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Level 11


As a community we have listed the issue with Gang Roleplay and what can and can be improved. We highly request staff to take a look at this page and other fellow GangRP Members to step up and let them hear your voice!

Refusing to “BTRP” is voidable, and this is not happening to be set, which could set KPD force into the situation. Causing an argument to break out with staff and the people in the situation, causing a bannable offence, and causing the situation to be not voided, because of said argument.

A rule that needs to be thrown out much more is the safe zone aspects. (if you are in a defined public zone, you are forbidden to equip an illegal weapon, use Kill permissions, or use Major Assault permissions. You may still use Kidnap and/or Minor Assault permissions inside of a public zone. See the spoiler below for a list of defined public zones.) There are no rules about which is and isn’t a safe zone.

Being involved in gangs in any way is also considered criminal roleplay.(NO IT IS NOT!!) Gangrp is very different from this, considering the fact you ARE with multiple members at a time during various situations such as minors majors and ect, for people that don't wanna be involved in gangs and wanna run solo that IS CrimeRPer such as mugging running pockets vandalizing ect ect ON THEIR OWN! With the new rule being in place for no mugging 5k. I truly think that these permissions need to be updated and reviewed.

The rules are out of date. SRP has this entire problem of rules being outdated, Leaving people to have situations voided that don't MAKE SENSE! It talks about things that were allowed 2 years ago, Rolling for initiative combat when it is a surrounding situation, DOES NOT HAPPEN! It is now PARTY-BASED COMBATRP!

(Upon committing a crime or being man-hunted, you must remain online for at least 45 OOC minutes. If you wish to change outfits, you may use the /wardrobe.) THIS ONE RIGHT HERE. people don't understand the fact of what combat logging is. And even with the wardrobe aspect people need to CARRY a duffle bag on them to be able to swap out of blackouts

With KPD and rules that are extremely placed on KPD Vs. GangRPers. In any combat, the losing faction should have to fear roleplay. The rules state that “CrimeRPers should be scared by KPD as they run the city.” But let alone the fact that we can’t do anything without KPD OOCly Consent. Which by far puts GangRP and KPDRP into a whole standstill with the Roleplay Aspect!

Party-based combat!

The rule for /it surrounds is outdated and widely misunderstood. According to 6.3c, the exception to 6.3a is that if the fight is 4v1, the turn-based combat reverts to party-based, and the lone member of the latter party is forced to P2L (Play-to-Lose) the actions of the opposing party. This is how /it surrounds is supposed to work under the rules. It turns into a P2L fight when it's 4v1. However, this is not how it is currently applied. Presently, when a 1v4 situation occurs, it is instantly considered an honor.
I believe this is generally on the right track but should be tweaked. I propose that one of the four attackers should have to take action to get behind the individual and win a roll. This would balance the combat more fairly. At the very least, the attacking party should have someone behind the defending person, even if the actioning idea proves too complicated.

Another issue with the /it surrounds rule is that attackers do not actually have to perform /it surrounds as long as four people are fighting the individual; it automatically results in honors. I feel this is unfair as someone might not know they are surrounded until they've wasted their action. In conclusion, the attacking party should not only have to act to surround but also have to genuinely surround the defending individual.

The rule for FearRP is outlined in section 5.6b. It includes examples such as being fearful of weapons (including police officers’ Glock-17s and tasers), roleplaying realistically when confronted by several gang members (armed or unarmed), obeying KPD/EMS directions, and behaving appropriately in government buildings. While I believe this rule is generally good (except for the part about the Glock), I’ve noticed that fear roleplaying related to numbers hasn't been enforced much lately. I understand that FearRP can depend on the situation and staff discretion, but I feel there should be either more concrete rules or stricter staff enforcement regarding this aspect of FearRP.

It’s important to recognize that not everything in roleplay is realistic. The essence of roleplay is to explore and create whatever you want. However, applying out-of-character (OOC) rules to in-character (IC) situations can lead to conflicts with staff and other players.

The current permission system feels outdated and needs a complete overhaul, especially regarding combat roleplay. The same goes for GangRP; many players want changes. We’re actively voicing our thoughts in the Discord Server that we have created to push for improvements. We will not stop until our voices have been heard!


"Furries are amazing, try talking to one!"


Level 111
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Refusing to “BTRP” is voidable, and this is not happening to be set, which could set KPD force into the situation. Causing an argument to break out with staff and the people in the situation, causing a bannable offence, and causing the situation to be not voided, because of said argument.
3.8 Purposely stalling situations is a punishable offense. If roleplay must be paused to resolve an OOC matter, only staff members are allowed to pause it.

This rule is a main discussion, as players want to try to resolve disputes on their own. Stalling, even by means of discussing, does not mean you should punish other players (I.E. KPD) for roleplaying and doing what they are meant to. Pausing is ONLY meant for staff members to prevent situations like this from occurring. This is a large reason behind why many people say to continue a situation and discuss after, or get staff after. To prevent stalling such as this.

