres alot of people that have approved of the style she lives with, but also alot that weren’t quite impressed by it. She doesn’t mind it at all to be fair.

If someone was looking at Oliwia, at first they would probably think that she was some harmless woman that barely could do anything. As only her stare was most likely the most intimidating on her. With a resting bitch face, this should make pretty much a lot of sense. She has a somewhat more high-pitched voice that does lean more in the deeper side. It was pretty much in the middle. It did really fit her age though. From first sight. Not many people would've guessed much from her. Which does make her seem like a more mysterious person.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Oliwia’s behavior switches up pretty quickly depending on the situation she would be in right now. It can range from being chill to having her guard up most of the time. Being extremely careful watching her surroundings. One wrong move can cost a lot. Which is not good at all.

For casual situations.
Oliwia loves to meet new people or generally just have a chat with them, befriending them! Chilling together and filling out tasks that still need to be done by the end of the month. Oliwia definitely would be Joking and messing around with people way more often, while still having her guard up pretty much, in case something does happen,Oliwia is ready to follow all orders that come through.

In a professional situation.
Oliwia does not act much differently. She obviously still has her guard up at all times. Deeply paying attention during work. If it's at the front desk, talking to potential criminals bailing eachother out, to patrols and dangerous raids that can happen. Not only that, training of course counts for that too. As someone that is a fast learner, she of course will pay attention at any time. As you can tell, Oliwia would stay professional at all times. Observing the area at all times, eliminating possible threats that could occur. Oliwia loves to joke around though, so pretty often when the time would fit, she would jokingly mess around with most people.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Oliwia is someone that values the importance of different kinds of teamwork. She thinks that teamwork is a key part of being in the karakura police department. Her outlook definitely seems good! Co-workers and teamwork should be valued by everyone. She thinks that having a co-worker by your side definitely is good. Especially for going on patrols.Patrols could go from simple little walks with nothing to do, to extreme parts of the day that could potentially cost someone's life. Knowing someone before such a thing would happen would ‘up’ the chemistry between both in a good way. If it's from understanding each other way better to just, acting and thinking alike. Both of those outcomes are important when on patrols or raids. A friendship building up definitely is a goal you should reach when getting assigned a partner or more, for the current task that you need to play out. VIP Protection is living proof for teamwork. When you’re assigned to protect a person, you need to have a lot of good communication. Without good communication aka without good bonding, this mission would just fail desperately. Stopping crime alone is not a thing you should be thinking of at the start. When assigned a Co-worker, protecting them at all costs is one of your duties. Arguments or different kinds of fights are not accepted. If something like that happens, it's best if you apologize and make up right away. Radio communications are one of the most important things to know how to do perfectly. Together makes it way easier to make a difference in a good way. Doing that alone is too hard and most likely Impossible to do so.

[ credits: kota.18 ]

What's your character's backstory?
[Age 0-15]
Oliwia was born and grew up, extremely healthy, having no problems at all in the hospital. She used to live in a village called Łagów. Łagów is a tiny little village located in Poland. It was pretty close to the German border. Which did make her grow up pretty bilingual, learning both German and Polish, as her parents also were able to speak both languages. Not only her parents did, so did the people from the village she lived in. The kids, the adults, the officers and many more!Oliwias parents never had any troubles with money at all. She was a part of a happy and healthy family, being an only child. Her family had quite a lot of income which made her not need to worry at all about most things. Oliwia used to ask her parents for a little bit of money to buy herself some food, just to give it away to people that most likely needed it way more. Of course she did keep some of it. Oliwia was an extremely fast learner from a young age. She was at the age of 6 in kindergarten, being the best in her group. It was from carrying out simple tasks to more ‘advanced’ ones where other kids couldn’t always compete. She wasn’t only such a fast learner in Kindergarten, but also in school. Once again being better than anyone else. Oliwia nearly always paid attention. And even if she didn’t she always knew how to help herself to get up to date. Getting older she was pretty much that one ‘nerdy’ person that always took a picture of her homework, to send it into the class group chat. Oliwia was a very adventurous child. From the young age till 15, she would always prove herself and stand up for those weaker than her or those who at least seemed weaker than her. Even if it was someone way taller than her, she wouldn’t have backed down from it. Protecting the person as much as she could if she saw that they didn’t do anything to them. Oliwia would do a lot of different stuff too, like picking up toads, snails and snakes just to bring them to a safer spot or a different road size. Oliwia was that kind of girl to always help in the household. Cleaning the rooms, dishes, clothes and much more. She really knew what to do and when. Her mother and father were extremely happy about that. Not only did she do that, but she also really often used to bring home stray cats or dogs, trying her best to convince her parents to keep them. She never was able to keep them even though she put in a lot of effort explaining why. The animals often ended up in a shelter. Where she did help the cats and dogs out of it as soon as she got older.

