What's your Minecraft Username?: RikuKyo
What's the title of your suggestion?: /ticket delete <ID>
What's your suggestion?:
Every time I make I ticket, I always end up wishing there was such thing as /ticket delete. I often spend days seeing the same message popping up in my chat saying "[SchoolRP] You have 1 unread message(s) in ticket [ID] [View]" and when I click View, it just shows a blank new line. I also have had a few experiences where I write the ticket, but then learn the answer before it's replied to, and I'd love to be able to just change my mind about the ticket and delete it.
How will this benefit the server and community?:
This benefits the server and community because 1) It can remove the annoying popups about old tickets. 2) People can change their mind about a ticket, either because they no longer have the question or maybe they want to rewrite it differently. 3) Being able to delete a ticket you no longer need answered lowers the amount of tickets that will the staff member checking tickets will have to address.
What's the title of your suggestion?: /ticket delete <ID>
What's your suggestion?:
Every time I make I ticket, I always end up wishing there was such thing as /ticket delete. I often spend days seeing the same message popping up in my chat saying "[SchoolRP] You have 1 unread message(s) in ticket [ID] [View]" and when I click View, it just shows a blank new line. I also have had a few experiences where I write the ticket, but then learn the answer before it's replied to, and I'd love to be able to just change my mind about the ticket and delete it.
How will this benefit the server and community?:
This benefits the server and community because 1) It can remove the annoying popups about old tickets. 2) People can change their mind about a ticket, either because they no longer have the question or maybe they want to rewrite it differently. 3) Being able to delete a ticket you no longer need answered lowers the amount of tickets that will the staff member checking tickets will have to address.