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Accepted TellTotty's Culinary Professor Application


Level 4


What is your Minecraft username?:


What is your time zone?:
My time zone is PST

What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)

Link all previous applications you made on the server:
Accepted - Accepted - Accepted - Accepted
- Accepted - Accepted - Accepted
Denied - Denied - Denied
Pending - Pending (More information about this pending application at the bottom where additional notes is)

Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
Lately my activity on SchoolRP has been lacking, not due to anything bad but due to boredom. I spent most of my time trying to GangRP but at some point you just get burnt out of it. I tried going for a teacher role but was denied but I saw a lack of professors and well here I am. For the most part my activity is pretty good, for days I don't have work I typically spend about a few hours on SRP and for days I do work I spend about a couple hours then another couple when I get home.


Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
Roleplaying is something that has been in my life for the longest time. Since I was a child as a matter of fact. Roleplaying has brought a priceless skill that I value to this day. It brought me a creative mind, something that most people would dream of having. The ability to just be able to think of a scenario and have it played out right before your eyes in an amazing way. The first time I began roleplaying was when I was a kid, I used to play with action figures such as power ranger toys or Pokémon toys. I would have them crossover and create different scenarios of what was happening. Of course that's the fundamental of Roleplaying, the base of it if you will.

Although at the time I didn't know it was roleplaying until I turned 13 years old. I discovered what true roleplay was, it was something I couldn't even believe to have thought would have existed. The thoughts of other people interested in the same ideas as me, the same character types, the same mindset as me. The thought of making a character who you think best suits you, who you want to be, who you want to be known as is just amazing. Fun fact. Senjo (The character I am currently applying) was the first character I've ever created and obviously to this day I still use him.

I soon discovered SchoolRP, it was then where everything changed for me. The character I once created can physically be brought to life, well through Minecraft at least but it didn't matter because I can physically play my character now. This past year in SRP has brought me so many emotions ranging from happiness, sadness, anger, betrayal, excitement. Yes some of those emotions aren't as good as they sound but it's those exact emotions that make you feel alive as if you were actually there. I roleplay as if it was real life, I am the character, I do what is best for my character, for me that is how I roleplay.

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
Senjo Senova
Lucian Marcello

Bianca Lefèvre

What is the subject you want to teach?:
I would like to teach Culinary, I checked the professor roster and it looks like only one professor teaches the classes and there was a second spot available for it which I am applying for.


What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:

My motivation for becoming a professor stems from both In character and out of character reasons. In character, It suits Senjo as he is a stern person. He is the leader of his family: Senova. He watches over his siblings as if they were his own kids due to the fact that they all grew up without a father figure which Senjo was more than happy enough to take the role. Becoming a Professor would only make sense as he can now be an adult and proper roleplay as one.

For out of character reasons, I've always had a heart for teaching others. I come from an area where it isn't the safest or at least wasn't one of the safest. Nowadays things have gotten quiet, although the people in my neighborhood don't believe it due to the harsh past years. We lived in an area where gang violence was at an all time high and due to that fact a lot of the children that lived around here didn't have good families. They'd either be most of the time hungry, tired, malnourished or too scared to go out there due to the violence. Unfortunately It wouldn't stop some of those children from joining gangs and ruining their chances of having a good life. Some of them didn't have a choice, if they wanted to live they did what they had to do. I spent a lot of my time helping some of the kids in my neighborhood with their work or even teaching them new skills they can carry with them. I'd help with their homework but something I did teach them and loved to see them try was cooking. By all means I am not a professional chef or anything but I wasn't a bad cook. They'd watch and learn as I baked treats or bread. Besides me showing how to cook I always loved to cook just for fun. It wasn't a talent or anything I just loved that I can do something that can bring people together. I used to take culinary classes in high school and took some out of class as well but it was kind of different because in the beginning they taught me things I already knew which was fine because I took each lesson either as something new or something to polish up my skills.

Once I saw culinary for Professor as an option to apply for, I quickly raced to apply, a bit discouraged that the application work is a bit different but still confident I can make it as Professors need to be more mature than teachers which Senjo already is and cooking is a passion we both share.

Once I saw culinary for Professor as a option to apply for I quickly raced to apply, a bit discouraged that the application work is a bit different but still confident I can make it as Professors need to be more mature than teachers which Senjo already is and cooking is a passion we both share.

