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Thooorn's KPD Application #2


Level 2

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name)
Thooorn [Applying with]
p0pplio [Shared account]

Discord Name & Tag:

Which timezone are you in?
EST | Canada

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
KPD Application [Denied] - Link
Lawyer Application [Denied] - Link

Describe your activity on the server:
I usually hop on the server daily for several hours, though my availability may vary due to my status as a student and whether I am working or not. I will adequately notify you should my schedule change at any given moment.

What is your motivation for applying?:
I previously wanted to bring my SRP experience a breath of fresh air by joining a faction after spending most of my time in regular StudentRP and DelinquentRP, since while I've thoroughly enjoyed my time playing within those settings I had grown bored of them with time. This led to a dip of interest for SRP as a whole, and pushed me to make my initial application.
However, as it turns out- it got denied, which led me to spontaneously try-out for the volleyball team. I’ve been having a blast with JockRP as a result, and so it led me to realize how much I wanted to join KPD for the experience it can provide in itself instead of simply as a way to vary the types of roleplay I engage in. My time as a member of the Volleyball team has led me to interact with every faction in a new way, and has served to make your faction stand out even more amongst the others in my eyes.
My interest in SRP as a whole has been rekindled already, and now I simply wish to enlarge my circle of acquaintances and engage in a form of roleplay that’s appealing to me. I have a few friends in the faction already, and their feedback has only furthered my interest- despite learning of the struggles members of the faction face. I truly believe you won’t regret having me, as I'm planning on giving it my all to better the experience of everyone involved- whether that is through roleplay or ideas I can bring to the faction.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
I believe myself to have a good understanding of how KPD operates specifically, though my understanding of Police work as a whole remains at a rookie level, only stemming from works of fiction. My interest in crime documentaries and police shows has served me well in that department, though of course I plan on furthering my knowledge as much as deemed necessary should I be accepted. Here is a summary of what i currently know, listed below ;

Law enforcement - An officer’s duty is to ensure the law is upheld and respected. As such, they make use of their given authority to arrest felons and issue warnings- even resorting to detaining overly problematic suspects. Officers may confiscate weapons and face masks under the appropriate circumstances.

Prevention - In an ideal world, criminals are dissuaded from ever perpetrating their illicit acts before they get to put their plans in action, and this can be achieved with members of the taskforce conducting prevention programs to the general population to ensure everyone is aware that their actions have consequences.

Public safety - Police officers are expected by citizens to maintain order and create a safe space for them, and this is achieved by patrols, rigorous protocols and the consistent addressing of public safety concerns.

Investigations - Officers have the responsibility of getting to the bottom of every case handed to them, and this is mainly achieved by the thorough gathering and ****ysis of evidence on crime scenes and questioning. They work closely with the detective division in those tasks.

Crisis intervention - While criminal activity is a large part of an officer’s work, they are responsible for public safety as a whole- and therefore are needed to intervene when natural disasters or tragic accidents happen. They coordinate with other emergency services such as the EMS and their primary duty in this setting is to secure the area and guide the victims to safety.

Community work - Police officers the guardians of the people, and as such must ensure to create strong bonds of trust with their local community. This is achieved by collaborations with contributors of the community, organizations and political figures.

Administrative paperwork - An officer may also be required to maintain records, prepare reports and attend training and evaluation to remain involved with developments within the taskforce. They may also be required to deal with bails.

To add onto this, here is a list of the ranks that are enforced within the KPD.

- Main division -


- Detective division -

Detective Superintendent
Detective Chief Inspector
Detective Inspector
Detective Constable

To finish with, here is a brief list of gear used by the KPD.

  • A police radio. It’s used to communicate between officers.
  • A breathalyzer. It’s used to detect traces of intoxication in suspects, and it’s accuracy varies in how far one is from the police station.
  • A riot shield. It negates damage coming from the front or the side of it, and cannot be used offensively.
  • A tranquilizer. It will render any target unconscious for two minutes, should it hit.
  • A pepper spray. It will blind any target it hits, unless they are wearing a gas mask. It can be used up to 3 times.
  • A stun blaster. It will stun any target hit for 60 seconds, and its maximum range is 8 blocks.
  • Handcuffs. It will prevent anyone from using any object, unless they resist with a roll. It’s range is 1 block.
  • A police baton. It functions the same as a metal bat, with a 2 block range and 2 hits to the head required for a knock-out.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
While the police department is important when it comes to keeping CrimeRP under control, some people overlook the fact that it is also crucial for it to thrive. There would not be any thrill or tension in breaking the law if a proper counter-intuitive wasn’t well grounded to ensure that, should an offender be caught, they are appropriately punished. Of course, the opposite could be said as well- an officer’s life on SRP would be terribly dull without any criminals to tend to.
KPD remains crucial however in keeping things in line on the server, as mentioned earlier. If not for them, CrimeRPers would completely take over and poison the experience of anyone who doesn’t adhere to its principles and effectively turn the server into some weird luck based PvP. It is important to remember that SRP stands for SchoolRP, and so this concept must be protected and prioritized- and this responsibility falls on the KPD’s shoulders.
From an IC perspective, the police are needed to investigate all sorts of cases, though mainly crime related ones. They uphold the peace and ensure order is kept in the city.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
Yes. I completely understand I will be subject to punishment should I fail in upholding commitment.

