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The Mysterious Case of the Missing Spiked Bat


Level 11
Good Morning SchoolRP, let me tell you about one of the strangest cases of a missing item I have ever encountered on the server, it all started on The River's expedition to find a gang to war with to show their superiority over most of the gangs in Karakura, this search ended when they were contacted by a gang known as Unforgiven, upon seeing this announcement, I wasn't really bothered, it was until yesterday when I was asked by our first suspect, OldDaan, now, Mr. Daan asked me that day for a spare weapon for the war, and being a cool guy, I of course gave him my katana.

When the time for the war came around, I decided to come watch, because why not. When I arrived, the two gangs were lined up, facing each other, this was when I was asked by suspect number 2, callmechina, callmechina had approached me and had asked for my Spiked Bat for a River member that came to the war under equipped, being on The River's side, I accepted, handing the member the bat, as the war started, I noticed that it wasn't long before people started dying, it was to be expected, but not this quick, I felt the need that I had to announce that I needed to get my katana and spiked bat back to both sides to prevent it from being stolen, from that point on, I didn't really pay attention to the fight and decided to go afk, when I came back to my computer, the fight was still raging on, in which our second suspect handed me a katana, I figured this was my katana, but soon after, he took it back, had callmechina scammed me out of my own katana?

After the fight had ended, I patiently waited for my Spiked Bat and my Katana back, to find out that both had been lost somehow, this led me to do some research, due to the fact that many screenshots were taken at the event, I was able to pinpoint the moment my Spiked bat was lost, as you can see in Evidence1 you can clearly see me with my Spiked bat in hand, this was before the fight started, and in Evidence2 our third suspect Satsujin Yukimura with my bat in hand, this shows I did indeed hand my bat to him, you may think that there's nothing wrong with this so far.. just wait until you see Evidence3, you may notice something wrong with this, my bat is nowhere to be seen, now although there are multiple explanations to this, the most likely is that it got chopped in half, but this is unlikely, how can the River member be so unlucky? But we're not done with this one, look into the far right, what do you see? That's right! Our second suspect OldDaan with MY Katana, this means he didn't lose it, yet... On to Evidence4 now there are alot of things wrong with this, lets start from weirdest to most normal, I think there is no explanation as to how our dead River member has gone from, large spiked bat, to no bat, to small no-spiked bat, it baffles me honestly, but what's this? On the left of the screenshot, who's that in the grey hoodie... THATS RIGHT, suspect number 4, me... Now, don't get me wrong, I have mediocre memory at best, but usually I have trash memory, maybe it was in my inventory all along... No, no it wasn't in my inventory, now, if you look into the back of the photo, you can once again see suspect number 1 OldDaan with my katana, this means he most likely didn't lose it... this means he has my Katana... but he can't... he got jailed... So I guess I probably lost my katana. Let's introduce our next suspect, you see the man in the front? That's Mr. Nut, I suspect he had my spiked bat because he killed the River Member that had my bat, but when I asked him in Direct Messages, he denied it, that leaves two more suspects.. the one on the floor, Mr. Shezmu, well, he died, so it can't have been him, that leaves one person, Uncapitable, the guiltiest man in the case... his character must have the spiked bat because he must've searched Mr. Shezmu for the bat and cleavers because as you can see, he obviously saw the River Members death, case closed Mr. Duckstein, time to give my bat back.

Massive Breakthrough
Good Evening SchoolRP, just today, a massive breakthrough has been made in the case of the Missing Spiked Bat, after I did some digging, or scrolling through discord chats, I came across THIS, Evidence4, now, you may be thinking, this is just art.... WRONG! If you look closely, you can see that this man has a Spiked Bat in his hand, and you will not believe it, this man is a member of Unforgiven... THE CASE HAS BEEN SOLVED, also I'm 70% the person that drew this minge ran from the scene although they rolled to run and I rolled higher.

Update Time!
Ok, so turns out they didn't have my bat... but they did minge run, MingeRun, apart from that it doesn't matter because they were arrested, and the drawing's nice so it's fine... The investigation continues.

This is Satirical, I don't want my stuff back.

Oh and I'm pretty sure alot of other people lost stuff too.
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