Level 0
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name): tigxrrr
Discord Name & Tag: tigxrrr
Which timezone are you in? CET/GMT+1
List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications: N/A
This is my first application to a faction on the server.
Describe your activity on the server: I am a very active individual on the server. I spend anywhere from 40 - 80% of my free time playing SRP. This can be anywhere from 4 - 10 hours a day. However, I am a student and I do have classes I am required to attend. What is meant is that I will not spend anymore than 4-5 hours online on school days; Mon - Fri. I am more freely available on Saturday and Sunday when I, then am more readily online unless I mention otherwise. I must also add that I am online on discord even on school hours.
What is your motivation for applying?: I am a very ambitious and creative individual. I like to be creative with my characters and do something elaborate or spectacular with them. My idea is to create a character which is highly intelligent. Hence, why I am applying for KPD. I plan to give my character a insight into the world of the Karakura police to further enlighten this already cunning and capable individual which I have created. TL;DR, I would like to give him an insight into what he should be aware of; that of what is out to get him. This also implies that after a certain period, I may wish to leave to continue what I have planned for this character.
Another reason is that I have experienced many forms of literature which describe a detective: chasing the criminal. I want to have the criminal, unconsciously become the detective untill it eventually becomes revealed to them who the criminal is; themselves. If I havent been clear, I wish to have my character assume a new identity after e.g a concussion, which will be radically different to who they really are, which will last for a few months. This will not imply that they will commit any crimes during their time as a police officer.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work? I would probably say I know a very good amount. Like previously stated, I am a person who is very interested into the inner workings of the minds of criminals and detectives alike. I would also say I have studied many inner workings of real life prisons before, which are abandoned.
Prisons work as follows:
Logging information - This involves recording personal information, details of the alleged crime, and taking fingerprints and photographs.
Visitation - Friends and family may be allowed to visit inmates during specified hours. Any information which is passed during visitation is logged and archived.
Classification - Inmates are often classified based on various factors, including the nature of their charges, criminal history, and behavior. This helps authorities determine appropriate housing assignments and security measures.
Detention - After logging their information, individuals are placed in a holding area until they can be assigned to a specific housing unit within the jail. The goal is to separate individuals based on factors such as the severity of their charges, gender, and potential safety concerns.
Prisons are made to keep whoever is held, inside and there are several security measures such as CCTV which prevent any potential escape.
The KPD is divided into two groups and each group serves a purpose.
Detectives - Gather information, look through CCTV.
Officers - Field work, arresting criminals.
Division Ranks, in order from highest, to lowest in a Z to A fashion.
Discord Name & Tag: tigxrrr
Which timezone are you in? CET/GMT+1
List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications: N/A
This is my first application to a faction on the server.
Describe your activity on the server: I am a very active individual on the server. I spend anywhere from 40 - 80% of my free time playing SRP. This can be anywhere from 4 - 10 hours a day. However, I am a student and I do have classes I am required to attend. What is meant is that I will not spend anymore than 4-5 hours online on school days; Mon - Fri. I am more freely available on Saturday and Sunday when I, then am more readily online unless I mention otherwise. I must also add that I am online on discord even on school hours.
What is your motivation for applying?: I am a very ambitious and creative individual. I like to be creative with my characters and do something elaborate or spectacular with them. My idea is to create a character which is highly intelligent. Hence, why I am applying for KPD. I plan to give my character a insight into the world of the Karakura police to further enlighten this already cunning and capable individual which I have created. TL;DR, I would like to give him an insight into what he should be aware of; that of what is out to get him. This also implies that after a certain period, I may wish to leave to continue what I have planned for this character.
Another reason is that I have experienced many forms of literature which describe a detective: chasing the criminal. I want to have the criminal, unconsciously become the detective untill it eventually becomes revealed to them who the criminal is; themselves. If I havent been clear, I wish to have my character assume a new identity after e.g a concussion, which will be radically different to who they really are, which will last for a few months. This will not imply that they will commit any crimes during their time as a police officer.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work? I would probably say I know a very good amount. Like previously stated, I am a person who is very interested into the inner workings of the minds of criminals and detectives alike. I would also say I have studied many inner workings of real life prisons before, which are abandoned.
