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The Summer's End | Leo Volante


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The Summer's end
17th of August, 2028
[REDACTED], Fairfax County, Virginia.

'After my father died, Langley put me in charge of this Division. Quite a lot of things happened, One of our insiders.. Leo Volante was found dead in the Everglades area of Florida, It was.. not really a clean and quick death... But oddly.. we can't even figure out who did it, Not even a fingerprint was found.' An exhale can be heard, as the voice recording stops.

There are three main path in life.. One of them is that someone with an impeccably clean soul led down a wrong path, and died along that path.
The other is a troubled soul, led through the right path.. finding themselves in a different light.
And the third is a lost soul. Unable to understand who itself is, and where itself should be.
The rest are just subsets.

Now, Leo Volante was a troubled soul, make no mistake about that.. But he was keen in trying out new path. With the help of his newfound lover Sky 'Lady Hanazono' Edgeworth, His life seemed to be going down the right lane, but naivety sometimes reached deep into expectations.

Everglades, Florida.
It was a really hot summer afternoon, in an old abandoned dock deep in the everglades. Leo arrived at the location in a restored classic car of his own, parking the car right at the entrance of the docks, putting the handbrake on but not turning off the car as he stepped out from the car and onto the front of it. Directly in front of him, Alan Jackson is seen leaning against a wooden shed while on his phone and smoking, before looking up towards Leo and pushing himself off of the shed and stood straight as he approached Leo. A conversation ensues...

[L. Volante]: 'Since when are you a bayou kind of guy, hmn?' Leo asked sarcastically, looking around with a smug smile on his face as he talks to his good friend.

Alan chuckled slightly, followed by a sudden change of expression to a cold, dead one. 'I figure you prefer this, so I chose this place.' :[A. Jackson]
[L. Volante]: He huffed slightly, looking away slightly and closing his eyes a little before looking back at Alan. 'How's the family?'

Alan took out his cigar and dropped it to the floor, stepping on it. 'They're alright.. Sort of.' :[A. Jackson]
[L. Volante]: He raised his eyebrows intrigued. 'Family problems? That's unlikely of you.. You sure you brought me out here just to chat?'

Alan looked down and away slightly nodding slowly. 'N..No.... Not really... I have... Something different in mind..' :[A. Jackson]
[L. Volante]: 'A job? jesus-fuckin'-christ Alan, you told me you left that life for good, what keeps bringing you back?' He said facepalming as he said so, before looking back at Alan. 'Fine... What's the job?'

A slightly deep breath from Alan before he slowly open his mouth. 'I need to get rid of someone, He's somewhere in this place.. We'll have to...' Slight pause before he continues. 'Find him in the right place first.' :[A. Jackson]
[L. Volante]: 'Oh they're here? Shit, that's not too bad.' He walked back to his car's front passenger's side door, opening it and reaching into the glove box, pulling out a Beretta from it and putting it in the holster at the front part of his pants. Then proceeding to walk back to Alan and past him into the Docks. 'Alright, Let's do this quick and clean.'

Alan turned around to follow Leo, oddly putting some distance between Leo and him. 'Don't be eager, This'll not be as easy as you think.' :[A. Jackson]
As they walked deeper into the docks, they arrived at an area that seems to be repurposed as an illegal Alligator breeding captivity down the line after the Dock's fully closed and abandoned.
[L. Volante]: 'Fucking Hell, we've been searching everywhere and still no sign of this fucker, you sure He's here?' Leo said while looking around the place instead of looking back at Alan.

'He's... Here with us... Actually..' Alan said regretfully. :[A. Jackson]
[L. Volante]: 'What do you mean he's he-' Leo said as he turns around, interrupted before he finished his sentence as he witnessed something.

Alan had pulled his Glock out and aimed it right at Leo. 'He's been here the second you arrived...' :[A. Jackson]
[L. Volante]: '...Me? You're- You're gonna cap me?- Your own friend...?' Leo said, not moving a muscle as he stared down the barrel of Alan's gun. '...Who set you up to do this...?'