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:


For starters I'd want to get a feel for the classes, I wanna see what my students are expecting when they come into a culinary class room. Most students think cooking is the first step or something as advanced as that. I'd like to start with introducing myself and my credentials to the students, of course in a professional matter. Although Senjo is strict he isn't a stick in the mud. As long as there is order in the class then he too can be as fun as a normal teacher perhaps even a student. That being said, I would want to introduce Senjo and ask the students questions as to what they expect to go on in this class. Depending on the information given it'll determine how Senjo approaches each lecture or assignments. For the purpose of knowledge let's assume that the students say they expect to start cooking as soon as possible while Senjo takes the opportunity to ask the students a simple question which is "How do you hold a kitchen knife". There would be silence in the room upon which a smirk would grow upon Senjo face as he realizes he caught them. He knows he can't start off a bunch of beginners with cooking without showing them how to use proper utensils such as the common knife. Culinary isn't just about cooking it is about the environment you are cooking in, the food being used, how its handle, how you handle yourself and how the area around you is handle. For starters simply cooking a chicken breast sounds easy until you're up in front with it. How do you cut? What seasonings do you use? What kind of kitchen knife do you cut it with, what kind of cooking board are you using etc. The first class would be introductions and learning each other's viewpoints.

After getting a feel for what the students expect to happen during culinary and crushing whatever expectations they have, the second class would be time to talk to each other once more. This time Senjo wants to hear from his students, what they're excited about when it comes to cooking, what they wanna learn, see, cook etc. Of course as last class entails they'd need to learn how to use proper equipment first. He would lean back on his desk and cross his arms as he scopes out the room and picks a random student. He asks his student what kind of food he would like to prepare and why but lastly would he think it's an easy dish to make. He would do the same for each and every student as there are no right or wrong answers but would notice a common answer which would be cooking something that they wouldn't normally handle. He explains to them that there are many factors that go into preparing dishes as advanced as the ones they mentioned but they shouldn't get discouraged because that is what they are here to learn. He would start to explain to them something they most likely haven't heard of which is different cutting boards and how they are important to use only what they are needed for.

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
If granted permission, Senjo's first class field trip would be in either three different locations. 1. The lake in the forest. 2. The beach pier or 3. One of the plaza parks. In each of these locations there is a body of water to catch fish in. The field trip would revolve around catching and cooking fish. At this point of the year the student should already have a grasp of what to do and how to handle a fish. How to kill it, how to skin it, remove the scales and bones, how to wash it (very important) and how to prepare it.
Ideally the Lake in the forest would be perfect but due to wildlife such as bears it would be a bit difficult, if we were joined by a couple rangers or police men to fend off the bear then of course we'd take the trip if not then the beach pier would suit to be perfect.

Senjo would try to make the assignment a competition, which would be those who can catch grade A fish and prepare it would get school reward tokens. It's not about gaining the tokens but more about making them want to try and participate in the competition not only for themselves for Senjo to ****yze if they have learned anything. He grades based on the way they learned and work, if they paid attention then this should be an easy task for them vs those who haven't been paying attention. He mainly pays attention to how they handle the fish and the tools such as butcher knives or fish scalers and making sure they don't hurt themselves.


Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?

Well for starters it is obvious that they shouldn't be surrounding a bobcat jock much less a bobcat in general as Senjo believes that the Spartans (college students) should set an example for their juniors. He took a second to grasp the situation at hand because he can't just assume they're going to hurt the bobcat. He walks up to the Spartans casually getting in between a couple of them and in a relaxed voice he'd ask them what was going on here. The reason he asked so calmly is because he doesn't want to aggravate anyone there although he is a professor he'd still rather simply do things without making a fuss or a big deal out of it. He explained to them that it looked like they were gonna do something to the bobcat and would nonchalantly remind the Spartans that idiotic actions such as beating someone up would get them removed from the college roster and jokingly said they'd be the laughing stock. Although professors are meant to be mature, there was nothing wrong with relating towards the youth. He harmlessly poke fun at one of the Spartans saying he used to be as scared as the bobcat is back in the day. After Senjo deescalates the situation he'd invited the Spartans and the single bobcat to his culinary room to casually make them something to snack on as food is easily the best way to bring peace. He talks with them and makes sure they understand that the younger ones are gonna be in their shoes soon.

