Level 2
What is your Minecraft username?:
What is your time zone?:
What is your discord username?
Link all previous applications you made on the server:
Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
I’m online most days, typically for 2-6 hours a session. I may leave for a weekend every so often. I also work Tuesday, Wednesday. Typically, I go solo, exploring or fishing.
Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
Many years ago, I started roleplaying on Roblox. Back then, my detail, experience and diversity was very little. I eventually moved on to playing FiveM, where I would gain the majority of relevant experience. I would play as a citizen, EMS/Fire, Dispatch and BCSO, even running the department for a significant time.
After my time on FiveM, I eventually moved to SchoolRP. It wouldn't be long till I would have some IC friends. I quickly learned about the gang side of the town. Soon after, one of my characters would get involved with various gangs. Learning combat, further understanding the laws, etc.
What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
Primary: Grade 12
Alternate: Grade 7
What is the subject you want to teach?:
I’d love to teach Animal Science
What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:
When thinking about a profession, not many come to mind that peak my interest. Typically, I'm not one for repetitive things. Teaching is something that while repetitive at times, can be very fun and a unique experience. The best repetition, is the type that you engage in.
There's a lot of weird knowledge I gain and lose over time. Most of the knowledge that stays pertains to animals, especially the science of their lives. Many people know the animals of Karakura as pets or really cool wildlife. I'm not trying to say they're wrong, or that all the animals are dangerous. In fact, I'd love to teach them why the animals are how they are!
My knowledge and passion for this subject, similar ones and even miscellaneous ones I've learned is epic. Sharing this info may help others find their passions. I may do this through classes about their pets. There may be trips with treasure hunts to the local zoo. They may learn about the vegetation around them instead of just animals. There's so many jobs, hobbies and more that use info related to animal science, biology, botany, etc. Why not share it with the world?
Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:
What is your Minecraft username?:
What is your time zone?:
What is your discord username?
Link all previous applications you made on the server:
Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
I’m online most days, typically for 2-6 hours a session. I may leave for a weekend every so often. I also work Tuesday, Wednesday. Typically, I go solo, exploring or fishing.
Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
Many years ago, I started roleplaying on Roblox. Back then, my detail, experience and diversity was very little. I eventually moved on to playing FiveM, where I would gain the majority of relevant experience. I would play as a citizen, EMS/Fire, Dispatch and BCSO, even running the department for a significant time.
After my time on FiveM, I eventually moved to SchoolRP. It wouldn't be long till I would have some IC friends. I quickly learned about the gang side of the town. Soon after, one of my characters would get involved with various gangs. Learning combat, further understanding the laws, etc.
What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
Primary: Grade 12
Alternate: Grade 7
What is the subject you want to teach?:
I’d love to teach Animal Science
What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:
When thinking about a profession, not many come to mind that peak my interest. Typically, I'm not one for repetitive things. Teaching is something that while repetitive at times, can be very fun and a unique experience. The best repetition, is the type that you engage in.
There's a lot of weird knowledge I gain and lose over time. Most of the knowledge that stays pertains to animals, especially the science of their lives. Many people know the animals of Karakura as pets or really cool wildlife. I'm not trying to say they're wrong, or that all the animals are dangerous. In fact, I'd love to teach them why the animals are how they are!
My knowledge and passion for this subject, similar ones and even miscellaneous ones I've learned is epic. Sharing this info may help others find their passions. I may do this through classes about their pets. There may be trips with treasure hunts to the local zoo. They may learn about the vegetation around them instead of just animals. There's so many jobs, hobbies and more that use info related to animal science, biology, botany, etc. Why not share it with the world?
Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:
- When learning about animals and even their health, there's one thing that's always involved. Cells! Students will be tasked with identifying the types of cells in animals. They may need to list the organelles within such as "the brain" of the cell or the "powerhouse." There could be an activity where they may draw a diagram of them as well. Classes on cells could go many directions.
2. Students may join this class where they are tasked with presenting a time where they got a new pet. They would present to the class a short speech describing the preparation such as housing, costs of the animal such as feed and housing. Students may present illness or disease their animal is susceptible to. For example, rabbits may contract RHD (rabbit) or a German Shepard may have hip dysplasia.
Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
When traveling outside of school grounds, my class will take a stroll around the forest, base of the mountains and possibly the beach. Through the field trip, there will be areas we stop at. We may stop in the forest, discussing what the wildlife may feed on in the area, their housing, such as a nest, etc. The fishing pond may be another stop, once again discussing these topics. Students would learn about all the connections from each animal to another. They'd see how one animal may be related to another through evolution or even artificial selection. They will learn how animals are shaped and adapted to their environment or even why flamingos are pink!
Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?
Walking up on the situation, my character would likely assess the situation by seeing if any “unfavorable” actions are being performed. She’d step in, asking everyone what may be happening. On one hand, it could be a friendly interaction. In that case, she would leave them to have their fun. In the case there may be a fight, she’d attempt to kindly break it up. If they refuse, the college jocks will be told about their potential of facing detention, or possibly harsher if they engage. At this point, any more refusals will result in punishment. My character would call for assistance as well, especially if a fight does break-out.
Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
Being unpleased with the useless questions, the student would have likely been warned already. Wanting to put an end to this silently, she may assign the student more strenuous or longer work. Knowing it may not work, she's prepared to give the student a harsher punishment. Revoking the student's phone if needed or not already done. They would be served another detention afterwards, face harsher punishment if applicable. In the most extreme case, the student may serve detention separately from everyone else.
Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
Everyone has been in the situation where they've gotten lost in class. It's possible the music was quiet and the students thought only they could hear it. Romantica would assume this and ask them to tone it down. If the music is appropriate and the class topic less serious, or even a "free-day," the music may be allowed to play for everyone to enjoy, or hate. If it's a required topic, the students may be asked to silence the music and stop talking. If the issue is unsolved, they may be reminded of the consequences, have their seats switched and reminded of the consequences. If it continues, they will face detention and could be removed from class.
In the case of it being a group project, they'll be asked to quiet down and possibly silence the music. If it becomes a more serious situation, it will be escalated to revoking phones. Assuming the group is still being loud verbally, they may be separated into another group, if possible. If this isn't a possibility, they may have to complete it on their own.
Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
In this case, being the fight continuing, my character would call SLT and possibly even police. When a fight is unable to be broken up, she sees the responsibility to keep everyone else out of it. She would keep others away from the fight and prevent them from egging it on. Students who egg it on may be reminded about the consequences. If any students pose a serious danger, that being major and especially fatal injury, she’d attempt to get another faculty member to pull the fight apart. If it is required, for the safety of others, to involve another student to break it up, it would be her last resort. Depending on the severity of the fight and injuries, they could serve detention to expulsion, if other faculty see fit. Expulsion would be a last resort, due to the severity of the punishment. Those involved in the fight would require a history of violence, harassment, etc.
Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?
Romantica Peralta, sometimes known as Rommie, is an athletic woman. She stands at 5’10 with light blonde, almost white hair. It’s clearly dyed with some black and deep slate blue. She has heterochromia, her right eye a deep blue, the other brown. Her brown eye would have a birthmark in the form of a drip from the pupil. She wears a variety of styles. Due to her ventures in animal husbandry, she'd have ever changing bruises and cuts.

She's quite strong in her opinions and ways of operating. Understanding she could be wrong, she'll gladly listen but may challenge your thoughts. In an informal environment, she may strike a friendly "debate." In the case of teaching or working, she'll listen check herself, then find if it's worth debating. Typically, Rommie minds her own business. She'll gladly have a conversation with you if you can find common things about each other. If not, it's not too likely.
She's able to take insults from others without stooping to their level or sending it back, no matter how offensive. Trying to help others before herself, she does what she can to put her emotions aside. In terms of her weaknesses, it's hard to tell which might appear. Sometimes, focused on other things, she won't hear or understand you. Set in the ways that work for her, things might go a little slower. Being used to setting aside to emotions, Rommie finds it difficult to pickup on other's. This can of course be an issue. Others may be frustrated, angry, sad, etc, over things and she won't understand why. She thinks she sees the reality and logic in things, once you add emotion to them, she may lose some skill to handle the situation.
She is a bit different when it comes to teaching. She holds a lenient class where she’d rather let her students learn at their own pace. She tries to teach them what they would like to learn, while teaching what they need. She typically has one or two “free-days” where students may finish other work they have, no matter the subject.
In terms of her outlook upon students, she tries to have the best relationship she can with them. Opting to stay on each other’s good side, she’d rather everyone have fun, respect each other, etc. This level of respect, combined with a good relationship, will hopefully allow her to teach better and allow the students to learn more. She’s generally the same with her co-workers. Being friendly and doing her best to help each other.
