The role of teacher is like no other by allowing for players new and old to breathe life into Karakura’s campus, flexing their creativity by teaching one of eight subjects with interactive lessons and showing what SchoolRP is really about. Teachers are granted one of the most important roles of the server, being the faces that new players are greeted with and becoming the guiding hands for the next generation of roleplayers.
The duties that are expected of a teacher are as follows: teaching and entertaining their students with engaging lessons, preparing lessons ahead of time to ensure a smooth learning experience, enforcing Karakura High School's code of conduct on school grounds, and interacting with students of all ages and backgrounds. Teachers are expected to complete a quota of at least 10 classes each month, any less will result in no payment and risk removal from the faction
Unqualified Teachers will start with a base-pay of ¥350,000 for completing a minimum of 10 classes each month, but once reaching the status of Qualified Teachers, they will have a base-pay of ¥400,000 for completing a minimum of 10 classes each month. For every 5 additional classes hosted after completing the minimum quota Teachers receive +¥50,000 on top of their paycheck until the maximum amount has been reached, ¥500,000. Teachers will also have the chance to receive additional payment through attending faction events. Individual teachers may only teach a maximum of three classes per OOC day to allow for others to have a chance to host as well but are allowed to exceed that limit if no other teachers are hosting.
Interested in becoming a teacher? Apply today!
APPLICATION RULES1. Do not remove any questions asked on the form when editing the application.
2. Apply proper formatting; bold questions, not answers and no excessively coloring, italicized, etc.
3. Include the subject you are applying for in the title. (e.g Math Teacher Application | Username; Username’s English Teacher Application)
4. You must speak fluent English, including appropriate grammar, punctuation and spelling.
5. Detail your application where appropriate; some questions may require more detail than others.
6. Ensure you're correctly spacing your responses and paragraphs.
7. If you haven't logged on within 7+ days, your application will be automatically denied.
8. Do not advertise your application.
9. Do not ask for your application to be reviewed.
10. Your application must be written by you. Plagiarism, coping, or use of AI in the application will result in a denial and faction blacklist.
Rules that are highlighted in red can lead to instant denial or a temporary Highschool Teacher application blacklist.
1. You must have a somewhat clean history, having such will make your acceptance chances higher.
2. You must be active within the server, being active shows you are dedicated and ready to host classes often. (If you haven't logged on the account, you're applying with in 7+ days, your application will be automatically denied)
3. You cannot apply if you are already in another faculty position. (eg. Employee or Professor)
5. You are expected to be mature and know how to roleplay according to the role.
6. You must must have the capability to be both patient, fair and use common sense.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How do I submit my application? - Head to the Teacher Application page and click Start Application there you will find a simple and easy application form to fill out. Once submitted, you can still edit it however you wish.
What is the teacher introduction? - The introduction includes a slideshow going over the majority of the responsibilities and privileges of being a part of the faction. It is a quick run through that lasts around 30 minutes. You will meet the faction lead, be allowed to ask questions for them to answer. After the introduction, teachers are allowed to begin hosting their own classes.
Can I have some pointers for my application? - A few simple tips and things to remember when applying:
How do I know which positions are currently open to apply for? - The Teacher Roster displays all the available subjects.
Can Teachers GangRP? - No, characters with the teacher tag are strictly forbidden from engaging in any sort of GangRP with the teacher tag. This includes passing permissions and fighting in groups. GangRP on another character profile or account is completely fine.
How old can my character be? Your character must be at minimum 25, but it's encouraged for your character to be a little older. Please keep your character's age somewhat realistic, you shouldn't be over 75.
When will my application be marked? Applications are marked whenever spots need filling; applications will always be marked by the end of the month. Do not ask for your application to be reviewed, as this will result in instant denial.
Is there anything I should take into account before applying? The Teacher role itself requires a lot of dedication; at times teaching can become stressful and planning lessons can take time.
What is the teacher introduction? - The introduction includes a slideshow going over the majority of the responsibilities and privileges of being a part of the faction. It is a quick run through that lasts around 30 minutes. You will meet the faction lead, be allowed to ask questions for them to answer. After the introduction, teachers are allowed to begin hosting their own classes.
Can I have some pointers for my application? - A few simple tips and things to remember when applying:
- Remove any 'comments' left on the forums, example: /*COMMENT*/.
- Bold your questions, not your answers.
- Leave appropriate line-spacing between each question; 2 spaces in between a new section, 1 space for a new question (Recommended)
- Format your application! By doing this you are not only showing the person reviewing the application that you care about your application, you're also making it look neater. Examples; banners, sections and lines, bullet points, etc.
- Check the roster BEFORE applying. It's important to check the position you're applying for is actually available, this prevents you from wasting your time.
How do I know which positions are currently open to apply for? - The Teacher Roster displays all the available subjects.
Can Teachers GangRP? - No, characters with the teacher tag are strictly forbidden from engaging in any sort of GangRP with the teacher tag. This includes passing permissions and fighting in groups. GangRP on another character profile or account is completely fine.
How old can my character be? Your character must be at minimum 25, but it's encouraged for your character to be a little older. Please keep your character's age somewhat realistic, you shouldn't be over 75.
When will my application be marked? Applications are marked whenever spots need filling; applications will always be marked by the end of the month. Do not ask for your application to be reviewed, as this will result in instant denial.
Is there anything I should take into account before applying? The Teacher role itself requires a lot of dedication; at times teaching can become stressful and planning lessons can take time.
Any questions? Feel free to direct them to the #help channel in the Karakura Academics Discord to the faction lead, @lobsterrdog
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