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Accepted tim6thyy | Teacher Application


Level 28

teacher applicatin.png

Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):


Do you have a microphone?:

Yes I do have a microphone! I actively participate in VC’s, and I enjoy talking to new people.

What is your time zone?:

I am in the eastern half of the United States, meaning I am in EST.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

I acknowledge that If I am inactive I will be demoted.

Describe your activity on the server:

I have never been banned or received any punishment on the server. As of July, I have been an active player on SchoolRP for a year now. I play SRP whenever possible, but I will admit that school limits my activity. This means I am available from around 5 pm EST to 12 am EST. Currently, I am on the College Males Football team and I also hold the position of Reporter. In the past, I have been a part of EMS, Shrine, Judge, College Council, High School Male Football, and High School Cheer. I can say that I have enjoyed every single second that I was a part of these factions. I have met so many new people and made friends, connections, and other things of the sort. My involvement in different activities outside of the server is also significant. I have been a part of three different tailoring servers in the past. These servers included Euphoria, Takagi Corp, and Misfits Tailoring. In these servers, I have had to deal with many different clients, and I’ve learned to manage my time for different tasks and duties so that they can be executed efficiently.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server:

Judge Application |

Priest Application |
Surgeon Application |
Student Council Application |
Reporter Application |
Event Team Application #3 (Reviewed - Pending) |
KPD Application #5 |
Lore Team Application |
Event Team Application #1 |
Event Team Application #2 |
KPD Application #1 |
KPD Application #2 |
KPD Application #3 |
KPD Application #4 |

What are your current roles on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):

I have three active characters at the moment.

Uryu Tojo | College Bachelor Football
Ittou Tojo | Reporter
Osamu Saiky | Adult


What subject are you applying to teach?:

I am applying to become a part of the History Department.

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:

I have a couple of different motivation factors behind becoming a teacher. I’ve always pondered over the idea of becoming a teacher on the server. I mean it’s literally one of the first factions that you are introduced to when joining the server. At one point, I thought it was the only adult role on the server! Of course I know otherwise now, having been in many different factions that make my character an adult. Anyways, I have always enjoyed teaching people new things, especially about history. It’s one of my little quirks that I have. I admit that it can be annoying, but I really enjoy discussing important events throughout time. No matter if it’s the history of my own country; the United States, or Japan… All of it’s interesting! I have been in two different factions that are closely related to what I want to do when and if I become a part of the faction. Those two factions are the student council and shrine. The student council is sorta self explanatory. They are the representatives of the student body in both Karakura High School and College. They know what both the students and teachers/professors want when they enter the school. Being a part of the student council taught me a plethora of responsibilities that will be important when and if I join the faction. It also means that I know a lot of the simple commands (radio, detention, intercom… etc.) Being a part of the shrine faction will help me further teach my subject of interest; History. With the shrine faction I was really able to understand the cultural values of Karakura and Japan. I guess that you can say that I am well versed in the lore of Karakura because of it. My final reason would be to better my reputation on the server. By no means is my reputation “bad.” (In quotes because I know that it can be subjective. To each their own.) I just want to have a better standing in the community as a player, and I believe becoming a teacher will be one of the most viable ways to do so.

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT?

I understand that I am applying for the teaching role of UT.

If your application is accepted, you may have to undergo teacher training?:

I understand that If accepted, I may have to undergo teacher training.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:

Teacher class logs are a way to track classes hosted by teachers. This ensures that quota is collected in a uniform way. There isn’t much to add to this, and I’m sure that there are other reasons for teacher class logs. All that I know is that they are very important.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:

I will have very basic rules in my class, as my character isn’t very strict. She doesn’t like to abuse her power as a teacher, and prefers for her students to actually like her.

- If I am teaching, don’t be disruptive. The things that I teach in my classroom will always be up for discussion, but I have dedicated time for those discussions. Just allow me to cover all of my material, and we’ll be good!

- If you need to leave the classroom for any reason, just ask. I don’t NEED to know the details of everything that you’ll be doing outside of my classroom, but please make sure that you tell me where you’re going, so that I know that you’re safe.