When thinking about the future, she hopes to go back to an area similar to where she grew up. She’d love to continue her passion with animals. Dreaming of returning to America, living on a farm with a few head of livestock big and small. She would keep teaching 4H’ers in the US about livestock and encouraging them in their passions.
Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.
As a child, Rommie always had a love for animals. Being around them from birth, she would very quickly learn how to behave around them. Her calmness and ability to manage her emotions certainly assisted. Her and some family would often visit a Cabela's store, where she would often acquire a new stuffy. At some point, she had gotten a pet carrier and vet toy kit. As kids do, she would pretend the toys were alive. Pretending the animals hurt and needed medical care. Looking back, she was pretty accurate, for a kid.
Schools and their career classes didn't assist her much in the true scale of what would be needed to be a vet. Related careers were less needy but still required higher education. She would continue school with this career in mind. Eventually, she found a love for cooking. Knowing very few recipes, she would start to teach herself to cook. Going into high-school, she had the opportunity to join a trade school. She decided on attending for culinary. Unfortunately, there would be some family troubles which stopped this from happening. Switching schools, she began learning online.
This online school was a game changer for her life. Naturally, she had more time to do what she wanted. This new found time made her decide to get a job and volunteer. The location she volunteered at was a Kitten Rescue. Of course, she didn't do much for the medical side of things. Instead, she cleaned, fed and gave them water. Occasionally there was a time where she would've loved to be able to help them medically. Unfortunately, she simply didn't have the knowledge. Luckily for her, she could start gaining some knowledge. Her new school had a wide variety of classes, one being Vet Science. This class taught her some basic biology but also much more. It taught her about the various ways to administer medicine, how to give proper shelter, the difference in digestive systems and much more.
During her time of high-school, online and in-person, she got a rabbit. She decided she would show and breed them. Unfortunately, she didn't have the skills needed for that first rabbit. He ended up being a show pet, then went back to Rommie's friend, to live out life. She eventually found a breed, which she fell for instantly. Finding a gorgeous, multipurpose rabbit that looked like a checker or chess board. She slowly got the additional rabbits she needed to produce quality. Of course, she had bought cages and eventually an outdoor hutch and other equipment. Along side her vet-science, she started learning more care through 4H. It taught her similarities between species, some things she already learned, more medicinal knowledge, etc.
In her Junior year, she would start riding horses. After a few months, she would find herself participating in shows. To help herself pay for all this, she started working. She'd clean stalls, feed and water the animals around the farm. Naturally, she would learn facts about horses that she didn't. She'd learn the similarity of their bone structure to humans, the conditions they can have, disease management, etc.
In all the time she spent with animals, she found herself education others on her passion. She realized her knowledge could be used by others who would like to learn and pursue a career in the field. Deciding on a community college to cut costs, she would major in Animal Science. She found that she could pay to do tests which would allow her to skip classes she had proficient knowledge in. After doing this, she moved to Penn State. Keeping her major, she would add classes to have the best degree possible. Since she was doing class full time and working for Penn State Extension, she kept costs low and graduated fast.
This all leads to where she is now, the ever growing town. Having a degree where she could pursue any veterinary career or even most high-school subjects in the US. She decided that she would use her certification and knowledge to teach others. She finds it important for everyone to know how to train and manage animals. Wild animals may be dangerous, but pets are all around us. Even our pets can spread disease to people. Seeing the diversity in pets and wild animals in Karakura, she decided this was the best job for her and the best way to contribute to the town.
Full Name: Romantica Peralta
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Miss
Given Name(s): Rommie
Preferred Name: Rommie
Age: 28
Gender & pronouns:
Female | She/her
Religious Denomination:
Marital Status:
Current Location:
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Teaching Experience (# of years):
Working Experience (# of years):
3 years paper courier
13 years “Ranch Hand”
5 years as PennState Extension Educator
Academic Degree:
Doctorate in Animal Science
Year of Graduation:
UDA - 2013
HACC - 2014
Penn State - 2019
Animal Science
Animal Science, Equine science, Poultry and Aviation Science
Native Languages:
English (US)
Other Languages:
French, JSL, Icelandic
Preferred Teaching Subject:
Animal Science
Additional notes about your application (if any):
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