Prisons work as follows:
Logging information - This involves recording personal information, details of the alleged crime, and taking fingerprints and photographs.
Visitation - Friends and family may be allowed to visit inmates during specified hours. Any information which is passed during visitation is logged and archived.
Classification - Inmates are often classified based on various factors, including the nature of their charges, criminal history, and behavior. This helps authorities determine appropriate housing assignments and security measures.
Detention - After logging their information, individuals are placed in a holding area until they can be assigned to a specific housing unit within the jail. The goal is to separate individuals based on factors such as the severity of their charges, gender, and potential safety concerns.
Prisons are made to keep whoever is held, inside and there are several security measures such as CCTV which prevent any potential escape.
The KPD is divided into two groups and each group serves a purpose.
Detectives - Gather information, look through CCTV.
Officers - Field work, arresting criminals.
Division Ranks, in order from highest, to lowest in a Z to A fashion.
Detective Division | Main Division |
Detective Superintendant | Comissioner |
Detective Chief Inspector | Captain |
Detective Inspector | Lieutenant |
Detective Constable | Sergeant |
Corporal | |
Patrol Officer | |
Cadet |
From what I have studied, the average officer in the KPD is equipped with the following set of items:
Badge - A form of identification which is used to identify the officer and their rank
Baton - A police baton with similar stats to that of a metal bat.
Pepper spray - A spray which blinds whoever it is used on; a common item in the police force.
Tranquilizer - This is a non-lethal force which the KPD uses to subdue criminals without causing any harm.
Handcuffs - Common sense; used to prevent the escape of criminals.
Taser - A taser which is used to subdue criminals through electric shock.
Why is Police important to SchoolRP? I firmly believe that the presence of the Police is crucial in SchoolRP for a multitude of reasons. The GangRP community thrives on engaging in back-and-forth conflicts until something captivating occurs, although the police team would prefer a different approach. They take matters into their own hands by utilizing tasers to subdue individuals involved in fights using illegal or any kind of weaponry. Moreover, the police play a vital role in ensuring the safety of civilians in SchoolRP. In the event of an attack, an officer promptly responds to the scene, particularly if it unfolds in a public area, to deescalate the situation and potentially make an arrest based on the severity of the attack and the weapons possessed by the assailant. Without the presence of the police in the server, I believe that a significant portion of the community would solely engage in Gang Roleplaying. Consequently, over time, the server's popularity may decline as people are dissatisfied with the absence of the KPD to collaborate or contend with. Undoubtedly, the police force breathes life into the entire scene. TL;DR, The KPD is a important part of the server which is what makes GangRP fun and exciting due to the risk-reward scenario it creates.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished? I acknowledge that if training is held whilst I am online i will be punished, and I acknowledge it thoroughly so.
In-Character (IC) Section
What's your character's full name?: Minami Andreev
How old is your character (if accepted)?: 27
What are your character's gender and pronouns?: Male, He/Him
Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:
(Grade-12/Bachelors/Masters/PhD): Grade-12
What languages does your character know besides Japanese?: Russian and French
Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Minami Andreev was a very tall male, standing at 6'3 and he would weigh 192 pounds. If you were to catch him on a shift, he would be wearing his police uniform very neatly, with excellent organization. If he was at home, he would be wearing something comfortable. If he was outside and not on a shift, he would be wearing something elegant. As a matter of fact, Minami frequently wears suits, instead of normal clothing, because he thinks normal clothes would be too mediocre and would not impress anyone. Minami is defined by his white hair and gray eyes, which would pierce through anyone who tried to tried to withstand their weight. His long wavy hair was neatly styled into a middle part which defined his facial features even further.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation? Minami is a very professional and formal individual. He dresses and acts formal, regardless of the situation. He does not let emotion get the better of him, and always speaks to who whoever is standing before him with respect. He would radiate confidence through his serious demeanor, indicative of his formality. If you were to see him at work, he would bear a straight face, lacking in emotion, and showing his dedication. If you were to see him on the street, it'd be as if he was at work. The way he tries to sound and his concise grammar are also the clearest, most indicative signs of his formality. Minami was also discreet and often very quiet in his way of speech as to lower his chances of getting harmed. His secrecy often shined through his demeanor as he ocassionally spoke with a layer of mystery as to not get in trouble.