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
Senjo isn't a fan of having to watch over students that got themselves into detention as it's such a hassle for him but nonetheless would still do it. Although there is a student that is making a disturbance, Senjo would decide to play along and answer the student's "stupid questions" for two reasons. Reason one, Senjo can't be sure if the student is generally asking these questions for the sake of actually knowing or reason two the student is just trying to pass the time. In either case the student is making it worse for himself as Senjo would get up and grab a piece of paper. He would stand up to the student that kept making a fuss and would place the piece of paper on their desk and lean down to quietly talk to the student. He would ask if they can please stay quiet and instead write down whatever questions they have so at the end of detention Senjo would gladly answer them. Let say that, that plan didn't work and the student continued to be a bother, Senjo would sigh and would look at the student with a displeased glare and in a deep voice would threaten SLT, seeing how Senjo's mood changed from calm and relaxed to annoyed and foul, this would set the student to quietly go back to writing his questions.

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
The kitchen is no playground, there are utensils that can permanently damage a student such as cutting themselves. Besides that there are other factors upon which the cheerleaders should know better. Senjo makes sure that the students in his class need to be able to focus on what they are preparing without distraction because one mess up can lead to disaster. Without wanting to embarrass the cheerleaders, he'd walk up to them without a smile and would kindly ask them to turn off the music and to stop distracting the other students. He'd remind them that it is a dangerous game they are playing and if a student using a knife to prepare food is distracted it can easily lead to that student losing his finger. He would remind them that they are not high schoolers to be acting like animals. After explaining and scolding the cheerleaders and finally telling them to get back to work and to make sure not to let it happen again.

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
Before running into action he quickly scope out the situation, how many students are there, who seems to be involved and to see if there are any other staff around to help. After that he'd radio other staff around the school that there is a fight going on as he is rushing to stop them. He makes sure to tell them where the fight is and how many students are crowded around the fight. Upon reaching the crowd he yells out the make way as he is coming through. He would try to get in between the two students fighting, although it didn't stop them from trying to rip each other apart he did slow them up down by keeping them separated and in between them. He'd try to keep an eye out on both students trying to calm them down as he would place both hands in front of the two fighting students, not touching them but just close enough to keep them apart. He had to keep up the pace until other staff members arrived. Upon arrival he'd first check the student's health and conditions, depending on how bad the injuries are he'd send them to the nurse but of course with a detention slip as fighting in school is never acceptable.


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

Senjo is a rather tall person for some of his type. He is a 6 '1 male with noticeably pale skin. Although his skin was a bit pale it would seem that he'd keep up a maintainable
cut physique. Going more into his looks, it is the first thing you notice upon seeing him that he has colored Snow white hair and pearly blue eyes, one important key feature about his eye or at least one of them is that his left eye has a scar going down it. Although at first he didn't like it, he enjoys the scar now as he believes it makes him look "cool". Something that most people would mistake is his ethnicity. Senjo is a Korean-Hispanic male, His Korean side comes from his deadbeat father and his Hispanic side comes from his beautiful mother that he takes so much pride in. What makes Senjo unique and different is the type of clothing he wears. Upon growing up he developed some rather expensive taste when it comes to what he chooses to put on. For example, when he is in school he typically dresses up as a waiter or a butler, something as exquisite as that. Although Senjo never grew up wealthy or with money it is unclear where he developed expensive taste buds for clothing.