- Electronic devices are not forbidden in my classroom, but this rule should never be abused in any way. I understand responding to a quick text from a friend; it should take 30 seconds, MAX. But if you allow your mobile device to become a distraction, then that’s where the problem begins.

- My classroom is a safe space. Any derogatory terms; anything that expresses unnecessary criticism, hostility, or disregard, is forbidden. Everyone is welcome in my classroom!

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:

I’ve been in around eight different factions. A lot, I know. These factions are all spread around the server, giving me A LOT of role play experience on the server. Of course it’ll be hard to put into words everything that I’ve learned in my time on the server, but I will now list some of the things that I am VERY proficient/confident in. I am a very confident detailrper. I know how to creatively write and come up with unique actions according to different situations. I credit this ability to my time in the EMS faction, where I worked as a surgeon for around four months. I had to type a lot quickly, so I became pretty good at typing; I type at around 100 WPM! I am pretty good at making unique characters too! I don’t like sticking to just one basic character trope, because where is the fun in that? I’d prefer for all of my characters to be interesting and USUALLY never done before. I am also REALLY good at pre-writing actions. I credit this to my time in both High School Cheer and Judge. As I had to prepare a lot ahead of time for both of those factions.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:

- HD
↳ Meaning:
Head Department
↳ Description: These teachers are considered Higher-Ups in terms of their specific departments. They are usually the most respected in their department because of their seniority in teaching a specific subject at Karakura High School. They watch over their departments, and are usually in charge of training their teachers in different skills that they’ll need to be successful.

- QT
↳ Meaning:
Qualified Teacher
Description: Qualified Teachers are proficient at what they do. This means that they have been around for a while. They usually know the ends and outs of how the school runs. They’ve completed all of their mandatory training and are able to keep working until they reach the point of where they become a HD.

↳ Meaning:
Non Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: A Non Qualified Teacher is a teacher who isn’t completely new to the faction. They’ve received enough training to be considered “good” at what they do, but of course they aren’t done with their training yet. There is still a long ways to go before they become a Qualified Teacher.

- UT
↳ Meaning:
Unqualified Teacher
↳ Description: An Unqualified Teacher is a teacher that is almost completely new to the faction. This is the role that I’ll be given if and when I am accepted into the faction. Unqualified Teachers lack the skill that any of the teacher roles have. They still need to receive mandatory training. In training they’ll learn things like dealing with students, using the commands, and hosting successful classes.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

If we are going to be honest, Teachers are purely in the game to add to the roleplay experience of being inside of the school. Teachers are in charge of creating their own lessons, quizzes, and tests. Most teachers hope that students (players) can leave their class learning something new, but unfortunately that isn’t always the case. I know that most teachers hope and pray that they can have a successful class. Because teachers handle most of the newer players, compared to professors who handle the ones that managed to reach college, their experience can be a BIT harder. Which IMO is a fair way to put it. Teachers should expect to deal with an assortment of players. Ranging from jock roleplayers, new players, and the worst of the worst, trollers. Admittedly, the trollers are a tad bit annoying to deal with, but that’s why you can utilize commands detention and /class. They can always contact staff if they need help also. Teachers in the game are paid based on quota. UTs and NQTs have a base salary of ¥350,000 and QTs and HDs have a base salary of ¥400,000. Both sets of teachers have to host at least 10 classes to get their base pay. They have a max pay of ¥500,000. Teachers can achieve this by earning ¥50,000/per 5 classes + their base pay. Outside of the game, teachers are in charge of educating students. The ways that educate people are extensive, especially at the high school level. High school teachers are in charge of preparing their students for their specific fields of work, life beyond high school, and most importantly, becoming decent humans. They usually spend their free time during school hours, preparing lesson plans. Teachers' salaries out-of-game are usually determined by their experience. The longer that you’ve been teaching, the larger that your paycheck will be.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:

I feel as if whatever I put here will sound a bit redundant because I believe that I have covered all of the bases in this question in previous questions, but I will go ahead and say it. The name of the server is schoolRP. Without teachers, the school would not qualify as a school. Teachers are in charge of the functionality of the school. Without teachers, students would never be taught, fights wouldn’t be broken up, and I’m sure that I can list a thousand more reasons. . . Anyways, teachers are VERY important to SchoolRP.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:

MoSCoW; Must have, should have, could have, will not have.

