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Thanks for the Memories


Level 7
Dear PhayZr,

Although you may not know who I am, I have been in your classes many, many times! Each and every second of it I have treasured and enjoyed most! Whenever you teach becomes the highlight of my day! You have practically inspired me to become a teacher on the SRP server and I truly thank you for all the wonderful experiences you've brought me!

I hope that your two years on a mission for God is successful! I believe you will touch the lives of many through him just as you've done on the server! I can tell He has a plan for you, one that you will fulfill in do time. Here are some words of inspiration for your two years-

"Conduct yourselves with wisdom toward outsiders, making the most of the opportunity. Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person." Colossians 4:5-6

"But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence;" Peter 3:15

I wish you the very best and will be praying for you and your church!

Yours truly~ Rosiebug9067 (River S. MV)
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Level 27
Tonight was your last night on SRP and it was spent beautifully. We'll miss you, Dylan. You were one of the best people I ever met on SRP and without you I would have quit and I wouldn't have met the people I know now. I'll be here when you return in 2023 if you still want to be friends. If not that's fine too, as long as you have fun on your mission. Take care.


Level 74
Today was your last day on SRP, though you planned for it to be yesterday. And I’m so glad we got to end it on a happy note.
It hurts to see you go, and I’ll never forget the memories we have made with our characters, like mission impossible, what happened today, how Atlas and Dylan first really interacted, how Dylan introduce Keiki to atlas, Dylan convincing atlas to go with venti, the random Loli hitting whenever you go afk or “die” on us, Dylan teaching Atlas piano, Those are only a few things that I’ll never forget.
I can’t wait to talk to you again, even if it’s never on srp. Everyone will miss you, that’s a given. Even people you don’t know, people who may have attended your classes only a few times, I know will miss you.
I’ll see you in 2 years Dylan, I wish you many luck on your mission.
Dude, you are one of the most real and funniest guys I've met on this server. Even with different political differences and specific interests, we share in common, you have been nothing but a pleasure to call a friend! I wish you nothing but the best in life and hope you achieve and gain everything you desire in life. I truly hope you find all the inner peace and mental stability you can desire and remember how many people love you here! I hope one day you'll return. For as long as I knew you, you've been such a child guy and have made my day when it comes to classes you host and conversations we've had. And Thank you so much for the kind words you shared, it truly made me cry! Take care bro and may the road ahead of you be as bright and amazing as you. I love you so much!!!

- Acie O'Sullivan Yoshi

Mark 9:42

Level 19
Thread starter
Love you all. I've read each one of your replies. Thank you so much for your kind words. SRP is something I'll never forget.

(I had my last day today rather than the 21st. Wanted to make it a bit more special so I put a little more effort into it rather than just dipping.)

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