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Level 99
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This is why we didn't allow you guys to have balcony access
The place doesn't look unorganised to me and removing our edit perms won't make the place look any nice, instead it'll make it look deserted like this ;-;Yellow Number 21st Birthday Events T-Shirt.jpg
If you want the balconies to be more appealing, I think it would be a good idea to put in at least a few seats and furniture on every balcony so that we can make use of them


Level 121
They just use it to sit down and watch the horizon.
then put chairs there, you guys left it completely empty and think the players will like it, whats next, just because players cant be trusted they should get already furnished apartments? There should be more freedom given to the playerbase, a minority doesnt represent the whole community.

For those who said "it'll only be followed for a week then staff will have to monitor it and it'll repeat" yeah, staff should be monitoring, thats why staff exists. Put up proper rules about apartments and if a player reports / staff finds it, simply remove that build & inform the player, I know alot of staff members with alot of freetime.

I know I'm going to be getting an arguement like, "Staff have lives" yeah, so does everyone but it being staff is volunteerly, nobody is forced.

Thats why I think we should have proper rules for apartment building (for example there is a rule that makes the players unable to make their apartments a shop)
I agree that players shouldnt be allowed to build a 2 floor place in their balcony and add something like a whole restaurant inside but they should be atleast allowed to put in small decorations to make it better.


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
then put chairs there, you guys left it completely empty and think the players will like it, whats next, just because players cant be trusted they should get already furnished apartments? There should be more freedom given to the playerbase, a minority doesnt represent the whole community.

For those who said "it'll only be followed for a week then staff will have to monitor it and it'll repeat" yeah, staff should be monitoring, thats why staff exists. Put up proper rules about apartments and if a player reports / staff finds it, simply remove that build & inform the player.

I know I'm going to be getting an arguement like, "Staff have lives" yeah, so does everyone but it being staff is volunteerly, nobody is forced.

Thats why I think we should have proper rules for apartment building (for example there is a rule that makes the players unable to make their apartments a shop)
I agree that players shouldnt be allowed to build a 2 floor place in their balcony and add something like a whole restaurant inside but they should be atleast allowed to put in small decorations to make it better.
There are rules for it, however it’s literally impossible to moderate. You remove someone’s balcony bc it’s unrealistic and then eventually they disown/sell the apartment and the next person comes in and does the exact same thing. Staff doesn’t have the time to keep wiping apartments all day


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
also yea I may ask to go around and place some seats and tables on the balconies


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
+1, were paying for it so why cant we build on it? in my opinion all apartments should let you build on the balcony because you'd be able to customize it better plus some people need some storage space and balconys are a good place for that, and also sometimes its nice to see what people have made. also most balconies look REAALLLYY boring with them being just empty, like the new penthouses! way too much open space and its a little bare
You’re not supposed to turn balconies into storage spaces :I


Level 121
You remove someone’s balcony bc it’s unrealistic and then eventually they disown/sell the apartment and the next person comes in and does the exact same thing. Staff doesn’t have the time to keep wiping apartments all day
they could inform the players and eventually it'll become common knowledge, just like with other things, players will slowly adapt to it. Staff doesnt need to always moderate it and with a little bit of trust in the community, players themselves would report unrealistic balconies.

also yea I may ask to go around and place some seats and tables on the balconies
I'd personally use my balcony space as a small japanese styled dining area, as my character loves to eat outside with fresh air.


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
they could inform the players and eventually it'll become common knowledge, just like with other things, players will slowly adapt to it. Staff doesnt need to always moderate it and with a little bit of trust in the community, players themselves would report unrealistic balconies.

I'd personally use my balcony space as a small japanese styled dining area, as my character loves to eat outside with fresh air.
Staff have tried countless times with countless methods to do that for years and it simply doesn’t work. And just because you want to build something realistic doesn’t mean that the majority (who don’t build realistically) will build something like that. It’s unfortunate but it’s the reality of it. Build team spent over 100 collective hours working on this project for people to build storages and bathrooms on the balconies.

