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Denied Teacher application

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Do you understand that most answers are found in the roleplay documents?: Yes.

Describe your activity on the server: I go on every day almost all day and am dedicated to the server and making it a better place. I know all the rules and am always kind to everyone there. I make sure I am active all the time, and this will continue for a long time if I am a teacher, and will become even more regular for the sake of making school roleplay a better place!

Do you have Discord (if so, what's your discord username)? Yes, I have discord. My username is Skylar101

Do you have a microphone? No, sorry I'm not quite sure what that is.

List your current and past applications: I have not applied for anything.

What is your motivation for applying?: I would really like to make school roleplay a more fun, and safe place for everyone there. I think that lack of teachers seems to be a problem, as almost every day, there are no teachers online and there is nothing to do but wait around.

Thank you so much for considering my application!
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