There are no rules about which is and isn’t a safe zone.
7.3a The monastery, and school grounds are all considered safezones. You cannot gain major assault permissions or killing permissions in these areas; however, you can gain minor assault permissions and mugging permissions in these safezones.

he rules are out of date. SRP has this entire problem of rules being outdated
We as staff do our best to keep the rules up to date, but with all the various updates, its difficult as only the owner can change the post. Will try to see if we can update them again sometime soon when there is time.

With KPD and rules that are extremely placed on KPD Vs. GangRPers. In any combat, the losing faction should have to fear roleplay. The rules state that “CrimeRPers should be scared by KPD as they run the city.” But let alone the fact that we can’t do anything without KPD OOCly Consent. Which by far puts GangRP and KPDRP into a whole standstill with the Roleplay Aspect!
People committing crimes SHOULD be afraid to be caught. The OOC consent is a faction rule, as many factions have. They need their faction lead to approve of any OOC consented permissions to make sure the members aren't needlessly getting injured, as it does have an effect on the faction's reputation. If you come up with a good plan for the permissions, I don't see why the faction lead will refuse to let a WILLING member participate.

According to 6.3c, the exception to 6.3a is that if the fight is 4v1, the turn-based combat reverts to party-based, and the lone member of the latter party is forced to P2L (Play-to-Lose) the actions of the opposing party. This is how /it surrounds is supposed to work under the rules. It turns into a P2L fight when it's 4v1. However, this is not how it is currently applied. Presently, when a 1v4 situation occurs, it is instantly considered an honor.
1.15 P2L (Play To Lose) / Honour: The servers most common form of participating in combat roleplay. During P2L all parties involved agree to fight without the need to use the roll system, towards either a predetermined ending or something all parties can agree upon. Fights are to remain realistic & enjoyable for both sides.

The terms P2L and Honor are meant the same way. The losing party of a 4v1 is meant to honor/P2L the actions.
I believe this is generally on the right track but should be tweaked. I propose that one of the four attackers should have to take action to get behind the individual and win a roll. This would balance the combat more fairly. At the very least, the attacking party should have someone behind the defending person, even if the actioning idea proves too complicated.
I wholeheartedly agree with this. Just having 4 people should not make a hopeless situation for the lone individual.

I understand that FearRP can depend on the situation and staff discretion, but I feel there should be either more concrete rules or stricter staff enforcement regarding this aspect of FearRP.
5.6c FearRP is a loose concept and may not apply to all roleplay situations, meaning it is generally dependent on the people roleplaying to do so realistically.

This explains it as clearly as I ever could. If someone has a weapon (like you said) then they dont have to FearRP as much as someone who is unarmed. It in itself is a rule that is difficult to enforce because there are many things outlining a situation.

The current permission system feels outdated and needs a complete overhaul, especially regarding combat roleplay. The same goes for GangRP; many players want changes.
Overhauling the system thats been working for this long is difficult, but if you figure something out with the crime leads that they think will work best and it gets accepted by the staff team as a whole, maybe you can get the change you are looking for.

I didn't want to dissect your post, but I did want to point to some examples you made and how most things are in the rules. And while they may be outdated in some cases, they are still what staff base decisions off of where they apply. Its easy to say you want change, but many changes that are for the better of Gang Roleplay are not perceived well. Its been in a direction where its less PVP and more roleplay oriented, but there are still cases of the former happening in situations. This is just my take on what you were saying, and I hope it helped with your perspective


Level 64
As a community we have listed the issue with Gang Roleplay and what can and can be improved. We highly request staff to take a look at this page and other fellow GangRP Members to step up and let them hear your voice!
Unfortunately, this is not a community-based post. Please don't make it seem that way when it's the combined efforts of only three individuals that never made their voice heard prior to this and only complained senselessly about the flaws of gang roleplay without pointing them out.

picture from the discord server provided by the original poster
If you want the rules to be updated or even tweaked with, the simplest recommendation is to make a suggestion whilst gathering ideas from actual active members of the community, with no disrespect intended, so that your voice can be heard. You won't get any retention or attention by posting a thread in the general subsection whilst pretending that staff members hold no liberty and just want to ruin your day. Staff members are doing their best to resolve a messy situation that was built up by supposedly, gang roleplayers that "understand" the rules.

In any other case, if you have a firm belief that a staff member is biased or is breaking the rules in their own favour, then submit a staff report with any evidence gathered.
My advice? Make a suggestion, report any form of bias or rulebreaking by staff members (if any).


Level 16
… or simply remove gangrp, that’d fix everything
this statement isn't helpful, as much as people don't enjoy gangrp, factions such as EMS and KPD would be hurt by the removal of such. it'd be a shame to lose gangrp not just for that player base but for others as well!

not to say that EMS and KPD only rely on such, but they do play a good part of both factions! so i wouldn't say it'd fix everything.


Level 35
this statement isn't helpful, as much as people don't enjoy gangrp, factions such as EMS and KPD would be hurt by the removal of such. it'd be a shame to lose gangrp not just for that player base but for others as well!

not to say that EMS and KPD only rely on such, but they do play a good part of both factions! so i wouldn't say it'd fix everything.
Yeah i know, treat it as bump or joke :3

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