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?
‘My full legal name is Heo Tokugawa.’

How old is your character (if accepted)?:
‘I am 25 years old.’

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
‘I would prefer to be referred to as he/him, thank you.’

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:
This character is currently Grade-12.

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
'‘I am fluent in Korean, due to most of my childhood and teenage years being spent in Seoul. I remain fluent in Japanese, however.’'

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?

AI generated example of what he'd look like.
Heo imposes himself as a fairly tall, pale asian man- standing at 5’10. His natural hair color is a deep brown, though he’s dyed it many times- from blonde to now black. He prides himself in his healthy long, silky hair- Heo being someone that values his appearance accordingly. His hazel eyes complement his dark wardrobe, primarily consisting of browns and blacks. Heo tends to dress rather formally, in part due to his influences and upbringing- though it is also a matter of convenience, as they tend to adequately cover the tattoos that cover his toned, though slim body.
Heo usually presents himself as an easygoing man, his expression usually hidden under a polite smile. His character however shifts to the mischievous and fun-loving kind once he’s gotten comfortable, though few people have gotten to that point. Heo does not stand out in a crowd, and this is how he wants it to be- his attention-seeking days are far behind him.
‘’I like to think my looks aren’t very flashy. I dislike standing out in a crowd.. But i believe i manage in matters of appearance, at least personally.’’

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Heo adopts a serious and disciplined attitude in a professional setting, casting his undivided attention on any task handed to him. This is not to say he is overbearingly dull or boring, as he likes to work in a lax and easy-going environment- he prefers not to put any pressure on anyone other than himself. He is a well-mannered man, and as such will hardly ever speak out of line to bystanders or colleagues- no matter how provocative they may be- though he is prone to hide insults and backhanded comments under a veil of politeness.
In a casual setting however, Heo will remain polite at first, knowing not to overstep his boundaries. He’s not unlikely to crack jokes and lighten the mood however he sees fit, and may even make a clown out of himself due to his clumsiness. The general consensus within his circle of acquaintances has been that Heo is fun and easy to be around.
‘’I would like to consider myself as easy to be around, at the very least. I would hate people to feel uncomfortable in my presence.’’

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Taught by the delinquents of Rakkiyatsu during his youth, Heo knows well the importance of teamwork and cooperation- being exposed to such a ruthless and unforgiving environment in the past. He realizes that no matter how great an individual’s strength and luck it’s meaningless when faced with overwhelming odds.
‘’I believe that forging strong bonds with your colleagues in such a cutthroat line of duty is of the utmost importance.’’

What's your character's backstory?
0 - 14 Years old - Upbringing and early life
Heo was born on a cold night of December in Seoul, to what seemed like a loving family. Things took a sour turn however when his mother left after years of recurring arguments, for reasons that Heo didn’t learn about until much later. Our protagonist lived a quiet and peaceful life with his older brother and father, ordinary as it could be- until his 14th birthday, where his father shed light on his troubling heritage. As it turns out, Heo was the son of a Korean cartel executive- and he was next in line after his brother to uphold their sinister legacy. Obviously, this was very sudden- and Heo wanted no part in this. Luckily, his brother was compassionate- and helped him flee to a place where he would be sheltered and safe from the cartel’s influence, Karakura.