Like I said we’ll probably go around and build something on each of the balconies but editmode will not be granted


Level 96

Only a minor scale of players are capable to make properly set up balconies, yes we may be paying for space, but because players fail to keep it logically built area.. it makes and even ruins the exterior look horrible when viewing balconies.

Alternative idea would be making applications where actual SRP builders would set up your balconies, whether for free or paid.


Level 73
Instead of building with blocks, maybe there can be furniture (chairs, side tables, etc) for everyone to make it less plain?


Level 44
Here's an idea, what if the build limit on the balconies are 2 blocks high? Or even 1, enough to make furniture like couches, chairs or even tables? When viewing from the outside, you probably won't be able to see much of the balcony like that but at least it won't actually be empty?


Level 57
Well, I see that the staff are against this proposal, I will not comment on this proposal, I just give my opinion.
My apartment is in the shopping area (F floor, it shoud be).
Looking at the building from the shopping area, the buildings with different balconies look colorful and have a messy beauty, which also happens to all the apartments with editable balconies.
But the new apartment, the apartment where the balcony cannot be edited is completely different. The house looks extremely monotonous, it is very regular, and I feel a depressive, desolate, and unfree atmosphere.
Maybe the staff think the things made by the players are messy and ugly, but I think the combination of multiple messy and colorful buildings looks good.
We really don't need to pursue reality too much. After all, this is just a game. I hope to give players as much freedom as possible without violating the rules and affecting the player experience.


Level 2
Nothing to say that hasn't been said by Hira, Infi, and Yonio, but a cool alternative might be balcony presets that all match themes, only have different setups.


Level 15
-1 for the reason that most people are describing, the builds in the balconies oftentimes look funky or unrealistic and end up clashing with the others and the surroundings </3
Though it might be possible to find some sort of middle ground/compromise - maybe the balconies could come pre-furnished with something simple like a couch or some chairs/little tables or just sOmEtHiNg that will add that aspect of rp functionality but still remain 'on-brand' for the building and the view from the outside. Idk, just a thought :))


Level 146
Rather than fully customizable balconies, I'd rather see a short collection of presets that are both usable in roleplay and visually pleasing from a distance. That way, people don't feel cheated out of their property's space, but the complex can still maintain a uniform aesthetic.


Level 47

Players can't be trusted with realistic builds. And restrictions would only be followed for a week, then ignored. Then staff would deal with it, and it'd repeat.

Plus Business Park already looks 'cramped', adding editable balcony would make everything even more stuffy and ugly as no one has the same building aesthetic.
Why not just make the bottom block editable? that way people can add couches and stuff

sir meow

Level 45
Community Team
Rather than fully customizable balconies, I'd rather see a short collection of presets that are both usable in roleplay and visually pleasing from a distance. That way, people don't feel cheated out of their property's space, but the complex can still maintain a uniform aesthetic.
this!! and maybe have either a couch preset or table preset so you can chose which one you want, because ive seen on some balconies in complex R its just couches but then on the ones that have an extra balcony also get to have chairs and a trash can.


Level 10
We have given the community countless chances to make realistic builds in their apartments. I do not think it is fair to let most people (yes, unfortunately we're talking about the majority of the community) ruin the builders' work just because players want to extend their apartments.

In real life, people don't just put a fully-furnished kitchen with two floors in their balcony. They just use it to sit down and watch the horizon.
So would it not make sense to put a couch, or chair or something on the balconies that were left blank? For example, a single couch was put onto some complexes. Why not put one on the balconies that are bland and have enough room for them? Screenshots are below.


  • Screenshot_21.png
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  • Screenshot_23.png
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Level 88
Community Team
Event Team
I like how clean the balconies look, if edited I feel as if it'll be too disorganized from the different building styles of everyone.

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