[Age 15-17]
As she got older, she often thought of what she wanted to do when she’s an adult, with the first thing in mind of course to work as an Officer. From a young age it was clear to see that she was extremely interested in anything related to police work. Oliwia always has been the most motivated, always asking questions, writing notes whenever a police officer attends her school, schooling them about different kinds of topics, from dangerous drugs, driving drunk to simple little bicycle rules that they had to follow. Oliwia never really knew what her dad did. Especially not job wise. Her father kept pretty much most of his stuff to himself. She did know that he worked for some sort of government. At Least it was around that area, that's all she knew. One day, at the age of 16. Oliwia had to experience a tragic event. When she was out with friends, she suddenly got a call about her dad. It did turn out that he had just passed away due to something that was.. Unexplainable. At Least for now. The crime scene was still up, when she ran into the location, police officers surrounded the place, covering up most of the scene. Crying, Oliwia of course tried to figure out what exactly had happened there. Looking around as much as she could before seeing an open spot. Staring inside did traumatize her. Her Father lay dead on the floor with lots of blood around it. It was very clear that he did not survive. The pale face he had, full of blood. It was a horrible sight and she still remembers it as if it was just a week ago. The anger in her grew. She thought of what could’ve happened and thinking about it, it was not just caused by something natural or a car crash sort of like that. Someone was behind that. Considering the fact that it happened somewhere in a corner. Somewhere where no one could hear or see anything at all. Oliwia looked through everything. ****yzing the whole area, noticing something special.. A big clue, that was actually so easy to find. It was something that was carved. It did seem like a gang symbol. When the Police officers weren’t looking at all, Oliwia quickly zoomed in on that with her phone, potentially taking a picture of it. She had no clue where it was from or what it was at first. When Oliwia ran crying to the officers, she tried to talk to them about it. They weren’t just accepting the fact that Oliwia did attempt to look inside and take actions on what happened. So they told her off. The officers did also tell her that they will take a look at it too though. A few months later, she got no response. Nothing at all. When she went there, she asked about the carving that she saw at the crime scene. It really seemed like everyone forgot. Oliwia was mad, furious. She couldn’t have believed this. After all this time, waiting, trusting in the officers, nothing has happened. Oliwia started taking it in her own hands. This event that has happened to her turned her interest into police work even more up. Her motivation rised extremely quick. She wanted to actually be helpful, not like how the officers she has interacted with were. A few years later, getting higher in school, leaving most of the events that had happened when she was younger behind. Of course this didn’t change most of the things. Oliwia with her kind, protective, sleek and smart personality would always view the positive in life. Even after all this has happened. You rarely saw her upset, mad or fully crying unless she was truly hurt. SHe always made sure to view the ups and downs of her life as a