Senjo drawing.PNG

During life outside of school Senjo loves to wear more rich clothes such as polo dress-up shirts or even suits such as tuxedos. It can be a scorching day but it wouldn't matter to him as he believes looks are also important but that is his own opinion.
Senjo has a habit of letting his mouth do the talking before thinking. He doesn't understand that when he speaks, he speaks without considering how his words may feel on others. Although thankfully most of the time it comes out in a positive outcome, there are times when some people who don't know him well may take what he says the wrong way which can lead to some negative outcome. This type of problem can be difficult when it comes to his students. Senjo has one universal rule: treat people the way they treat you so basically however students respond to Senjo is the same way he’ll respond to them. Being friendly with Senjo is your best chance with him being nice right back but of course keeping things professional. Knowing that teachers can be difficult or they might not understand, Senjo tries to be as relatable as he can be with his students. He wants them to be comfortable with him enough to ask for him.
Senjo has a childish yet laid back personality behind his stern and strict ways. Sometimes due to that childishness it is hard for him to be taken seriously by his co-workers. Before becoming a teacher he looked up to two teachers who unfortunately aren't working anymore. Allen Black and Lily Solas. He typically looked up to Allen Black as a role model when it came to being a teacher as everyone knew him and adored him. That kind of teacher or professor is what Senjo strives to be. When it comes to other professors or teachers that are on duty he is generally kind to them and tries to make small talk such as a simple talk of how their day is going. He wouldn't wanna wrong them or make a bad impression as he really doesn't have the time to be caring if someone likes him or not so he tries to stay on their good side.

Their plan for the future is simple, he wants to leave a footprint in the school, he wants to be remembered as a loveable professor, it may seem egotistic but it is something he always wanted as he saw his old role models bathe in glory and fame, he also wanted that. He wants students to know that there is always a way for them to go, there is no dead-end. If he can learn that then anyone can, culinary was just his way of doing that.

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.

Before Birth
Already before being born Senjo had it rough as both his mother and father weren't fit to be parents. His mother, a sickly weak minded woman who wouldn't dare think twice about the sad excuse of a father she married. His father, a drunk, deadbeat failure of a human who only worked for himself and spent that work money on once again himself and most importantly in his eyes booze. Unfortunately for Senjo's mother, once she found out she was pregnant with Senjo that was a queue for Senjo's father to get up and ditch his wife and unborn child as he didn't want anything to do with them. The mother, left alone, broken, poor and mentally unstable and no family around to help her. She struggled but gave life to her son.

Senjo - Age 3
From the beginning Senjo knew nothing but poverty, scraps, torn clothes, cold nights. So how the mother found the will throughout all the rough days to stay strong and fend for her child. Never knowing what a full meal was and barely having enough to get through half the day, the sick mother's health was declining at a fast rate. Knowing that fact she at least prepared Senjo with things to do, know and learn. Sadly in front of his eyes she passed and that was it. Alone he was for the first time with nowhere to go. As soon as the public caught whim of what happened, Senjo was instantly placed in foster care leaving behind what little he had to go somewhere even worse.

Senjo - Ages 6 to 9
Being in foster care the next three years wasn't easy for him, many families came and went, sadly each one leaving him or bringing him back due to lack of confidence in Senjo actions. As a child he would sneak off to get himself into trouble, he'd come home with bruises and scratches from being beaten up by people twice his size or even street animals. He couldn't stand the families that adopted him because he already knew they were just going to bring him back and the process starts all over again as if he was a dog in an animal shelter. He wasn't going to go through that anymore as he devised a plan to run away for good. He packed what little he had and took food from the family that took him in and he ran, he ran and continued to do so for days on end until he knew he was far enough the people who knew of him wouldn't think of looking. Unfortunately Senjo would come to realize his mistake. He was lacking in food and water but still continued to move forward. His malnourished body couldn't keep up, his bone can be soon through his skin as his rib cage to his stomach can visibly be seen rumbling due to hunger. He couldn't go on anymore, he believed it was his time already as he sat down and closed his eyes. He woke up and to his surprise he was warm. He wasn't where he once closed his eyes to die, he was in a bed next to a heater with a nice warm blanket. He got up in confusion as the man walked up to him. That man, Shinzo Jin-Hisayuki was the person who took Senjo in and took care of him until he got better and for once, someone for once gave Senjo a choice. He can stay or leave. He decided to stay and soon Shinzo would adopt Senjo as his own son.

