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The unholy suggestion that has been made at least 1000 times


Level 148
School Clubs Lead
Content Team
This is a -1 for me,


The purpose of a tag introduces a role which you upkeep on the server, most tags are synonymous with another tag’s role, however.

a shopkeeper can still play the role of a simple adult, a councillor isn’t bound to their role off school grounds, a chef can be an adult outside school when they’re not serving children in the cafeteria. Each role has its origin.

Introducing a [Criminal] tag feels like it almost soft locks the players potential on the server, their tag is out in the open almost highlighting them as a target, people will find ways to pry tags icly though unfair means or straight out meta them if they are ballsy enough.


Most of the time on schoolRP, introducing an application system doesn’t help much at all.

Believe it or not, toxic gangRPers can still apply for things, whilst yes, we can catch them out, we also can’t account for every single one of them, meaning the problem of toxicity of this does go as somewhat planned would still be a consistent feature.

We can remove them if caught and blacklist them sure but that doesn’t change the culture driven in toxic gangRP in the slightest.


I agree that teenagers should fear adults, they are ideally much larger and stronger in stature, however, you have to take into account that this is a school roleplay server, 80% of the player base are students under 25.

The fact that that entire 80% has to fear about 5% unquestionably with no reasonable means of defending themselves makes this whole thing feel a little unfair.

some things are better left untouched and unrealistic, like carry weight.

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