Character Information

Describe the character: How do they look and act? What makes them unique and different?

My character's name is Hina Iosua. If you couldn’t already tell by her name, she is Polynesian; specifically Hawaiian. She is named after A Polynesian Goddess. Fitting her birth place, she is rather tan, making her very obviously not from Japan. She has long thick brown hair that flows down her back, reaching the end of her torso. She is a very small woman. Only reaching the height of 5'3 and weighing in at 124 lbs. As mentioned before, she is very laid back when it comes to teaching. She doesn’t mind allowing her students to be free-spirits, because she believes that this is the most effective teaching method.

What is their outlook on students and their co-workers?

Hina believes that students are the future of society. If they aren't taught rights and wrongs early on, then they won't be able to be successful later on in life. She finds fond qualities in all of her students, but isn't shy when finding the things that may have to work on. She isn't one to take disrespect from any of her students, as stated before; in her rules and another previous question. She believes that education is very important, for everyone. Especially in the subject that she teaches; history. She thinks that everyone should know the basic history behind where they come from. It's important for students to know how Japan came to be! As for her fellow teachers, she doesn't mind them at all. She knows that every single teacher has their quirks and different teaching styles. She actively tries to befriend other Teachers, and most of the time it goes well. Hina is a very likeable person, because of how easy going and understanding she is.

What are their plans for the future?

As for now, Hina doesn't know what the future has in store for her. She hopes to one day have a family of her own, and maybe rise the ranks of the school. She does have a very clear future for her students. She hopes that they can all grow to become responsible and well-behaved adults. They are the future of this world, and that fate shouldn't be taken lightly.


You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:

Hina would approach the gang of delinquents. She was prepared to face some backlash for breaking up their cursing and swearing. She would ask them to quiet down and to use better language while in the school building. If they persisted with their foul language, then she would ask again. This time threatening detention. Once she threw out the word detention, and they were STILL misbehaving, she would hand out detention slips to them all. She would tell them that it was mandatory, and it would be held after school. She hopes that they didn't have plans!

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:

Hina would turn to the class. She would wait a couple of seconds, and if they didn't begin to pay attention, then she would raise her voice to become the loudest one in the class. She would remind them that she didn't like to do this often, but she wasn't afraid of punishing them. Admittedly, she hated handing out punishments, but this was one of her class rules. She would hope that this was enough to gain their attention back.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:

As stated before, Hina actively tries to befriend all of her co-workers. She would make sure to not be a disruption to the people around, because she knows that the teacher's lounge can be a relaxation place for some. If she found a group of teachers that seemed approachable, then she would approach them and make small conversation about her day. She would make sure to remain professional in her chatting.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

/me waited for the class to take their seats. She scanned the classroom a bit to see who actually showed up to class today. She recognized some old faces and then some new ones. She began to introduce herself. "Hello class! For those of you who have yet to meet me, I am Ms. Iosua." She took a brief pause. "I teach history here at the Highschool and we will begin to go over the lesson shortly." She moved backwards towards the board in her classroom. It was connected to the lap top that sat beside her. She clicked a button and a slideshow appeared. The first slide was entitled, "The Meiji Period."

/me smiled a bit. She looked at the screen and then back at the class. She began to speak. "Would anyone like to give any context that they know about this period of Japan?" She waited for a couple of second, before picking at random. She waited for the student to answer before giving her response. "That's exactly right! The Meiji period did happen in the late 1800's specifically, 1862-1912." She clicked a button on the laptop and the next slide opened. The second slide was entitled, "Western Culture in Japan." She began to speak once more. "During the Meiji Period, Western Culture began to spread to Japan. It's culture consisted of things like organized religion; Christianity, music, and a boom in economy shortly after they adopted the imperial system." She clicked another button, and once again the slide changed. It showed a picture of Itsbyoshi lane.

