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Tamaki Qián


Level 5
Tamaki Qián


Tamaki's Favorite Song

Basic Information

First Name : Tamaki
Last Name : Qián
Nickname : Shēng

Gender : Female
Age : 18

Height : 5'4/162cm
Weight : 90lbs/40kg
Build : Pear Shape

Skin Color : Ivory

Eye Color : Light blue
Hair Color : Black with a little Blue
Hair Style : Tow Ponytails + braids in the bottom + Bangs with two strings of long hair next

Date of Birth : April 4th
Place of Birth : Quanzhou
Nationality : Chinese
Race : Asian

Sexual : Bisexual



Character Voice

Maki Zenin
pls ignore the intro pls)

General Appearance

The Chinese female that is standing in front of you is towering at 5'4/162cm at the weight of 90lbs/40kg with a pear shape build. Her Ivory skin would match her black + blue styled hair and her light blue eyes. Her usual face would be a tired one, staring on something. If you see her you'd be worried she'd fall asleep any second. She spoke with a calm sleepy voice with a Chinese accent. She'd have a tattoo on her shoulder saying [你之上是天堂,我之上是地獄](With heaven above you there's hell over me) she'd also has a scar crossing her face throat and torso right in the middle. As she walks past you the smell of sweet beer would be all over.


Personality type :

At School : At school Tamaki would be sleeping like a maniac. If she has fallen asleep she wont wake up till 4th period
she gets good grades but she doesn't really study she just cheats all the times like always. If she was awake anyways and you'd try to talk to her she will be rude and annoyed by that you interrupted her mind thinking what should she dream about.


At Public : At public Tamaki would be annoyed and suspicious. She hates a lot of people and scared they would steal something from her. If her friends around she'd stay close to them looking around fearfully. If she met you right now she'd be staring judging if you will act nice enough she might accept you.

At Home : At home she'd be drunk acting like a fool. She will watch horror movies and scream her life at her house. if your her company she will force you to join her and ya'll would drink and do crazy things together [!] she might break something so be careful and take care of her if she's too drunk because she might act weird [!] At the end of the day she'd be sleeping like a dead animal shivering as she gets cold.



Fears : Kleptophobia(fear of stealing)+Proditiophobia(fear of being betrayed),
Agraphobia( fear of being abused)+Astraphobia(fear of thunders)+Entomophobia(the fear of bugs),
Autophobia(fear of being left alone)+Acrophobia(fear of heights)+Aichmophobia(fear of needles)
Hemophobia(fear of blood)+Obesophobia(fear of gaining weight)+Scopophobia(fear of being watched)
[!] I know there's too much but deal with it [!]

Serious Problems : Love spending money, Love alcohol, [!] and all of the above [!]
Allergies : Lemons, eggs , blueberries


Tamaki was born to a poor family. Her dad was a gardener and her mom worked as a cleaner in the school. They were a nice family at the age of 6 her mom was able to put Tamaki in school because of her job there. Tamaki was so excited to go in her first day but she was a little chubby so the first day wasn't very good for her the kids were laughing at her and calling her names. Tamaki was very sad because she didn't make any new friends but as soon as she got home she acted like nothing had happened she didn't want to make her parents to be sad because of her so she got away with it and kept it all to herself. By the age of 8 Tamaki was bullied badly the kids were calling her names kicking her hurting her gluing her butt to the chair running her clothes stealing her lunch money. . .etc She didn't know how to explain her mom and dad why her clothes were ruined or why she'd have those bruises but she just made some lame excuse. By the age of 10 she met a boy named "Zhào" at her school that was nice to her and they instantly became friends they had lunch together and laugh all day since then they became inseparable. Tow years go by and Tamaki and Zhào became a couple. Zhào became really handsome and all the girls wanted him. Tamaki was scared someone would take him from her so she was with him the whole time this is how more 2 years past and they were together still. By the age of 14 Tamaki was inlove with him over the moon and was obsessed. Zhào already won her parents and family and everyone liked him but something has change in him after a year he became really mean and abusive towards Tamaki. He was hitting her if she didn't do what he want and became her biggest bully but Tamaki still loved him so she wouldn't mind a thing. Zhào wouldn't break up with Tamaki because it brings him popularity to be dating "the poor and helpless girl" but they didn't know he's abusing her he'd act cute and caring in front of people but when their alone he'd just use her and beat her up. After another two years Zhào did something really bad he got into a fight with Tamaki and got very angry on her so he tried to kill her by using a knife craving it into her head as he goes down slowly till she looked like she's half and half. Zhào called the police and an ambulance before the police arrived he had faked the killer's runway. When the police and ambulance arrived they were in shock Zhào was fake crying next to Tamaki the ambulance immediately took her and treated her harshly. After Tamaki was brought to the hospital and got treated she fall into a coma for 3 months. Zhào was annoyed that he didn't succeed to kill her while Tamaki was in the coma Zhào was dating other girls and became the most popular boy in school. After tamaki woke up the doctors ask her "what happened?" Tamaki instantly became scared she didn't if she should tell the truth or lie she couldn't believe Zhào would do that she was so sad and heart broken she felt betrayed. Tamaki decided to tell the truth to the doctors, The doctors were in shock and immediately inform the police. The police burst into the school looking for Zhào all the kids were afraid. The police found Zhào and arrested him all the kids stared at him in disbelieve and they started to whisper gossiping on Zhào. Zhào was in jail for 2 years but by the time he was in jail he had planed his revenge on Tamaki for telling the cops. Tamaki go back to school a few days later, all the kids were nice to her and respected her
apologizing for what they did. Of course Tamaki accepted their apology. By the time Zhào was in jail Tamaki started to working on her weight and became really pretty and in shape. When Zhào got out of jail Tamaki knew she had to hide from him, Zhào came late at night to Tamaki's home and searched for her, Tamaki was in her friend's house hiding scared for her life. Because Zhào didn't find her he decided to do a different kind of revenge, He came to her parents room crawling inside. He took a knife stabbing her mother's chest, He goes to her father and stabbed his throat. Zhào escaped from the window, By the time Tamaki got home she sees her parents dead with a lot of blood on them she passed out from shock of what she had seen. Her friends found her out of it on the floor hugging her parents, Her friends immediately called the police and another ambulance. Tamaki was in the hospital for a day but she had also gotten herself into therapy because of her sadness. The police indeed found the killer whose Zhào and got eliminated with an electric chair. From that day on Tamaki was having nightmares about Zhào coming back to kill her too, After a year with the age of 17 she decided to make a tattoo on her shoulder saying [你之上是天堂,我之上是地獄](With heaven above you there's hell over me) to remind her of what happened she was still scared of Zhào coming back to her so she decided to leave the city and moved to Karakura and started a new fresh start. The new language she didn't knew and the new people, A year goes by and Tamaki is 18 she dyed her hair blue and one of her friends got her into alcohol and she fall in love with it since then she's kind of an alcoholic but she's nice and pure for her loved ones, she still doesn't know the full language but she's doing better and keeps living. . .
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Level 30
Good shit, this is a very good bio!! I like everything about it honestly, no complaints here!

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