What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork? Minami is firm in his stance that teamwork is beneficial for all parties. He finds the idea of people working alongside him very calming as it gives him a sense of belonging and it causes him to feel as if it is impossible not to relate to his co-workers. He feels like he truly belongs to a group of good, kind-hearted people when he has co-workers because he believes they are all working together, so they cant be out to hurt him. This is strengthened due to the fact that the KPD is a very just and non-corrupt government organization which has a strong moral compass and a sense of direction in certain ethical questions. He feels as if working towards a common goal or cause brings people together, hence, is the reason why he likes the idea of it.
What's your character's backstory?
1996 - 2002, New Beginnings: The date is november 22nd 1996, it is 8:17 PM. The mother of this white haired child has just welcomed her newborn son into the world. But there are a few immediate questions which arise: Why wasn't he crying immediately after being born? Why was he already so calm? Was something wrong with this child? Why was his hair white?
There was nothing wrong with Minami Andreev, in fact, he was even better than his fellow humans; he was gifted.
Gathered around the small newborn boy were a group of people; his siblings. All of them were so happy, filled with joy and were geniuenly welcoming of their new brother. But still, those questions remained subconsciously, waiting to be answered. The mother of this child, Ume C. Andreev, carefully handed over her child to the nurse, which then catered to the child and cleaned him. Minutes would pass. The crowd was still curious if there was something which had affected the health of the child. More minutes would pass, and a doctor would return with the child, assuring his mother that there was in fact: nothing wrong with the child, and that he was healthy.
In the later stages of his infancy, at the age of 4, Minami had already mastered Russian to essentially, fluency, and could already read and write in cyrillic.
At 6, Minami had already completed all his kindergarten assignments and had moved on to a higher grade to the shock of his mother.
2002 - 2008, Check-Mate Redundancy: Due to his own sense of academic skill, Minami had decided to join a chess club. Already, after a few months, he had already learned to beat each and every member, making him the sole champion of the club. But to him, it got boring.
Minami began, at a young age, to believe that solely winning in life, would not bring him happiness, which it didn't. Minami had began to put forth challenges for himself, to make it all harder for himself. This worked, in the beginning.
Minami tried sports, more specifically football and swimming, thinking perhaps it'd challenge him, but yet again, due to his excellent strategical skills, he had already reached the top charts in all of his lessons. It indicated, that despite sports being centered to some degree around one's own athleticism, Minami could still, due to his genius, overcome such difficulties, and almost with ease even.
As a child, Minami would not be praised but instead, he would be builled. The other children would call him names like: "Old man" or "Nerd" due to his apperance or academic skill. That, combined with the fact that Minami did not have a strong father figure to look up to, Minami began to change; for the worse. It began twisting and turning his moral compass. At heart, he remained a good person. But inbetween the outside, which became a facade, and the inside which was still good, lay the truth: Minami was becoming a psychopathic monster.
This kid, Minami Andreev, a very gifted kid, was slowly becoming someone he'd despise; unconsciously.
His moral compass was there, it was just being used for the wrong reasons.
2008 - 2014, Just a game: Minami had started experimenting on different things. He began experimenting with his own masculinity, finding ways he could improve it. Soon enough, he'd center his whole personality around the idea of being a hypermasculine male.
To him though, it was all just one step after the other. Minami was ambitious. Minami had long dreamed of doing something big.
But how?
To add to the already complex psyche of Minami Andreev, he felt alone. He didnt know why though. Perhaps it was from his own isolation from his family? Because he studied hard?
This caused him to try and be more confident. He wanted to be loved, and he was going to get it. He talked to girls, made friends started and broke relationships as he pleased. He became materialistic.