/me "This stable economy that Karakura managed to create for itself consisted of the export of items like silk, cloth, and oak wood." She waited for a couple of seconds, scanning the room with her eyes. "Does anyone have any questions so far?" She noticed that most of the students looked up from their desks, pausing their note taking. One student in particular didn't. She noticed that he was struggling quite a bit to keep up. She considered the fact that maybe she was going to fast.

/me without saying it, Hina began to move through the material a bit slower. This time around she made sure that everyone was finished writing before moving onto the next slide. She continued her lesson as planned, and finished before the bell rung. "That's all that we have to cover today. . . I hope that you all have a good day and you can start to gather your things!" - "Oh and no homework tonight!"


Being a teacher, definitely isn't what my parents had in store for me. I was born on February 6th, 1997 to a young fishing couple. As I stated before, I was born in Honolulu, Hawaii. I lived on a small secluded beach on the island- that's where my parents did most of their fishing. They managed to make a living out of it. I was anyways, continuing with my story. I was born with a full head of brown curly hair. Some would've said that I looked identical to my mother when she was a child- I would say otherwise. Ha, I mean who wants to look like their parents? I had a pretty calm childhood. I never had to work too hard for anything because my parents made sure that I was comfortable where I was at. The only thing that I ever got in trouble for was not wanting to go fishing with them. I didn't attend a formal school until college. That means that I was homeschooled, along with two of my other neighbors up until the age of 18. I believe that this is why I wanted to move away from home as quickly as possible- It's sorta sad. I just needed to see the world. I moved out of my parent's house at the age of 19. I first visited the mainland- California. I didn't know what I wanted to do at this point. I searched for a job in California for a little bit, and I landed one at a daycare. I think this is when I fell in love with teaching- even though I wasn't a teacher yet, since I hadn't had any proper schooling.

I began college in the fall of the year that I turned 19. I moved around a bit at this point. I applied to a couple of different colleges, but I found myself in a small college in the eastern half of the United States. I will admit that I chose a major at random- Dumb, right? It felt like dumb luck because I got something that I was interested in. History. I did know something before going to college. I wanted to start my journey in teaching. I figured that I could relate to children who are at the high school level better, so I started to work towards getting my secondary education degree. All four years passed by so fast- Nothing super memorable. I lived in a small town and I didn't have many friends, and I didn't go out much. Something interesting did come up though. I was offered the chance to move to Japan and begin teaching at a small school in Japan. I took the offer as fast as I could. After graduating college, and earning my degree, I moved to Japan. I began teaching in a small private high school in Tokyo. It was fascinating seeing the cultural differences between American high schools; even though I didn't go to one myself, and Japanese high schools. Everything was so neat and orderly. It was perfect for me! I taught at this school for around two years, before I began to look for employment elsewhere. That's when I noticed a job offering at Karakura High School in Karakura, Japan. I decided to apply for the job, and that's where I find myself now.​

In-Character Information

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):

"My full name is Hina Iosua."

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

"I prefer to be called Ms. or Miss."

Given Name(s):

N/A (?)

Preferred Name:

"I'm fine with being called Hina from co-workers, but Ms. Iosua is fine when students address me."

Age (Minimum is 25):

"I am 26 years old!"


"I am a female."

Religious Denomination:

"I am Agonistic."

Marital Status:

"I am very single!"


"I am Hawaiian."

Current Location:

"I live here in Karakura, Japan."

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):

"This would be my third year teaching."

Academic Degree:

"I have a bachelors in History."

Year of Graduation:

"I graduated in 2023."




Secondary Education

Native Languages:

"I speak Hawaiian natively."

Other Languages:

"I can also speak Japanese and JSL."

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:

"I don't, no."

Last edited:


Level 106
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Welcome to the Teacher Faction! You will begin as an Unqualified teacher (UT)

You will be given your roles in the Academics Discord and afterward will be pinged regarding teacher training. Once your training is complete, you will be allowed to start your own classes!

If you have any questions, please DM me or contact me through the teacher channels in the Academics Discord.

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