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Thomas Hikatashi | The Return of the man


Level 278


『General Information!』

『Written Name』

Thomas Hikatashi

『Preferred Name(s)』


『Age and Birthdate』
December 30th

『Zodiac Sign』


『Songs He Likes 』

『Physical Health/Description』

『Physical description』

Thomas is a 6'5 male of East-Asian descent. He'd be fit but not quite muscular and have fading top surgery scars on his chest. He has fluffy deep black hair that spills over crystal blue eyes. He is carved across his cheek 'Respect the Tux.' and across his palms from left to right 'When your fri-' 'end carves you..'. He seems to stand with a slouch, and always keeps his eyes moving. His hands are nearly always shaking but he keeps them tucked in his pockets quite a lot.

"Ha-haaa.... heeeyyyyyy- guyysss"

『Height and Weight』
He’s 6'5'' and 206 pounds.

it is as the same time both on edge, yet somehow calm.

『Physical Abnormalities!』
Thomas has a strip of natural white hair, he'd also have a prosthetic tongue, as well as 3 separate carvings.


He has an eyebrow piercing, several ear piercings, and a septum.

Orange Sweater

“I miss when we were all together.“

『Mental Health』


『Random Quirks/Odd Behaviors etc.』

♥He'd be very ticklish.

♥Thomas tends to stare off into space a lot, perhaps pulled into past traumas and silently suffering.

♥He'd have a tendency to lean on others, and always want to be a part of what they’re doing, sort of like a cat

♥He never seems quite content inside.

"I'm sorry."

『Personality around his friends/familiars』
Thomas is a sweet, kind, loving guy. He's always hugging, leaning, touching his friends.
『Personality around his higher-ups』
He's quiet and ever-nervous.
『Personality in public』
He's quiet and often staring off into space. It seems he has difficulty zoning back in, especially in loud areas.

『Phobias, Conditions』

Social anxiety disorder is an intense, persistent fear of being watched and judged by others. This fear can affect work, school, and other daily activities. It can even make it hard to make and keep friends. He takes medicine to counter all his anxieties, yet they never seem to prevent attacks completely.

Merinthophobia is the fear of being bound or tied up.

Cleithrophobia, is the fear of being trapped.

Thanatophobia is an intense fear of death or dying. 1 It's a relatively complicated phobia. Many, if not most, people are afraid of dying—some fear being dead while others are afraid of the actual act. However, if the fear is so prevalent as to affect your daily life, then you might have a full-blown phobia.

This often makes them afraid of going out in public, being caught in crowds, being alone, or being stranded. Autophobia is not to be confused with agoraphobia (fear of being in public or being caught in crowds), self-hatred, or social anxiety, although it can be closely related to them.

“I'm never gonna drink again!”


『 Mei Adashi ☰ Friend ☰ Alive 』

“ I'm not sure what you think of me anymore. I wouldn't be surprised if you hated me because of what I've done.”

Chad Armins ☰ Best Friend ☰ Dead, but Thomas is unaware of this at the moment. 』
“Where are you, man? You won't answer your phone, it keeps sending my own messages back to me. What's going on?”

Leiko [insert last name] ☰ Ex-Girlfriend ☰ Alive 』
“I'm terrified of you. You got out of jail before I left. Please don´t come back, please leave me alone.”

Markus ‘Lucious’ Chang ☰ Best friend ☰ Alive 』
"Hey. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry you’re giving me another chance, you seem.. different.. but i guess it has been a while.."

Lucy [insert last name] ☰ rival ☰ Alive 』
"Uh. I don't really even remember why you hate me or hated me, I don't know."

Kushabi [insert last name] ☰ Ex-Boyfriend ☰ Alive 』
"I’m not in love with him anymore, im sure he isn’t with me either, and thats totally fine. He’s giving me a second chance, that’s all i ever wanted."

"Sometimes I want to cry, but I'm tired of crying."

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