[Age 17-22]
lesson and training for harder challenges that will come her way in the future. Which also would explain her current career choice. Around her teen years, Oliwia would make sure to embrace her interests, hobbies and kindness as much as possible. She would often help out in homeless shelters, animal shelters and donate a lot of food. Oliwia helped out anywhere she was honestly. She would help out and try to give her voice to minorities or to those who were too shy to raise it. Oliwia wants to stand for the respect and truth of the world; basically justice is her full-on motto. Due to her kind and fair spirit, she became a councilor in her school and was quickly promoted to school president. She’d host a lot of charity events in the school, do a lot of protests for basic human rights, and clear hundreds of fights within her school. Not only did she do that, but because of her interest, she used to hold speeches about police work. The criminal side of the country and many more things related to that. Although Oliwia was kind-hearted, she always thought that those who committed a crime or hurt others on purpose deserved punishment, which bothered her at her school because, even as the schools president, she did not have as much power as someone may. The older she got, the more she understood the older events. Especially what has happened to her dad. She finally started picking up on everything. Using normal google to surf the dark web, looking for that said ‘logo’ that she found when she was younger. After a few months she has made a discovery. It was indeed a logo, a logo from an apparently Japanese gang. For some reason they would’ve been split and around most of the world. She started gathering more knowledge about it. Oliwia thought she was close. Extremely close, after years to finally get answers. She was wrong though. Thinking about even coming close alone is barely possible. Especially in the state she would be in currently.

After some time, later on she would travel across all of Europe to finally find a place to study that fits her the most. Oliwia did end up studying in Russia at Moscow’s university. Moscow's university had a lot of stuff to bring. Such as a military class year, she was interested in. It was taught in English and was taught to countries of the former Warsaw Pact. Oliwia being from Poland and having straight A’s in school, was directly accepted. She really enjoyed the year she was there, as it did have to do with alot of human rights, law and sports. Oliwia there met a lot of people from all types of places. But one person who really stuck with her was a much younger girl in her class named Inessa I. Vissarionovich, also known simply as Ina. At first glance, Ina seemed rather fragile, heavily based on her height. And also extremely weird to Oliwia. Which is why she got so close to her in the first place! In comparison, Oliwia was 22 at that time and Ina was just barely 16. It became an instinct for Oliwia to be a protective figure to her, which she would try to be, yet Ina basically proved she would need anything but help from her. Despite the fact that the two go along, sharing a lot of interests and opinions, both would spend their time doing silly stuff and helping out anywhere. Both acted as if they were siblings who always knew each other. She was basically Oliwia’s sister figure as she never had any siblings before. Even though they met just a short time ago.

[ Oliwia during her course in Russia ]
[Age 22-25]
At the end of their year, they both ended the postgraduate military course and would split. Yet they stayed in contact extremely well. As soon as she graduated from the military course and managed to pass all of her exams extremely well, getting out of the university, she immediately went back to finding out more stuff about the Japanese gangs logo. Oliwia decided to leave her mom, wishing her well just to move over to japan, which had many reasons. One of them obviously being to get more information about that well said gang that killed her father cold blooded. Another of the reasons being her best friend Inessa also moving there. After a lot of years already attempting and learning the language in her teenage years, speaking Japanese was no problem to her. She always used to train and speak with her best friend like that. As they both had mostly the same interests, this was an easy task. Oliwia took multiple years starting to study once again, which was mostly and heavily based on law to follow her all-time dream of becoming a police officer. The Backstory of hers really shows and proves how much she strives towards such a job, keeping the cities safe. Oliwia really wants to bring in justice and equality and help out whenever and wherever she can! Currently Oliwia is living in Karakura. Where she also reunited with her best friend. She always tries to stay fit and stays up to date with most of the news. Mainly those of the KPD, still trying to search for more clues about that so-called gang. As many people can tell. Oliwia is a kind and loving soul, only wanting to help. Ready to help anyone or act for what is right.

General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
No. You cannot legally own a pocket knife in Karakura. Pocket knives are considered a dangerous weapon, which can cause a lot of harm to people if used the right way, there's a lot of different things that a pocket knife can cause, for example: cuts, carvings, or stabbings – which can be potentially lethal. Owning a pocket knife in the first place is a big no. Karakura does not allow even just small knives like that. Finding such a knife on a patrol, bloody or not, needs to immediately be confiscated. It should be checked for fingerprints and blood [with luminol spray] if no culprit can be immediately associated with it. Such forensics work helps identify any potential victim and associated culprit, reducing overall crime.