Senjo - Ages 9 to 12
Upon being taken care of by Shinzo, Senjo learned that Shinzo was a leader of a Korean-Japanese gang named Senova. Of course Shinzo was mature enough to understand that he couldn't take Senjo along to dangerous places or fights but the gang itself was like a second family to Senjo. Everyone quickly grew to love Senjo as if he was their little brother, they took care of him and gave him advice, although some advice would have waited until he was older, he was still grateful for anything they taught him. Senjo tends to keep it a secret that his adoptive father was a crime leader but he didn't see him as a criminal but as a true father. Things seem to be going great for Senjo until the cold reality of being in a gang soon hits him. Shinzo's fiancé was killed by a rival gang which left the happy dependable laid-back man to a depressed lifeless shell of a person. it was impossible for Shinzo to look after anyone if he couldn't even look after himself after the loss of his late wife. Shinzo himself knew he couldn't look after Senjo and the others, he ultimately decided that when Senjo turns 13 he will send him to live in Karakura town, a town that was a few hours away but had everything Senjo needed for him to start his own life.

Senjo - Ages 13 to 16
Once again, in an unknown place but this time a familiar feeling grew upon Senjo, loneliness. He was once again alone to fend for himself but thankfully Shinzo was prepared to make sure Senjo was safe and good and especially well informed about karakura. Shinzo left him with money and information which would help Senjo in the long run. He attended school and it was long before he realized that there are many people just like him in karakura town. It didn't take long before Senjo made some friends and it wasn't long before Senjo discovered the dark truth about families and gangs that lived in karakura, a bunch of blood thirsty people. Speaking of blood thirsty people, the "friends' Senjo thought he made turns out they couldn't be trusted, they weren't as friendly as he thought they were and for that reason when they became aware of Senjo's cautiousness. Long story short that friendship was cut short and speaking of cut, it resulted in the scar on Senjo's left eye.

Senjo - Ages 16 - 18
Recovering from the injury he got to his eye, Senjo once again finds himself alone, at least that's what he thought. Turns out Senjo has siblings he didn't know about that lived in karakura. He was contacted by local law enforcement stating that someone with the same father as him. Senjo would take his new siblings in and would get to know them, soon would be taking care of them as if they were his own kids but made sure they knew he was their older brother. He wanted to have a father figure that they didn't have, something like Shinzo did for Senjo.
Not long after Senjo was given a surprise visit. Shinzo came to karakura town to see how things had been going for him, he was proud to see how grown Senjo had become and how he was able to manage all on his own, it was time to celebrate. What Senjo didn't know was that it was a goodbye party, and an excuse for Shinzo to see Senjo one last time. After a fun night Shinzo left to the hotel he was staying at although Senjo wanted him to stay with him and not at some hotel but refused as the hotel was already paid for. Wanting to see him once more, Senjo goes off to the hotel his adoptive father was staying at but there were paramedics and ambulances surrounding the building. A body was being carried and with a further glance, Senjo nearly fell to his knees as he saw his adoptive father, dead. It was confirmed to have been a suicide, Shinzo Jin-Hisayuki lost his battle to depression. This was a new feeling for Senjo, grief of losing someone he cared for with every last atom in his body. He was feeling so many emotions, anger, sadness, confusion, and betrayal. He needed something to help him cope with the pain of loss but the only thing he could do was help others in order to hide the fact that he is suffering himself which worked for a while but bottling up emotions like that is never good, not even for him.
Once again he started to receive calls from local law enforcement stating that someone with the same father as him. He began getting angry as he wished his biological father would just perish and his adoptive father would come back. He continued to think and realized that this is his chance to do what Shinzo did for him by being a father figure to his siblings who were left behind by their father. He also wanted to leave karakura town, not forever but he wanted to go out and explore the world and make something of himself, learn something that would bring inner peace to his aching heart. He spoke to his siblings, all of them and explained to him he will be off on a 10 year trip. It sounded way too unrealistic but it is something he wants to do in order to be the best version of himself.

Senjo - Ages 18 - 22
Upon leaving Karakura he decided to set sail to Italy where he would pursue Culinary and Food science education. His first stop would be in an institution called Apicius. At first he was taken back as he believed cooking was easy at a glance when he saw Shinzo cook. He would soon realize that cooking and food education is on a whole different level than anything he's ever learned. Yes of course he had a rough start but the first important lesson he was taught that he would pick up and even use on his own student would be: "How do you hold a knife correctly" Apicius isn't just a culinary school but it's a Institution for hospitality meaning not only is Senjo gonna be learning how to cook but is also going to be training in how to take care of people, how to serve, how to be refine as a chef and a caretaker. What makes Apicius different and one of the best Culinary schools in the world is that they have different missions and different studies that they all teach to each student. Their goal is to teach their students the importance of business, hospitality and tourism, culinary arts, and wine studies it can be implemented into their everyday lives. For four years Senjo endured failure after failure until he was a perfect representation of what a refined and exquisite chef should be.