2014 - 2016, Can't stop- Oh no: His charm grew, strengthening his magnetism. But it wasnt enough. He had already come so far, why not aim for the best? One day, he'd talk to a girl, but she knew, she knew he was a player and so did her siblings.
He didnt care though. He knew he could get something else, which would change him for atleast a while. He continued lying. He came closer and closer, the girl thought he'd change. Her siblings thought otherwise.
One day, a masked individual would show up.
Everything was going as he planned, still.
One kidnapping evolved into something which would change Minami. A concussion. Minami had lost his memory, as if all of what he remembered was wiped clean. He has a different personality, a different way of speech. He became a very compassionate and kind individual, contrasting his past self.
2016- 2023, Who am I?: Minami has now become a very compassionate and loving person. His subconscious, the kind and good person he used to be has now returned to him and he wants to now help protect others by joining the KPD. He wants to rid the world of evil.
He doesnt remember anything from his past, even his name feels alien to him.
How old is your character (if accepted)?: 27
What are your character's gender and pronouns?: Male, He/Him
Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:
(Grade-12/Bachelors/Masters/PhD): Grade-12
What languages does your character know besides Japanese?: Russian and French
Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Minami Andreev was a very tall male, standing at 6'3 and he would weigh 192 pounds. If you were to catch him on a shift, he would be wearing his police uniform very neatly, with excellent organization. If he was at home, he would be wearing something comfortable. If he was outside and not on a shift, he would be wearing something elegant. As a matter of fact, Minami frequently wears suits, instead of normal clothing, because he thinks normal clothes would be too mediocre and would not impress anyone. Minami is defined by his white hair and gray eyes, which would pierce through anyone who tried to tried to withstand their weight. His long wavy hair was neatly styled into a middle part which defined his facial features even further.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation? Minami is a very professional and formal individual. He dresses and acts formal, regardless of the situation. He does not let emotion get the better of him, and always speaks to who whoever is standing before him with respect. He would radiate confidence through his serious demeanor, indicative of his formality. If you were to see him at work, he would bear a straight face, lacking in emotion, and showing his dedication. If you were to see him on the street, it'd be as if he was at work. The way he tries to sound and his concise grammar are also the clearest, most indicative signs of his formality. Minami was also discreet and often very quiet in his way of speech as to lower his chances of getting harmed. His secrecy often shined through his demeanor as he ocassionally spoke with a layer of mystery as to not get in trouble.
What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork? Minami is firm in his stance that teamwork is beneficial for all parties. He finds the idea of people working alongside him very calming as it gives him a sense of belonging and it causes him to feel as if it is impossible not to relate to his co-workers. He feels like he truly belongs to a group of good, kind-hearted people when he has co-workers because he believes they are all working together, so they cant be out to hurt him. This is strengthened due to the fact that the KPD is a very just and non-corrupt government organization which has a strong moral compass and a sense of direction in certain ethical questions. He feels as if working towards a common goal or cause brings people together, hence, is the reason why he likes the idea of it.
What's your character's backstory?
1996 - 2002, New Beginnings: The date is november 22nd 1996, it is 8:17 PM. The mother of this white haired child has just welcomed her newborn son into the world. But there are a few immediate questions which arise: Why wasn't he crying immediately after being born? Why was he already so calm? Was something wrong with this child? Why was his hair white?
There was nothing wrong with Minami Andreev, in fact, he was even better than his fellow humans; he was gifted.
Gathered around the small newborn boy were a group of people; his siblings. All of them were so happy, filled with joy and were geniuenly welcoming of their new brother. But still, those questions remained subconsciously, waiting to be answered. The mother of this child, Ume C. Andreev, carefully handed over her child to the nurse, which then catered to the child and cleaned him. Minutes would pass. The crowd was still curious if there was something which had affected the health of the child. More minutes would pass, and a doctor would return with the child, assuring his mother that there was in fact: nothing wrong with the child, and that he was healthy.
In the later stages of his infancy, at the age of 4, Minami had already mastered Russian to essentially, fluency, and could already read and write in cyrillic.