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
The wooden cane
A unbranded Bandage
An Eyepatch
And the cough syrup

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
Abusing inmates is an extremely wrong thing to do and should not be tolerated. Even if the criminal did bad things, this shouldn’t be considered in any way. Punishments should be just harsh enough to get them away from those thoughts ever again. And taking someone's freedom is a mentally harmful thing to do and the only thing that should be considered, Hurting or torturing someone is not an Option. They will serve their time from year to year. If it does happened to be that a co-worker is currently hurting an Inmate, it better should’ve been by self defense just to get away right immediately for now. If it was not by self defense, and it was an actual abuse and oliwia would’ve seen that shit. In both situations she would have instantly pulled her co-worker away.

Checking both the inmate and co-worker for any kind of injuries. If there would be any dangerous injuries going on. She’d call EMS asking them to come over or that she will be there soon. After that she would figure out what caused this. If the inmate did try to maybe hurt them or bribe them, she would talk this over with her higher-up possibly turning this for a longer aka higher jail time as assaulting other people is illegal to do. If Oliwias Co-worker did actually attempt to hurt them in a way that should not have happened. She’d have a talk to them before actually checking on CCTV if she would have proof on cameras to show over to the higher-ups. Hurting an inmate is not a thing to do. They got their sentence and their punishment. After letting the higher-ups see what has happened, she’d just completely give over the case to them Letting them decide how to continue this. As a simple officer, she does not have much to say. She’s obviously still gonna try to get rid of corrupt workers as soon as possible. Corruption should be fought off right away. Oliwia stands by this with her heart.

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?

This heavily depends on the Situation. Lets firstly take for an example that like said above was in a cell. Oliwia would instantly grab them, pulling them out of range, making sure that the criminal who is currently assaulting the co-worker is restrained, not being able to come close and hurt them even more. After that I'd check their injuries and depending on how bad it is, I would once again call EMS over. For another example, let's have it outside, criminals surrounding the co-worker and me being around as going on patrols alone is not the best idea to have. Still if experienced enough being possible to be doing so. The first thing i would do if i see it, id quickly get out my radio calling for backup. As soon as I got an answer, I'd be going in yelling and pointing my taser at them to hope that they would get scared and either run or stop whatever they would’ve been doing. Having them running away is something Oliwia would definitely rather have than watching them hurt the co-worker. You don't really know what can happen and she wants to make sure those possibilities of something bad happening to them would be gone, completely to 0.

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
First Oliwia would check if she could get anything to take a video with it, either her body cam or a public camera near that would possibly take up evidence. After she knows that enough evidence is gathered, she would head up to the higher-ups letting them know about this. Alone Oliwia is not really able to do anything at all. As they could be dealing with a dangerous gang that she would not be able to stop alone. They could have gone from just simply taking a bribe to talking with a whole gang like mentioned, which makes getting evidence extremely harder in this case, they could be exchanging important information to each other. After oliwia told them higher-ups she would leave the rest to them, hoping that they would look through that case. While still watching them, she would take more and more proof though, trying her best not to get caught while doing so. Just to not seem suspicious at all.

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
Bribing a police officer is an extremely bad thought. If you’re lucky you could get away with it with the right corrupt officer. Which would definitely not be the case with Oliwia. Oliwia takes such things extremely seriously and would not let that slide. She would simply tell them off and continue her way.​


Level 331
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team
has decided to give you a chance at becoming part of our faction!

What now?
In order to proceed, you will need to join the discord server that house
the faction you have applied for. To find it, go to the SchoolRP discord
server (CLICK HERE) and search for our discord server!

We will also need you to be online to receive your introductions and
the necessary equipment to carry out your duties as part of the faction!

If you need further assistance, you can privately message
me (@Yonio) or any other available Admin+ via Discord
so that we can solve any other inquiries you may have

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