Senjo - Ages 22 to 28 (Present)
Although Senjo's studies have been completed and he was able to graduate at the top of his class through hard work, it still wasn't enough for him. He was taught that simply being perfect is never enough because perfect doesn't exist, the only thing there is to get better each day. He decided to travel to 2 different places, the first place being Honduras the birthplace of his mother. He'd spend 3 years in Honduras learning their type of Spanish and studying their history and culture, especially their food. One of the foods he fell in love with is called baleadas which is a flour tortilla with a mashed red bean paste and scrambled eggs with sour cream and avocado. During his stay he was always given a bunch of stares due to his Korean side and snow white hair but that never bothered him since he has shown his appreciation for the Honduras culture. After bunking down in Honduras, learning their food, dances and language.
His next location would be Busan, South Korea. Although he hates his Korean father he understands that it is still a part of him and it is a part of his siblings, he wants to be able to connect with them through ethnicity.
He would practically do the same thing he did in Honduras but in South Korea. One of the first things he fell in love with, which pretty much anyone would fall in love with is the Korean style BBQ since it's a perfect blend of both spicy and sweet. He took in some time to visit shrines and learn about different gods the Koreans worshiped. Although he had a bit of a tough time trying to learn the Korean native language. At some point he felt embarrassed because when it came to learning Spanish it was easy but Senjo felt as if he was bringing shame upon Shinzo when he was having a difficult time but nonetheless even with tough times he found his way, eventually.
Without telling anyone he soon left South Korea after spending his time there getting to know different things, he set sail once more and headed back to Karakura town to meet his siblings once more. They were happy to see him and likewise to them as well. Although he is back he can't just stay like this doing nothing, he's back home and he wants to share what he has learned through his 10 year trip. He thought to himself what better way to do so than by food, food brings peace to everyone and sharing what he's learned he can then maybe inspire those who have similar stories of his past to do what they set their mind to. He wrote himself an application for Karakura College with all his details in hopes he'll be hired.

(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)


Full Name:

"My name is Senjo Senova"
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
"Mr. Senjo or Mr. Senova is fine, though if we wanna be professional then Professor Senova is also good."
Given Name(s):
"I've been given a couple names but the popular one is Sen"
Preferred Name:
"Doesn't matter to me as long as it isn't rude"
"I am 28 years old, geez I'm near 30 years old. . . man I feel old"
Gender & pronouns:
"I am a male with the pronouns He/Him"
Religious Denomination:
"I follow the religion Arceusism"
Marital Status:
"In a relationship"
"I am a Korean-Hispanic (Hondurean) Male and specifically from Seoul South Korea"
Current Location:
"I reside here in Karakura town"
SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):

"As I was completing my education in Apicius I was allowed to host a classes due to my unexpected exceeding performance, where I taught new students the basics of culinary as an assistant chef for 3 years."
Working Experience (# of years):
"Before I left Karakura I did work as a cashier at a store which sadly wasn't there when I came back I worked there for about a good 3 years before I had left. Besides that I worked as a chef at 5 Star Korean restaurant during my stay in Busan for the 3 years I stayed.”
Academic Degree:
"I gratefully have a masters degree in Culinary Arts Pro Chef"
Year of Graduation:
"I'll never forget, I graduated 2018"
"I have my majors in Culinary Arts"
"For my minors which I had to do, I minored in food science"
Native Languages:
"My native languages are Korean and Spanish. . Learning Korean was a tough one though."
Other Languages:
"Besides my Native languages I only know Japanese"
Preferred Teaching Subject:
"I always say the way to peace and the way to people's hearts is through food, especially a good meal, Culinary please!"
"I am no slouch when it comes to teaching this subject, It is a risky job when it comes to the on hands section but that is why I am here, to prepare my students"
Additional notes about your application (if any):
This is regarding my pending application for teacher, if I were to get picked as a professor first then I will glad remove my application for teacher.
Besides that, Thank you very much for taking a look at my application!​
Last edited:


Level 99
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
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