He took a deep breath. 'They have my family, Leo... The Commission wants you dead, in return for me and my family's freedom.. You were too happy with your new job that... they found out about the ordeal with me and them.' :[A. Jackson]
[L. Volante]: 'Alan I thought we killed the Commission, Every single one of them-' Leo said, trying to buy himself time.

'We did... They replaced them all before the bodies even went cold.' He said still holding his guns up, with a regretful but dead expression. It's clear he does not want to kill Leo but.. It's either Leo or his own family. :[A. Jackson]
[L. Volante]: 'And so that's it? You're just.... gonna fuckin' cap me and go home? B-But Alan do you really trust them? 'Cause to me as soon as you killed me.. They might as well just kill you and your family next-' He said before putting his hand up, one still holding his gun. He proceeds to step closer. 'Look, Alan... we can take them on again, We can save your family and save us the regret of killing eachother-' Leo said trying to convince Alan that they could do this differently.

'Don't make this harder than it has to be Leo... We both know something like this would happen... Death follows me everywhere I go..' He said letting go of his left hand from the grip of his gun as He aimed at Leo with one hand. :[A. Jackson]
[L. Volante]: 'What about Sky? How would you break this out to her without her trying to hurt you afterwards...?' Leo asked again, stepping closer before changing direction to his left instead.

'I'll... try to make her understand... She'll... She'll be safe... I promise.' Alan said raising his gun slightly preparing to shoot Leo, before pulling the tri-
:[A. Jackson]

[L. Volante]: 'BANG!' Leo had shot a round at Alan, causing Alan to flinch and missed his shot, however unfortunately Leo's shot also missed, but Leo took this chance to immediately jump behind a bunch of wooden shipping crates.

Alan had immediately taken cover behind a rusted car frame. 'Fuck sake Leo- It does not have to be this way-' :[A. Jackson]
[L. Volante]: 'Yeah no shit this doesn't have to be this way! We can still work together and figure this shit out together!' Leo raised his voice at Alan. 'I fucking look up to like you're a teacher Alan-' Leo peeked out of cover and fired a shot at Alan, hitting the edge of his cover.

'Leo, we both know this needs to happen no matter what.' Alan slowly peeked out only to flinch back in as Leo's bullet hit the corner of the Cover he's behind. 'This'll hurt me more than it does your or sky Leo- don't make it harder-' :[A. Jackson]
[L. Volante]: 'Oh fuck off with that! If you do so care you wouldn't have done SHIT!' Leo yelled out before taking his chance to jump out of cover and moved towards the edge of the docks behind a metal container now.

Alan peeked out of cover and aimed at Leo's cover firing once but missed and hit the container as the sound of the bullet ricochet off of the container. 'I got a fucking family Leo! It's either them or you! and I've worked so hard to protect them and I am NOT- going to lose them just like that!' :[A. Jackson]
[L. Volante]: 'Yeah well, we've known each other for fucking years! and you're just gonna kill someone who's practically your own brother?!' Leo yelled out, followed by him peeking out and fired more shots at Alan.

Alan ducked behind cover even more, taking his chance to switch cover as he advanced to the same cover that Leo used previously, peeking out and Aiming at Leo and squeezed the trigger. :[A. Jackson]
[L. Volante]: Prior to Alan's attempt to shoot Leo, Leo took the chance to back up and jumped over a railing into the swamps of the Everglades, planning to lose Alan in the swamps, however as he vaulted over, Alan's shot hit Leo in the back of his right hip. 'FUCK! MOTHERFUCKER!' Leo screamed out as he fell into the swamps, taking no time and started waddling through the swamp.

Alan ran after Leo, vaulting over the railing as well as he got down into the Everglades, He waddled through the swampy water filled with mud and vegetation, trying his best to not get shot by Leo as he pursuits him. 'Leo for fuck sake! You're making this harder than it needs to be!' :[A. Jackson]
[L. Volante]: 'FUCK YOU! I WOULDN'T HAVE DONE THIS IF IT WAS ME!' Leo screamed out as he looked back and started firing at Alan, with his left hand on the through and through wound at the front side of his hip. His shots was inaccurate but enough for Alan to slow down to be more careful of being hit.

