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The_8eightRP || suggestion


Level 37
IGN: The_8eightRP
DATE: 22/05/2022
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: a new addition to rolling suggested by YonioTheNacho in the KC discord. This includes a way for some weapons to have better rolls than others like let's say a weapon is very heavy it'd have a lower roll to do actions with than other swift weapons like a knife for an example! Along with this he suggested something about having another way for players to get higher rolls, we can do this with adding another attribute plugin where we can for an example hit a punching bag and do pull ups and much more regular gym activities. I personally don't know how this could be done as a plugin but if done well I believe it'd be an awesome addition and each 25% you get this strength attribute up, you can get like 5 more rolls!
besides it getting a little more confusing for newer players it'd be really cool and realistic to have this added, imagine you are in a fight with this tall person with an athlethic build and your character is supposed to be weak and young and you roll higher. This plugin would lower the chances of this happening by a little as the characters get to actually go to the gym and get their strength up and by doing this they'd get bigger rolls and better odds like it'd be in real life!

another little disclaimer, I want to credit yonio for this suggestion again as he came up with this NOT ME


Level 37
Thread starter
Also no idea why it's all bolded... tried to unbold but didn't work except for the last bit O_o


Level 25
You'd get goons grinding attributes and it'd turn into a requirement of sorts, everyone would max it out within a month and we'd be in a position where we get this same complaint etc


Level 200
You'd get goons grinding attributes and it'd turn into a requirement of sorts, everyone would max it out within a month and we'd be in a position where we get this same complaint etc
People already max out the current attributes within a day or two, that factor is already an issue


Level 129
Honestly to combat this, I think maybe a system that makes your attributes slowly decrease would be good. If you don't exercise to maintain it it'll just start to get lower and lower. Dunno if that would really work but ye
You'd get goons grinding attributes and it'd turn into a requirement of sorts, everyone would max it out within a month and we'd be in a position where we get this same complaint etc


Level 335
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+1 / -1

I really like the weapons part of the idea, tho with the other part I will literally cry if there's another attribute to focus on


Level 35
-1 (EDITED) I went to think again and I gotta say no now. My easy answer to this is what Infi, Minobu, and ThatDealer said.
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Level 146
I'm personally against adding some sort of "strength" attribute, mainly because everybody would grind it out within a few weeks thus immediately levelling the playing field thus making the addition ultimately useless. I'm honestly not a huge fan of attributes in the first place, since they're a huge time commitment which takes players away from the main focus of the server, roleplay.

I agree that if our official combat system is RNG based, there should be a way to increase the amount based on your character; however I can't get behind the idea of grinding out a plugin for hours just to achieve this.

Imagine you are in a fight with this tall person with an athletic build and your character is supposed to be weak and young and you roll higher
There is no rule stating that you have to roll your designated amount; if somebody wanted to, they could roll a lower number to properly match their character's strength. I used to do this a few years back with a weaker character of mine, which worked out pretty well. It would be up to individual players to willingly take on this type of disadvantage for the sake of realism though, so I doubt we'll get an official rule / statement over this.

Also, just because you win a roll, doesn't mean your character has necessarily "overpowered" their opponent. SRP's rolling works on a fail/succeed system, meaning that a weaker person can succeed during combat in a way that doesn't require raw strength or fighting ability (such as doing an action to distance themselves from somebody, then flee.)

Honestly to combat this, I think maybe a system that makes your attributes slowly decrease would be good. If you don't exercise to maintain it it'll just start to get lower and lower. Dunno if that would really work but ye
This would make the issue even worse, as then you'd just be subtracting from roleplay even further by forcing players to spend their time doing mind-numbingly boring and repetitive tasks on a regular basis instead of just once, turning attributes into more of a drag than it already is.
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Level 37
Thread starter
Exactly, but if you let people roll more based on an attribute.. People are just gonna abuse it and max it out
True but this still would be more realistic as if a character actually goes to the gym, it is only logical they'll gain more strength than others and I don't see how it could be abusing. You can maybe get this done in a day's time but it'd still need you some time. To solve this though, we can have you only be able to get a certain amount of percentage of this attribute each day to not get players to instantly max it out. Basicly they'll have to hit the gym on a daily basis to grind it or something along those lines!


Level 146
To solve this though, we can have you only be able to get a certain amount of percentage of this attribute each day to not get players to instantly max it out. Basicly they'll have to hit the gym on a daily basis to grind it or something along those lines!
This is a temporary solution to the problem; your idea only slows down the inevitable, as people are still going to eventually max out this new attribute. The issue isn't the fact that players will get these advantages within a few weeks, it's that there is going to be a long-term time investment that you'll have to go through with if you want to compete in combat roleplay.

Having it done like this would be like adding a chore that you'd need to do every day to the server; you'd log on, click a punching bag or something for a while, and only after you've finished would you be concerned with actually roleplaying. If the attribute was added without a limit to how much you could increase it, at least then you would be able to train as often as you'd like without having to worry about maximizing your gains per day. Mobile gacha games often use this type of strategy of limiting your play in order to make profits and keep an active player base, which is fine in the context of an actually engaging activity, but shouldn't be applied to something as mundane as grinding attributes on SRP.


Level 183
-1 If I could make this -1 any bigger, I would.

To start off, I assume you mean a Naginata or a Katana should have a lower roll than other more swift weapons like a knife. That doesn't sound very right. . The only advantage of having a heavy weapon is range and adding disadvantage into them just makes it even worse. In any case, they are heavy and powerful which means they would have a higher roll. . Though the best thing is keeping the regular system and having them without any extra additional rolls or less

For the second suggestion, it doesn't sound very convenient to me nor that it sounds like a very necessary or beneficial thing for the community. It doesn't need attention and it would create arguments. . Not only is it "How would I know the person against me has 100% strength?" but I think when implemented and actually put into work it won't work properly for the server

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