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The Cycle of selling a car.


Level 68
Community Team
Media Team
Step 1: Get a Custom car.

Step 2: Use the car for quite awhile.

Step 3: Flex the car to your friends

Step 4: Lose the car because of a Server Restart

Step 5: Make a Lost Vehicle Application

Step 6: Getting your car back again

Step 7: You starts to use your car less because of paranoia of server reset

Step 8: You ran more than use your car

Step 9: You started debating with yourself wether you want to keep it or sell it

Step 10: You decided to sell it

Step 11:
Pain. Selling a car is harder than you think, everyone is either broke, or have a car, or doesn't like the type of car you're selling.

Step 12: You found someone that said they're interested, you're excited to get paid and finally get rid of your custom car.

Step 13: Pain. The Person is no longer interested, now you have to continue trying to sell it to random people you come across.

Step 14: Repetition, you will be repeating Step 9, and back again there after reaching Step 12.


Level 68
Community Team
Media Team
Thread starter
but fr someone buy this fkin car off of me im in pain trying to sell it OH LORD OH GOD OH FUCK-


Level 87
Ah I went through step 4 and 5 like multiple times. Many people wanted my car. My only trouble was selling the car at MY price. Now it’s gone because I gave it away but what if I want it back now?


Level 183
I sold almost five cars in one week - You can DM me pash#9244 information about your car and I'll try to help or buy it myself if interested!

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