Level 2
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In Game Name):THEKINGOFPIRATS is my main acounts name but i'd like to use my alt account: BrokenNobody
Previous bans: None
Describe your activity on the server:I log in on daily basses.The only reason why i wont be able to log on is because i rather have a lot of homework to do, or i have to go train
Do you have Discord? THEKINGOFPIRATS#2576
Do you have a microphone? Yes i do
List your current and past applications:
Police application: In a private conversation DM me for a screenshot if needed [DENIED]
Shop application: [DENIED]
Shop application: [DENIED]
Greek Language application: [DENIED]
Greek Language application: [ACCEPTED]
Lunchtime Monitor application: [ACCEPTED]
Weapons Lisence application: [ACCEPTED]
Doctor application: [DENIED]
ICT Teacher application: [DENIED]
What is your motivation for applying?:Well to be honest, i've always been "the bad guy" on SRP, well atleast that what most of the RPers think, i used to gangRP a lot but from the start every gang i had and/or was in wasnt about killing people for profit or because we were sociopaths, it was because i wanted to protect my friends and family and thats what i did, that also why none of those gangs lasted- but anyways point is that i ACTUALLY want to be officially on the good side. I always wanted to help people out in general, without any rewards but apart from my believes i also really like CopRP. I do not know why but its just appealing to me, i know it sounds weird since i was a gangRPer but its true, everytime i saw the KPD opperate so smoothly i was so impressed. Also i am seeing that GangRP is comming back and i think i can help with my knowledge about how GangRPers opperate.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct? Yes i do, i am pretty sure there are more to them but i am willing to look into it even better.
What are the Police ranks?
S.A.T Commander
S.A.T Operator .A.T Recruit
Head Lieutenant
Vice Head Lieutenant s
Patrol Officer
Head Investigator
Trainee Investigator
What knowledge do you have of Police Work.
All officers must always be ready to protect and serve the citizens of Karakura, they always have to obey all the laws. If an officer doesnt they will be convicted and kicked off the force. They must always answer a call for help without second thoughts and they will risk their lifes if needed in order to save a citizens life.
At some special moments they will not think twice on shooting a criminal, especially if an innocent life is on the line and most likely putting their own lifes on the line as well. They go out to patrol blindly wondering if they will come back and thats no laughing matter. They always go in groups of 2 so one can have another back if for example one of the officers are searching someone for weapons, the other officer will be back to back with them to make sure nobody will sneak up on his co-worker and slit throat etc..
Why are Police important to SchoolRP?
The police force is very important to SchoolRP.Due to being the only reason why crime rates havent sky rocketed yet. The police force forces citizens not to break the law and if something like that happens they make sure that the individual(s) are punished for what they did.They are also really important to gangRP too, if one didnt exist the other wouldnt be the same, nothing gives you the rush like a fight between a gang and the Police Force.
Just thinking of getting jailed by the police for doing a crime is enough to give a criminal goose bumps thus leading to sometimes not doing said crime.
Its simular for normal citizens, they know they have some amount of protection from the KPD thus meaning they can enjoy life, they are there for you when you need them the most, a lot of cops have died to save a citizen and most of them in brutal ways, just try to imagine a city without its main way of protection, the city would be destroyed within a week at the best case senario. I see the KPD as the mortal protectors of Karakura.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time?
I do and its just like every other job on SchoolRP and of course i respect it.
In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?
Mark Sitar would be a tall male standing at 6'1 with an athletic built. His cold face would hide a loving man that is polite with a strong personality. He'd speak with a deep but calm voice.His hair would be brown, same as his eyes. His left eye would apear to have a scar over it.He'd have a scent of axe body spray. He is very active, and has a lot of team spirit, his motto being "No soul is left behind". He never gives up on his goals, doesnt matter how many time he might get rejected or get knocked down he will always get back up no matter the case. When you first see him you will most probably think he is an open book just from the cold look on his face his but he is the exact opposite. He is sweat and caringI an filled with hope for a better tommorow, he loves reading and works out a lot when he is not at work.
What he's like on the and off the job?
Mark is always polite to his co-workers and to citizens, while on duty he is always serious, not that talkative, perhaps a bit too quiet one could say.
When he is off duty he makes a lot of jokes and he is always up for a chat, he'd spent most of his free time with his sister sofia.
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?
As mentioned above he is always polite with his co-workers, he isnt that talkative when on duty though, if he happens to start a conversation with another officer it would be about a law inforcement matter.
All he cares for the moment is his job, he really wants to succeed so he can keep the city and of course his younger sister safe.
|Markus Sitar|
Markus Sitar comes from a wealthy family back in greece, his father a very successful bussines man and his mother a stay at home mom. He grew up and went to school in greece, untill the age of 15. He was living a very normal life but that was about to change..