Alan got down slightly avoiding the volume of fire Leo put out, counting the amount of times Leo had shot at him... 14 times, Leo now have only one bullet in his chamber, Alan waddled through towards Leo even faster, catching up to him slowly before taking aim slowly, breathing in hard and steady his hands before firing at Leo. :[A. Jackson]

[L. Volante]: Right before Alan fired, Leo turned back and aimed carefully with one hand. With his expertise in handgun, Leo fired his last bullet, hitting Alan right on his Right shoulder, unfortunately at the sa'me time Alan fired, hitting Leo's knee and rendering him unable to stand up. Leo screamed out in pain, before dragging himself up a small dry land area in the swamp and leaned his back against a tree, with blood coming out of his mouth, he decided that fighting is no longer an option as he just hold the feeling of pain he's experiencing as he watch Alan slowly approaches him.

Alan would slowly approach the now wounded and out of the fight Leo, holding his right shoulder with his left hand, his right hand still holding his Glock. Alan finally arrived at the dry part of the Swamp and walked over to Leo. 'I can't fuckin' believe you... You FORCED me to make you suffer like this...' He raised his gun at Leo's head with his hand rather shakey. :[A. Jackson]

[L. Volante]: He's now very weak due to his wounds, as he slowly reaching his death, He looked at Alan again. 'I never thought I'd die by my own... Good... Fuckin- Friend...' He said hissing as a sudden spike of pain felt by him. 'I thought of... you like a brother... ever since my sister is gone you're... all that I have... left...' He then proceeds to reach into his pocket slowly.

'Leo, Don't... pull your hand out...' He said noticing Leo's hand thinking Leo's gonna foolishly fight again. :[A. Jackson]
[L. Volante]: Leo slowly pulled out his phone. '...Sky's pregnant..' He said before coughing out a bit of blood from his mouth. As he unlocked his phone and opened his gallery, revealing a photo of an Ultrasound Scan. 'She... She's... having twins...' Leo looked at his phone closed his eyes as tears falls down his face slowly.

Looked down to Leo's phone looking away and closing his eyes a bit, He's really regretting that it has to come to this. 'I'm... Sorry leo...' He said as he looked back at Leo. :[A. Jackson]
[L. Volante]: Looks at Alan with an expression that tells him to just get it over with. 'Please look after them... You're the next best person to look after them...' He said before closing his eyes again, waiting for Alan to take the shot.

Alan hesitated to shoot, before building the courage and squeezed the trigger, firing the gun. The sound of the gun going off echoes through the swamp, slightly more than previous ones, Killing Leo for good. 'I will... Brother.. I will.' :[A. Jackson]
Leo Volante was found 3 days after, Alan had killed him in the path of a Tourist attraction of the Everglades, His body was evacuated by boat, He was then buried the following week. Leaving many hurt by his passing, but most of all, devastating Sky. His wife, who he had just married just 4 years prior his death.

As for Alan, the Commission kept their words, He's then freed from the manhunt put up by them, He then later on goes on to live his life with his Family, while anonymously supporting Sky.. Leo's wife.. financially, but Leo's death kept haunting Alan, He could never come back home to America ever again after what had happened.

'I'm sorry, Leo.' - A. Jackson

This is a Lore Piece that the viewers can choose to find out on what would happen if the duo decides to end another's life.
Nothing is canon, Think of this as inspired by the Telltale Series of Games.

Theme song for Leo's death: Here (


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Leo Volante was found 3 days after, Alan had killed him in the path of a Tourist attraction of the Everglades, His body was evacuated by boat, He was then buried the following week. Leaving many hurt by his passing, but most of all, devastating Sky. His wife, who he had just married just 4 years prior his death.

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