14 - 18 Years old - Early life in Karakura
The Japanese island wasn’t very welcoming at first. He soon met one who would later become his benefactor, a girl by the name of Emiko- one that would teach him everything he needed to know in order to survive on the dangerous streets of Karakura. This troubled lifestyle led him to stray from the diligent path, soon becoming a fully fledged delinquent and joining Rakkiyatsu as an up and coming street-racer- a world where he would eventually climb to the very top of. His reputation knew no bounds, and it seemed to him like he was at the top of the world- blissfully oblivious to what would come next. Rakkiyatsu eventually crumbled all at once- akin to a sand castle, leaving Heo in the dust when they stole a police cab and crashed into the powerplant’s grid, digging a hole for every criminal to infiltrate the previously sealed grounds. This led the police to crack down on the gang, leaving it to its aforementioned fate. Heo was lost and confused, having lost his life’s purpose- until Emiko lent him a helping hand. He was sent to Uji, her family’s homeland- where he was rehabilitated and re-directed on the diligent path, leaving his days of delinquency far behind.

19 - 25 Years old - Early adulthood
Uji was not kind to Heo. Emiko’s family consisted of harsh traditionalists, and his delinquent habits were hard to get rid of. This earned him many harsh punishments, but as the years passed however, his shell was cracked- and he was molded into a fine and respectful young man, rejuvenated with new ideals and aspirations. Inspired by people like Michael Sada whom he had met as a fellow delinquent and later observed become an officer or Kosuke Ishioka who'd become an upstanding citizen with an unfavorable background, Heo began pursuing a degree in criminal justice, and eventually applied at Karakura’s police department- now eagerly waiting for a reply to come his way.

General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
‘’The simple answer is no, they cannot hold a pocket knife legally. While it may seem harsh to punish the mere possession of such an item, I believe this law to be necessary considering the absurdly high criminal rate we have to deal with here in Karakura. Any and all individuals intercepted with such an item in their possession will be faced with a possession of illegal weaponry charge, and as such will have to deal with a felony added to their record.’’

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription.
‘’This is an odd question.. But off the top of my head, i can cite these.’’

Paracetamol tabs. They provide minor pain relief.
Eye Patches. They prevent infection from settling into eye injuries.
Melatonin supplements. They are used to deal with insomnia and frequent waking up through the night.
Iron supplements - They are used to treat iron deficiencies.
Bandages - They are used to cover and isolate wounds to prevent infection.

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
‘’Should I see an inmate getting mistreated in any way by a member of the taskforce, I'd first jump to their rescue to ensure that further injuries aren’t inflicted by approaching the attacker and drawing my taser, staying at reasonable distance by security protocols. Should the culprit remain aggressive, I would neutralize the threat at once by firing my taser and restrain them using handcuffs- most likely calling for back-up should they remain aggressive after this. Once the threat is neutralized, I would check the severity of the wounds inflicted on the inmate, and administer proper first-aid care before calling for proper EMS treatment. Once all of this is done, I would simply make a report to my higher-ups using my body camera’s footage and leave them to investigate the case.’’

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
‘’I would immediately involve myself to defend my colleague after quickly requesting for back-up using my radio, as you might have guessed. I would most likely start off with intimidation tactics using my taser or tranquilizer, and in the event that the aggressor(s) do not relent, I would do my utmost to neutralize them. Should the odds be against me whether it is in manners of equipment or numbers, i would do my best to stall for as long as i can so that the reinforcements i previously requested arrive and shift the tides in our favor. Once the threat is neutralized, I would make haste and check on the assaulted officer’s condition. Should I not be able to treat their wounds appropriately, I would call upon the EMS to take care of them. Once this is done, I would follow standard procedure and detain the aggressor(s) in handcuffs before moving to the interrogation room.

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
‘’Should I be in a position to gather adequate evidence, I would ensure that my bodycam is functional and hide my presence in order to gather incriminating footage of the corrupt officer so that a proper report can be made. Once I have deemed the evidence I've acquired sufficient, I would most likely attempt to sneak out undetected so I can build a report and send it to a trusted higher-up, preferably the commissioner. Should I deem the evidence I've gathered insufficient, I would wait until I’ve gotten enough. Such accusations can be career-threatening, and a report about them must be adequate so as to not ruin someone’s career off rumors.’’

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
‘’I would firmly deny their offer, and they would most likely be met with a judgemental stare. An attempt at a bribery would earn them an additional bribery charge to their record, and whatever sympathy they might've gotten from me would be flushed down the drain. I will not under any circumstances step so low.''
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Level 343
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team
has decided to give you a chance at becoming part of our faction!

What now?
In order to proceed, you will need to join the discord server that house
the faction you have applied for. To find it, go to the SchoolRP discord
server (CLICK HERE) and search for our discord server!

We will also need you to be online to receive your introductions and
the necessary equipment to carry out your duties as part of the faction!

If you need further assistance, you can privately message
me (@Hirathex) or any other available Admin+ via Discord
so that we can solve any other inquiries you may have

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