At 6, Minami had already completed all his kindergarten assignments and had moved on to a higher grade to the shock of his mother.
2002 - 2008, Check-Mate Redundancy: Due to his own sense of academic skill, Minami had decided to join a chess club. Already, after a few months, he had already learned to beat each and every member, making him the sole champion of the club. But to him, it got boring.
Minami began, at a young age, to believe that solely winning in life, would not bring him happiness, which it didn't. Minami had began to put forth challenges for himself, to make it all harder for himself. This worked, in the beginning.
Minami tried sports, more specifically football and swimming, thinking perhaps it'd challenge him, but yet again, due to his excellent strategical skills, he had already reached the top charts in all of his lessons. It indicated, that despite sports being centered to some degree around one's own athleticism, Minami could still, due to his genius, overcome such difficulties, and almost with ease even.
As a child, Minami would not be praised but instead, he would be builled. The other children would call him names like: "Old man" or "Nerd" due to his apperance or academic skill. That, combined with the fact that Minami did not have a strong father figure to look up to, Minami began to change; for the worse. It began twisting and turning his moral compass. At heart, he remained a good person. But inbetween the outside, which became a facade, and the inside which was still good, lay the truth: Minami was becoming a psychopathic monster.
This kid, Minami Andreev, a very gifted kid, was slowly becoming someone he'd despise; unconsciously.
His moral compass was there, it was just being used for the wrong reasons.
2008 - 2014, Just a game: Minami had started experimenting on different things. He began experimenting with his own masculinity, finding ways he could improve it. Soon enough, he'd center his whole personality around the idea of being a hypermasculine male.
To him though, it was all just one step after the other. Minami was ambitious. Minami had long dreamed of doing something big.
But how?
To add to the already complex psyche of Minami Andreev, he felt alone. He didnt know why though. Perhaps it was from his own isolation from his family? Because he studied hard?
This caused him to try and be more confident. He wanted to be loved, and he was going to get it. He talked to girls, made friends started and broke relationships as he pleased. He became materialistic.
2014 - 2016, Can't stop- Oh no: His charm grew, strengthening his magnetism. But it wasnt enough. He had already come so far, why not aim for the best? One day, he'd talk to a girl, but she knew, she knew he was a player and so did her siblings.
He didnt care though. He knew he could get something else, which would change him for atleast a while. He continued lying. He came closer and closer, the girl thought he'd change. Her siblings thought otherwise.
One day, a masked individual would show up.
Everything was going as he planned, still.
One kidnapping evolved into something which would change Minami. A concussion. Minami had lost his memory, as if all of what he remembered was wiped clean. He has a different personality, a different way of speech. He became a very compassionate and kind individual, contrasting his past self.
2016- 2023, Who am I?: Minami has now become a very compassionate and loving person. His subconscious, the kind and good person he used to be has now returned to him and he wants to now help protect others by joining the KPD. He wants to rid the world of evil.
He doesnt remember anything from his past, even his name feels alien to him.
General knowledge
Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura? No, it is illegal to own a pocket knife in Karakura. Individuals have previously been harmed when their posession was legal and still are capable of being harmed due to the many gangs in our city. If an individual is found to have been in possesion of a knife they are to be arrested and charged with Posession of Illegal weaponry. One is then to follow police protocol and then jail the individual in question. If my research has taught me anything, it is that Posession of Illegal weaponry can land you a jail sentence of 3 months.
Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription Those items may be, but are not limited to: Paracetemol, bandages, eyepatches, surgical masks, cough syrup and canes.
If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do? I'd ask for probable cause and then, regardless if I deem it justified or not, report it, for good measure. I would then look at the CCTV footage of which has been captured and then take notes of what has happened. I would also write down the name of who did it, write down the exact manner of which it was acted through, in perfect detail and then formally, hand these notes over to a supervisor, e.g: the commissioner. Of course, I would carry it out in a discrete fashion as to not ruin the work enviroment for my collagues and my higher-ups alike.
