Level 0

Shu Amaguchi - Close friends [act like i made his bio and put it here]
"Shu-chan we need to hang out more! I'm meant to be the shut in out of the both of us!"
Kiyoko Akiyama - Mother
"I don't get why i have to learn how to sew when your already the best at it mama?"
[Redacted] Thompson - Father
"Calling him my dad is too much of a honor for him, he's basically just a sperm donor.."
"Shu-chan we need to hang out more! I'm meant to be the shut in out of the both of us!"
Kiyoko Akiyama - Mother
"I don't get why i have to learn how to sew when your already the best at it mama?"
[Redacted] Thompson - Father
"Calling him my dad is too much of a honor for him, he's basically just a sperm donor.."

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ʚ ͜ ̩͙ ︵ ̩͙ ୨ ♡ ୧ ̩͙ ︵ ̩͙ ͜ ɞ
Satoshi isn't the smartest but that doesn't mean he's a bumbling idiot, no matter how quiet they tried to be about it he knew where all of their arguments were leading. He knew his parents weren't the happiest to put it nicely but that doesn't mean they had to tip-toe around it like he was five and not fifteen, even now locked away in his room with his music at full volume staring blankly at a game he's quite frankly hasn't been paying attention to for the past twenty minutes all while listening to the scraps of the argument happening downstairs. "You've been distant." she says. "Don't act like you don't know why Kiyoko." he responds, and the sigh she responds with speaks for itself "Oh pray tell what did i do now?" she asks, voice weary she's tired of fighting for a man who doesn't love her anymore. "Oh don't you dare act all coy with me woman!" Satoshi hears what sounds like a chair being shoved to the ground. After that the words turn into harsh background noise, occasionally he catches a phrase or two but his brain just refuses to process them. And with two clicks of a dial the music goes back to encapsulating him in the bubble of its song.
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ʚ ͜ ̩͙ ︵ ̩͙ ୨ ♡ ୧ ̩͙ ︵ ̩͙ ͜ ɞ
The harsh glow of the pc monitor greets him from his sad attempt at slumber just has it has time and time again over the years. With a scratchy hiss Satoshi fumbles with his keyboard until the light doesn't blind him, the mocking blinking clock on the screen let's him know that he's only managed to get three hours tonight compared to the futile two he gets on a daily. His body feels wrong, has felt like it wasn't his for years at this point. His skin feels too tight, every movement is followed by a deep ache in his left knee, and even the breaths he takes feel... stolen. His mother hasn't said much since he started locking himself away but he can see the guilt and worry eating away at her, and Satoshi wishes so hard he could put the pain he feels into words but no matter how he tries to shape it into something tangible it comes out worse then when he started. Kiyoko knows that her son will come to her when ready, and if that's in two days, three months, or even years from now Kiyoko understand that this whatever that may be is something she cannot assist with as much as she wants too. But that won't stop her from trying.
Since Satoshi started isolating himself to the comfort of their house Kiyoko has started giving him small tasks to give him some semblance of normality aside from his school work. today their tackling the task of going though some of Kiyoko's old clothes from over the years, some neatly tucked away in boxes inside her closet and others gifted from his grandmother. "Think of it as...early spring cleaning Sato." was her response when Satoshi questioned her. "If we get this out of the way you'll have less to do when i put those muscles of yours to work during the spring."
The actual process is relaxing, they have three piles: toss, salvage, and Sato's room because surprisingly he finds himself fawning over some of the pieces he finds tucked away. And with each tug of her sleeve followed by a "Mama look at this!" and "I can't believe you used to wear this!" a sparkle began to appear in his eyes that Kiyoko thought was long lost. As the sun made it way though the sky they slowly got through the pile of boxes until they got to the final few. "Jeez i forgot i even had this one, makes me wonder why mom kept it.." Kiyoko mutters in surprise, holding down the flaps of the dented cardboard box inside rested a pale blue dress with a heart neckline, several layers of ruffles, and flared sleeves. Satoshi peeked over her shoulder with a questioning hum "Where's that from ma?" he asked. "Highschool maybe, god it's been so long since I've seen this I thought it got tossed out." she replied, a smile forming as she pulls the dress out further from the box gently patting invisible dust off it. "Looks pretty.." Satoshi begun. "You can have it if it fits Sato." Kiyoko says, "Only if that interests you of course."
"You.. you don't find that weird?" he questioned. "Why should i?" she answered. Satoshi wordlessly gestured to himself as if the answer was obvious. "Because y'know..." he trails off. Satoshi feels stupid now that the words fell out of his mouth, months of trying to word how he felt about himself properly and this is the best he came up with? "Because your a boy?" Kiyoko finishes, and he nods squirming in place as his mother turned to face him. Dress bundled in her arms. "Sato... honey i could care less about what you wore as long at it makes you happy." she smiles, gently pressing the dress into his hands. "You'll look stunning weather you wear it or not Sato." the smile that grows onto his face makes his cheeks hurt, jeez how could he ever think that she'd be anything but accepting.
