Trigger warning for blood. I love you SRP <3
Ibuki held Rowan's hand as she smiled softly at her, she pulled out a sticker pack from her hair and began to weakly cover Rowan's hand in stickers. "Ibuki I don't think.. please don't do this to me.." Rowan softly cried as she pulled Ibuki's hand to her face. The woman smiled wider as her best friend did that, the gesture bringing a little bit of warmth to her heart. Kumiko and Kahula stumbled into the hospital room, they both grabbed their mother's arm and shook it. "Mamá, please, just hold on okay? The nurses said you'll be fine!" Kumiko yelled at her mother, while her younger sister stayed silent, tears streaming down her face. "I'm not going to be okay mijà.. and that's okay. I did pretty good in life honestly..." Ibuki coughed up blood as she slowly wiped her mouth, tears streaming down her soft face. In the waiting room,Mazikeen and Elizabeth questioned the nurse, Mazikeen's expression being stone cold. Adelpho rushed in holding a orange ball of fluff, arguing with the nurses as they yelled at him. "Sir! This is a no pet area, if he isn't a service animal he needs to go outside!" The nurse yelled at Adelpho as he shoved her to the ground. "My sister is in here bleeding to death. She NEEDS to see him and I will not stop til she does." Adelpho said as he ran past the nurses, searching for his sister's room. Kachinonai looked up at Adelpho, his ears pinned to his head as the man holding him ran and cried. Kachi jumped from the man's arms and immediately followed the scent of his mother. Dodging the nurses reaching arms, harmful grabs, and attempted kicks. He slammed his body into the door, forcing it to open as he stared at Ibuki's body in the hospital bed, it felt as though the world went silent and everything froze. Ibuki's weak gaze lit up as she saw him, slowly moving her body to the side and reaching her arms out for him, another weak smile appearing on her soft face. "There he is, my favorite son!" She said with a weak laugh as Kachinonai slowly approached her bed, his paw steps careful but hurried as he climbed into the bed with her, curling up against her as he just stared at her, sad whines escaping from him. "Kachi, you have to start trusting people okay?.. They're not all bad, and even if they are, you can defend yourself against them. Make sure to take care of Vixey for me and my grand babies too..." Ibuki gently patted Kachinonai's head as she held him close to her body, Rowan put an arm on her shoulder as she silently cried. Kahula and Kumiko held their mother's hand as her breathing grew slower and slower. As the rain began to pour heavily, and thunder shook the earth, the loudest sound in the hospital, was the sound of a heart monitoring flatlining.
A woman who, despite past experiences and interactions with others, showed kindness and of course stickers to all. A mother to those who needed it, and a teacher to those who accepted it. Ibuki was my most memorable and longest living character and she will forever be my favorite, of course, the character's who couldn't make it to the goodbye were most likely grieving the hardest.
I enjoyed playing on SRP for the time I was on it, I enjoyed the people I got to make memories with and the lovely staff members that always showed kindness. I will most definitely miss everyone who kept me laughing in OOC chat and just in general. I made memories that I will never forget, and made friends that helped me come out of my comfort zone more and more.

My most favorite times on SRP have always been surrounded with amazing people, whether I'm in touch with them now or not, they're still amazing and deserve all the happiness in the world. They gave me great laughs and the best roleplay experiences. My most memorable times were definitely in the professor faction of faculty, the radio talks were always hilarious, if I had to do anything differently, I would've definitely gotten that picture of Mike Akihito while I was in Akihito Clan as my first character. I had the most amazing people surrounding me and always helping me if I struggled with something. I love you all and your all so amazing it makes my heart hurt. <3
Ibuki held Rowan's hand as she smiled softly at her, she pulled out a sticker pack from her hair and began to weakly cover Rowan's hand in stickers. "Ibuki I don't think.. please don't do this to me.." Rowan softly cried as she pulled Ibuki's hand to her face. The woman smiled wider as her best friend did that, the gesture bringing a little bit of warmth to her heart. Kumiko and Kahula stumbled into the hospital room, they both grabbed their mother's arm and shook it. "Mamá, please, just hold on okay? The nurses said you'll be fine!" Kumiko yelled at her mother, while her younger sister stayed silent, tears streaming down her face. "I'm not going to be okay mijà.. and that's okay. I did pretty good in life honestly..." Ibuki coughed up blood as she slowly wiped her mouth, tears streaming down her soft face. In the waiting room,Mazikeen and Elizabeth questioned the nurse, Mazikeen's expression being stone cold. Adelpho rushed in holding a orange ball of fluff, arguing with the nurses as they yelled at him. "Sir! This is a no pet area, if he isn't a service animal he needs to go outside!" The nurse yelled at Adelpho as he shoved her to the ground. "My sister is in here bleeding to death. She NEEDS to see him and I will not stop til she does." Adelpho said as he ran past the nurses, searching for his sister's room. Kachinonai looked up at Adelpho, his ears pinned to his head as the man holding him ran and cried. Kachi jumped from the man's arms and immediately followed the scent of his mother. Dodging the nurses reaching arms, harmful grabs, and attempted kicks. He slammed his body into the door, forcing it to open as he stared at Ibuki's body in the hospital bed, it felt as though the world went silent and everything froze. Ibuki's weak gaze lit up as she saw him, slowly moving her body to the side and reaching her arms out for him, another weak smile appearing on her soft face. "There he is, my favorite son!" She said with a weak laugh as Kachinonai slowly approached her bed, his paw steps careful but hurried as he climbed into the bed with her, curling up against her as he just stared at her, sad whines escaping from him. "Kachi, you have to start trusting people okay?.. They're not all bad, and even if they are, you can defend yourself against them. Make sure to take care of Vixey for me and my grand babies too..." Ibuki gently patted Kachinonai's head as she held him close to her body, Rowan put an arm on her shoulder as she silently cried. Kahula and Kumiko held their mother's hand as her breathing grew slower and slower. As the rain began to pour heavily, and thunder shook the earth, the loudest sound in the hospital, was the sound of a heart monitoring flatlining.
A woman who, despite past experiences and interactions with others, showed kindness and of course stickers to all. A mother to those who needed it, and a teacher to those who accepted it. Ibuki was my most memorable and longest living character and she will forever be my favorite, of course, the character's who couldn't make it to the goodbye were most likely grieving the hardest.
I enjoyed playing on SRP for the time I was on it, I enjoyed the people I got to make memories with and the lovely staff members that always showed kindness. I will most definitely miss everyone who kept me laughing in OOC chat and just in general. I made memories that I will never forget, and made friends that helped me come out of my comfort zone more and more.

My most favorite times on SRP have always been surrounded with amazing people, whether I'm in touch with them now or not, they're still amazing and deserve all the happiness in the world. They gave me great laughs and the best roleplay experiences. My most memorable times were definitely in the professor faction of faculty, the radio talks were always hilarious, if I had to do anything differently, I would've definitely gotten that picture of Mike Akihito while I was in Akihito Clan as my first character. I had the most amazing people surrounding me and always helping me if I struggled with something. I love you all and your all so amazing it makes my heart hurt. <3