What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted? If anyone were to assault anyone, regardless of if it was a co-worker or not, then I would act out the following protocols which I believe would fit in this scenario: I would quickly pull out a taser from afar, if there was only a small amount of people and then, in the same moment quickly yell for everyone to get on the ground, and tase the person that was assaulting. Or, if it was a bigger group of people, I would take an extra precaution in that I would call in for back-up before immediately going in, regardless if I am on-shift or not.
I might add that if it was a co-worker of whom was on-shift, I would take extra precautions to ensure they can still continue their duty untill their shift is over. By that, I mean that I would apply first-aid if needed, conduct CPR, or whatever may be needed to get them up and running again. If I am not already on shift, and would have the ability to fill in for the fellow officer, I would, if they need it.
What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations? I would follow police protocol and begin gathering evidence after I report them to the higher-ups. I would then ask for permission to follow the individual and further gain information on the individual, which if greenlit I would simply do. I would gather as much information as to who they are talking to, who is involved and what exactly is going on. As required, I would then make sure to report them to the higher-ups with the new information I have gathered of which could possibly get them in jail; hopefully.
How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you? I am legally, by Karakura law obliged to decline in this or any scenario. As a police officer, I have a job, I do not need money. They are criminals, and I cannot accept money which I cannot verify is legal. It is also important to mention that bribing is a form of manipulation and in many ethical arguments, it is morally wrong. Minami has always had a strong moral compass, he just always has expressed it through disgust towards those who have commited crimes or done something he deemed morally wrong. Minami would like to satisfy his urge for justice no matter what, and bribes would only worsen and deepen his hate for criminals.
Bribes would only harm my reputation and career and I believe the opinions of others play a big role in showing if you are a good person or not, regardless of how they tend to express it.
Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription Those items may be, but are not limited to: Paracetemol, bandages, eyepatches, surgical masks, cough syrup and canes.
If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do? I'd ask for probable cause and then, regardless if I deem it justified or not, report it, for good measure. I would then look at the CCTV footage of which has been captured and then take notes of what has happened. I would also write down the name of who did it, write down the exact manner of which it was acted through, in perfect detail and then formally, hand these notes over to a supervisor, e.g: the commissioner. Of course, I would carry it out in a discrete fashion as to not ruin the work enviroment for my collagues and my higher-ups alike.
What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted? If anyone were to assault anyone, regardless of if it was a co-worker or not, then I would act out the following protocols which I believe would fit in this scenario: I would quickly pull out a taser from afar, if there was only a small amount of people and then, in the same moment quickly yell for everyone to get on the ground, and tase the person that was assaulting. Or, if it was a bigger group of people, I would take an extra precaution in that I would call in for back-up before immediately going in, regardless if I am on-shift or not.
I might add that if it was a co-worker of whom was on-shift, I would take extra precautions to ensure they can still continue their duty untill their shift is over. By that, I mean that I would apply first-aid if needed, conduct CPR, or whatever may be needed to get them up and running again. If I am not already on shift, and would have the ability to fill in for the fellow officer, I would, if they need it.
What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations? I would follow police protocol and begin gathering evidence after I report them to the higher-ups. I would then ask for permission to follow the individual and further gain information on the individual, which if greenlit I would simply do. I would gather as much information as to who they are talking to, who is involved and what exactly is going on. As required, I would then make sure to report them to the higher-ups with the new information I have gathered of which could possibly get them in jail; hopefully.
How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you? I am legally, by Karakura law obliged to decline in this or any scenario. As a police officer, I have a job, I do not need money. They are criminals, and I cannot accept money which I cannot verify is legal. It is also important to mention that bribing is a form of manipulation and in many ethical arguments, it is morally wrong. Minami has always had a strong moral compass, he just always has expressed it through disgust towards those who have commited crimes or done something he deemed morally wrong. Minami would like to satisfy his urge for justice no matter what, and bribes would only worsen and deepen his hate for criminals.
Bribes would only harm my reputation and career and I believe the opinions of others play a big role in showing if you are a good person or not, regardless of how they tend to express it.