"Will you help me put it on?" and the answer is obvious.
ʚ ͜ ̩͙ ︵ ̩͙ ୨ ♡ ୧ ̩͙ ︵ ̩͙ ͜ ɞ
Satoshi isn't the smartest but that doesn't mean he's a bumbling idiot, no matter how quiet they tried to be about it he knew where all of their arguments were leading. He knew his parents weren't the happiest to put it nicely but that doesn't mean they had to tip-toe around it like he was five and not fifteen, even now locked away in his room with his music at full volume staring blankly at a game he's quite frankly hasn't been paying attention to for the past twenty minutes all while listening to the scraps of the argument happening downstairs. "You've been distant." she says. "Don't act like you don't know why Kiyoko." he responds, and the sigh she responds with speaks for itself "Oh pray tell what did i do now?" she asks, voice weary she's tired of fighting for a man who doesn't love her anymore. "Oh don't you dare act all coy with me woman!" Satoshi hears what sounds like a chair being shoved to the ground. After that the words turn into harsh background noise, occasionally he catches a phrase or two but his brain just refuses to process them. And with two clicks of a dial the music goes back to encapsulating him in the bubble of its song.
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ʚ ͜ ̩͙ ︵ ̩͙ ୨ ♡ ୧ ̩͙ ︵ ̩͙ ͜ ɞ
The harsh glow of the pc monitor greets him from his sad attempt at slumber just has it has time and time again over the years. With a scratchy hiss Satoshi fumbles with his keyboard until the light doesn't blind him, the mocking blinking clock on the screen let's him know that he's only managed to get three hours tonight compared to the futile two he gets on a daily. His body feels wrong, has felt like it wasn't his for years at this point. His skin feels too tight, every movement is followed by a deep ache in his left knee, and even the breaths he takes feel... stolen. His mother hasn't said much since he started locking himself away but he can see the guilt and worry eating away at her, and Satoshi wishes so hard he could put the pain he feels into words but no matter how he tries to shape it into something tangible it comes out worse then when he started. Kiyoko knows that her son will come to her when ready, and if that's in two days, three months, or even years from now Kiyoko understand that this whatever that may be is something she cannot assist with as much as she wants too. But that won't stop her from trying.
Since Satoshi started isolating himself to the comfort of their house Kiyoko has started giving him small tasks to give him some semblance of normality aside from his school work. today their tackling the task of going though some of Kiyoko's old clothes from over the years, some neatly tucked away in boxes inside her closet and others gifted from his grandmother. "Think of it as...early spring cleaning Sato." was her response when Satoshi questioned her. "If we get this out of the way you'll have less to do when i put those muscles of yours to work during the spring."
The actual process is relaxing, they have three piles: toss, salvage, and Sato's room because surprisingly he finds himself fawning over some of the pieces he finds tucked away. And with each tug of her sleeve followed by a "Mama look at this!" and "I can't believe you used to wear this!" a sparkle began to appear in his eyes that Kiyoko thought was long lost. As the sun made it way though the sky they slowly got through the pile of boxes until they got to the final few. "Jeez i forgot i even had this one, makes me wonder why mom kept it.." Kiyoko mutters in surprise, holding down the flaps of the dented cardboard box inside rested a pale blue dress with a heart neckline, several layers of ruffles, and flared sleeves. Satoshi peeked over her shoulder with a questioning hum "Where's that from ma?" he asked. "Highschool maybe, god it's been so long since I've seen this I thought it got tossed out." she replied, a smile forming as she pulls the dress out further from the box gently patting invisible dust off it. "Looks pretty.." Satoshi begun. "You can have it if it fits Sato." Kiyoko says, "Only if that interests you of course."
"You.. you don't find that weird?" he questioned. "Why should i?" she answered. Satoshi wordlessly gestured to himself as if the answer was obvious. "Because y'know..." he trails off. Satoshi feels stupid now that the words fell out of his mouth, months of trying to word how he felt about himself properly and this is the best he came up with? "Because your a boy?" Kiyoko finishes, and he nods squirming in place as his mother turned to face him. Dress bundled in her arms. "Sato... honey i could care less about what you wore as long at it makes you happy." she smiles, gently pressing the dress into his hands. "You'll look stunning weather you wear it or not Sato." the smile that grows onto his face makes his cheeks hurt, jeez how could he ever think that she'd be anything but accepting.
"Will you help me put it on?" and the answer is obvious.
!! Contents will be added and removed as Satoshi's story grows and evolves if i missed smthn let me know !!
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