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Tag fix.


Level 165

IGN: oph
DATE: 04/05/20
WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Please change the [Expelled] and [Suspended] tags to grey, it makes it very hard for staff members while teleporting people in the school once the time hits 8:30. I believe this might also fix the problem of us teleporting them in the school then messing up their RP. When we fly past, the first thing we notice is red text while we avoid the green, purple, and blue ones. The tags could be either &8 or &7, either would be appreciated.


Level 10
I think this is what they would look like if they were to be accepted:

[18] [Suspended] John 'Johnny' Smith


Level 183

- Thank you for your feedback this issue or request will be fulfilled in the near future.​

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