One hot summer night Markus heard footsteps comming from the first floor along with "shusings" he thought it must be his parents cleaning the house or getting ready for bed. He didnt put much thinking into it, after clossing his eyes for a couple of seconds he heard more footsteps, he looked across the room, his sister sleeping, turned his said to look across the room, in the other room his parents also sleeping. A chill came down his spine when he realised what was going on.He got out of bed grabbed his little sister and went to his parents room, he woke up his mother to tell her he heard someone from the floor under them, his mom looked at him with a shocked expression, she woke up his dad and advised them to hide in the closet when suddenly- a vase breaking was heard. The mother rushed the children to the closet and tried locking the door, someone was pushing on the other side, strugling to keep it open.Before the dad could run over to help the door flew open sending his mother on the floor bleeding from his nose. His father got furious, he kicked the man in the stomach but another man emerged from the hallway throwing him down on the floor, he pulled out a crowbar and got into possition to hit Markus dad when suddenly Markus jumped out of the closet and jumped at the man while he swang the crowbar, leading to hitting Markus with the sharp part of the crowbar, markus was barely awake at that point, being so blurry he couldnt make out what was going on inside the room. The man look at markus's dad and quickly hit him with the crowbar as hard he could. After that everything went black. Markus woke up 2 days after that in the hospital missing an eye. His sister was safe with hardly any injuries but his father was murdered while attempting to save his family. His mum lost the ability to walk to the robbers breakin all her bones from her legs so she wouldnt be able to run away to get help. After a few years that his sister reached the age of 18, she came to karakura to maybe have a better life there, but markus stayed back, to help his mother till she passed away. Now Markus at the age of 26 decided to join his sister, in search of a better way of living. He always felt so useless due to him not being able to do anything so he join the police academy and eventually join the Karakura Police Department.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name: Markus Sitar
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr
Given Name(s): Mark
Preferred Name: Mark
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: Christian
Marital Status: Single
Nationality: Greek
Current Location: Japan, the town of Karakura
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training: 2
Working Experience: 2
Academic Degree: Bachelors Degree
Year of Graduation:
Major(s): Law Enforcement
Minor(s): English, Computer science
Native Languages: Greek
Other Languages: Japanese
Additional info: I'd like to thank you for reading through my application and if i dont get accepted i'd appreciate if you told me where i was wrong or where i needed to add more detail
IGN (In Game Name):THEKINGOFPIRATS is my main acounts name but i'd like to use my alt account: BrokenNobody
Previous bans: None
Describe your activity on the server:I log in on daily basses.The only reason why i wont be able to log on is because i rather have a lot of homework to do, or i have to go train
Do you have Discord? THEKINGOFPIRATS#2576
Do you have a microphone? Yes i do
List your current and past applications:
Police application: In a private conversation DM me for a screenshot if needed [DENIED]
Shop application: [DENIED]
Shop application: [DENIED]
Greek Language application: [DENIED]
Greek Language application: [ACCEPTED]
Lunchtime Monitor application: [ACCEPTED]
Weapons Lisence application: [ACCEPTED]
Doctor application: [DENIED]
ICT Teacher application: [DENIED]
What is your motivation for applying?:Well to be honest, i've always been "the bad guy" on SRP, well atleast that what most of the RPers think, i used to gangRP a lot but from the start every gang i had and/or was in wasnt about killing people for profit or because we were sociopaths, it was because i wanted to protect my friends and family and thats what i did, that also why none of those gangs lasted- but anyways point is that i ACTUALLY want to be officially on the good side. I always wanted to help people out in general, without any rewards but apart from my believes i also really like CopRP. I do not know why but its just appealing to me, i know it sounds weird since i was a gangRPer but its true, everytime i saw the KPD opperate so smoothly i was so impressed. Also i am seeing that GangRP is comming back and i think i can help with my knowledge about how GangRPers opperate.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct? Yes i do, i am pretty sure there are more to them but i am willing to look into it even better.
What are the Police ranks?
S.A.T Commander
S.A.T Operator .A.T Recruit
Head Lieutenant
Vice Head Lieutenant s
Patrol Officer
Head Investigator
Trainee Investigator
What knowledge do you have of Police Work.
All officers must always be ready to protect and serve the citizens of Karakura, they always have to obey all the laws. If an officer doesnt they will be convicted and kicked off the force. They must always answer a call for help without second thoughts and they will risk their lifes if needed in order to save a citizens life.
At some special moments they will not think twice on shooting a criminal, especially if an innocent life is on the line and most likely putting their own lifes on the line as well. They go out to patrol blindly wondering if they will come back and thats no laughing matter. They always go in groups of 2 so one can have another back if for example one of the officers are searching someone for weapons, the other officer will be back to back with them to make sure nobody will sneak up on his co-worker and slit throat etc..
Why are Police important to SchoolRP?
The police force is very important to SchoolRP.Due to being the only reason why crime rates havent sky rocketed yet. The police force forces citizens not to break the law and if something like that happens they make sure that the individual(s) are punished for what they did.They are also really important to gangRP too, if one didnt exist the other wouldnt be the same, nothing gives you the rush like a fight between a gang and the Police Force.
Just thinking of getting jailed by the police for doing a crime is enough to give a criminal goose bumps thus leading to sometimes not doing said crime.
Its simular for normal citizens, they know they have some amount of protection from the KPD thus meaning they can enjoy life, they are there for you when you need them the most, a lot of cops have died to save a citizen and most of them in brutal ways, just try to imagine a city without its main way of protection, the city would be destroyed within a week at the best case senario. I see the KPD as the mortal protectors of Karakura.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time?
I do and its just like every other job on SchoolRP and of course i respect it.

In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?
Mark Sitar would be a tall male standing at 6'1 with an athletic built. His cold face would hide a loving man that is polite with a strong personality. He'd speak with a deep but calm voice.His hair would be brown, same as his eyes. His left eye would apear to have a scar over it.He'd have a scent of axe body spray. He is very active, and has a lot of team spirit, his motto being "No soul is left behind". He never gives up on his goals, doesnt matter how many time he might get rejected or get knocked down he will always get back up no matter the case. When you first see him you will most probably think he is an open book just from the cold look on his face his but he is the exact opposite. He is sweat and caringI an filled with hope for a better tommorow, he loves reading and works out a lot when he is not at work.
What he's like on the and off the job?
Mark is always polite to his co-workers and to citizens, while on duty he is always serious, not that talkative, perhaps a bit too quiet one could say.
When he is off duty he makes a lot of jokes and he is always up for a chat, he'd spent most of his free time with his sister sofia.
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?
As mentioned above he is always polite with his co-workers, he isnt that talkative when on duty though, if he happens to start a conversation with another officer it would be about a law inforcement matter.
All he cares for the moment is his job, he really wants to succeed so he can keep the city and of course his younger sister safe.
|Markus Sitar|
Markus Sitar comes from a wealthy family back in greece, his father a very successful bussines man and his mother a stay at home mom. He grew up and went to school in greece, untill the age of 15. He was living a very normal life but that was about to change..
One hot summer night Markus heard footsteps comming from the first floor along with "shusings" he thought it must be his parents cleaning the house or getting ready for bed. He didnt put much thinking into it, after clossing his eyes for a couple of seconds he heard more footsteps, he looked across the room, his sister sleeping, turned his said to look across the room, in the other room his parents also sleeping. A chill came down his spine when he realised what was going on.He got out of bed grabbed his little sister and went to his parents room, he woke up his mother to tell her he heard someone from the floor under them, his mom looked at him with a shocked expression, she woke up his dad and advised them to hide in the closet when suddenly- a vase breaking was heard. The mother rushed the children to the closet and tried locking the door, someone was pushing on the other side, strugling to keep it open.Before the dad could run over to help the door flew open sending his mother on the floor bleeding from his nose. His father got furious, he kicked the man in the stomach but another man emerged from the hallway throwing him down on the floor, he pulled out a crowbar and got into possition to hit Markus dad when suddenly Markus jumped out of the closet and jumped at the man while he swang the crowbar, leading to hitting Markus with the sharp part of the crowbar, markus was barely awake at that point, being so blurry he couldnt make out what was going on inside the room. The man look at markus's dad and quickly hit him with the crowbar as hard he could. After that everything went black. Markus woke up 2 days after that in the hospital missing an eye. His sister was safe with hardly any injuries but his father was murdered while attempting to save his family. His mum lost the ability to walk to the robbers breakin all her bones from her legs so she wouldnt be able to run away to get help. After a few years that his sister reached the age of 18, she came to karakura to maybe have a better life there, but markus stayed back, to help his mother till she passed away. Now Markus at the age of 26 decided to join his sister, in search of a better way of living. He always felt so useless due to him not being able to do anything so he join the police academy and eventually join the Karakura Police Department.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name: Markus Sitar
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr
Given Name(s): Mark
Preferred Name: Mark
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: Christian
Marital Status: Single
Nationality: Greek
Current Location: Japan, the town of Karakura
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training: 2
Working Experience: 2
Academic Degree: Bachelors Degree
Year of Graduation:
Major(s): Law Enforcement
Minor(s): English, Computer science
Native Languages: Greek
Other Languages: Japanese
Additional info: I'd like to thank you for reading through my application and if i dont get accepted i'd appreciate if you told me where i was wrong or where i needed to add more detail
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